The guantlet had been thrown, and my response was imminent (if cowardly delayed until Ninot was no longer involved in the thread). Now let us hope that my lack of communication skills and spelling doesn't prove Ninot right...

I wasn't out, i just didn't have the motivation to cheer for Rome no more. I admitt my defeat, Rome is not the heir to the IRL civ3 throne

Now, an interesting new view has come to attention....
What if we use modern china as the example? Do they win?
Well, can China's population truly be taken into their score?
I don't exactly know. Up untill this century, not a whole of of Chinese people could really be considered "speacialist". Too much of the population was into agriculture to do that. And could they all be considered "happy"? or are they merely content?... i dunnno.... i dont think the population matters as much as you might think, personally....
As for teritory and power, I would put England ahead of modern china. from the Elizabethan era till the end of world war 2, it can be argued that England was the strongest nation in the world. It had major control over good parts of Africa, North America (well... USA up untill the revolution), India... and probably some other parts. And its not like they didn't have an influence either. There are reasons why Ghandi spoke english. Even teritories England has pulled out of still speak english to some degree.
Did they keep the people happy? i dont know about that. But they had so much territory, i think the points might add up for the last millenia of the game.