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If real life were Civ3, who'd have the highest end score?

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  • Every space ship, that's able to leave our planetary system, would be the winner, even though it may need several 10000 years to arrive.
    Remember that all the space ship parts would be required to be built before launch. I haven't yet seen a Planetary Party Lounge as any of the features on any space missions launched to date.

    And yes, in any case, the score bonus for an early victory is now getting pitifully low. (2050 - 2002) * 6 = 288 just isn't going to cut it.


    • Originally posted by nato
      Universities have taken PC too far. It was very thick during orientation I remember, and every sociology class I took was swamped in it. It has reached the level of dogma, where anyone who thinks different is not allowed.

      However I have never encountered the things Thrawn05 lists. On the contrary Christianity was pushed at me pretty hard by some vocal people, and a Christian prayer was part of an orientation ceremony.
      You must have went to a private university. I'm talking mostly about state funded universities.

      Originally posted by nato
      IMHO, PC went too far, made people sick of liberalism, and now Christianity and conservatism is on the rise. When conservatism inevitably goes too far, people will get sick of it and liberalism will be back in. Just how I see it!

      I just realized how OT this is, so I'll stop here. If we want to discuss this more maybe we should start a thread in OT.
      You are quite right there about the liberalism. But I fail to see the rise in Christianity.
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


      • Originally posted by Brutus66
        The Romans had a heck of a good run, but the corruption really got them and the barbarians finally sacked the place.
        The Roman empire is living quite well, only it's called the European Union.

        Originally posted by Brutus66
        The only folks who speak latin in my town are the catholic priests. I believe that it is usually referred to as a dead language.
        Who said Latin is a dead language? I want to pop them in head [ad nauseam]. Perhaps before you say Latin is a dead language, take a course in it. You might learn somthing.

        ave atque vale!
        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


        • OK here is my top 5:

          1) China: High culture score, super high population score, high territory score, high military score

          2) Rome: Extremely high culture score, low-medium population score, high territory score, high military score

          3) India: high culture score, super high population score, medium-high territory score, medium military score

          4) America: medium culture score, medium-high population score, high territory score, really high military score

          5) Russia: medium culture score, medium population score, ultra high territory score, high military score

          I prefered Russia to England because the russian held their territory for much longer!

          This is of course thinking in civ3 score terms without considering turns lenghts, but just years

          A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority. -Samuel Johnson- (1709-84), English author
          I love the language, that soft bastard Latin,/Which melts like kisses from a female mouth,/And sounds as if it should be writ on satin/With syllables which breathe of the sweet South.-Lord Byron- (1788-1824), English poet.
          Lump the whole thing! Say that the Creator made Italy from designs by Michael Angelo! -Mark Twain- (1835-1910), U.S. author.


          • You must have went to a private university. I'm talking mostly about state funded universities.
            Yeah I went to a private one, though I'd be surprised if they were very different.

            You are quite right there about the liberalism. But I fail to see the rise in Christianity.
            Well it is just how I see it. I would guess people notice the one they don't agree with more, because it irritates them. I very much think conservatism and Christianity are on the rise. God bless America!

            Like I said, just how I see it.
            Good = Love, Love = Good
            Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


            • Out of the choices given...

              I would definately say the Chinese. They have the land mass for one, and they've had for it a long time, a very long time. Some people have stated colonies make the difference, problem there is most of the colonial nations; England, France, Holland, Germany, Portugal, and Spain have all lost their colonies. China also has two of the great wonders, The Great Wall and Tsun-Tzu's Art of War. The wonders plus other Chinese cultural achievements puts their culture score through the roof.
              "Decadent Western Infidel On Board"
              "Even Hell Has It's Heroes"


              • The Roman empire is living quite well, only it's called the European Union.
                If only they changed their name to the "European Union State of the Roman Empire Revived"... or something like that. Bring back Rome for good!

                But, who we kidding? Just off the top of my head, i can't really fathom the EU being bigger than Rome at its largest extent. I mean, Rome had North Africa, West Asia.... Sure, not all of Germany, and those good nations, but it had more in other places... It would be a step down no doubt

                Sorry, Ninot, but Julius Cesaer knew he had lost the game- that's why he was crying at Alexander's tomb.
                Oh, btw, why is it that everyone mentions me when they find a reason for Rome not to win? Its not nice

                Besides, at Caesar's death (DAMN BRUTUS! IF IT WEREN'T FOR HIM and his lackeys, Mr. Caesar would have SURELY put Rome in full motion to global domination)... uhh, where was I? Oh yeah. At Caesar's death, Rome was bigger than it had ever been previously. There were no need for tears from who could have been, at the time, the leader of the free world ( well it WAS a republic, and a really big one too... no doubt the biggest....)

                He was epileptic, maybe he was just having a seizure at Alexander's tomb? eh?

                Oh yeah, and as for latin, it was a required course for me in highschool (i go to what USED to be a protestant school board, now us Montrealers divide our schoolboards by language, makes more sense). Although i love language, and I truly do love latin languages... i couldn't have passed that course with more than a 60 if I lived as Caesar himself....thank god its a dead language.
                Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                • Originally posted by Ninot
                  Oh, btw, why is it that everyone mentions me when they find a reason for Rome not to win? Its not nice
                  Doesn't it make you feel like a Christian?

                  In other words, better you than me.

                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • Re: Out of the choices given...

                    Originally posted by Ghengis Brom
                    I would definately say the Chinese. They have the land mass for one, and they've had for it a long time, a very long time. Some people have stated colonies make the difference, problem there is most of the colonial nations; England, France, Holland, Germany, Portugal, and Spain have all lost their colonies. China also has two of the great wonders, The Great Wall and Tsun-Tzu's Art of War. The wonders plus other Chinese cultural achievements puts their culture score through the roof.
                    But those wonders don't produce much culture (2 points each, and not in one city). China also doesn't have many city improvements that provide culture. And since during all the ages most citizens have been unhappy (there has always been much unrest!), the high population doesn't generate many points either.

                    Of the western European countries France is probably closest to winning by culture in one city, due to the early city improvements in Paris and a concentration of Small Wonders including the Heroic Epic. They must be far over 10,000 points in Paris already.
                    Then again, both Athens and Rome may already have won without anybody noticing the difference.
                    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                    • I would say egypt (Ægyptum) has perhaps the highest culture rating (perhaps a culture win?). You got the Pyramids, the Great Lighthouse/Library. Sure the later two were destroyed (my only shame at being a Roman in civ3). Seeing that you can build the pyramids before the great wall (in the tech tree), those five pyramids (three at giza, and the other two out there) surly rake some points.
                      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                      • Ahem, ahem... I declare Egypt be disquallified from any possibilities of winning, cuz it is SO obvious that they cheated. EVERYONE knows that the Pyramid is a great wonder, and thus, only one may be built in a game. The Egyptians built many, and thus, they are OBVIOUSLY cheaters or hackers of some kind.

                        this was a good waste of a post....
                        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                        • America a potential civ leader? LOL! LOL!

                          Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                          Interesting posts. I'd like to add 2 cents to the space race victory. In Civ3 that civilization wins, that first launches a spaceship to AC. With no word is mentioned, when this ship shall arrive. Every space ship, that's able to leave our planetary system, would be the winner, even though it may need several 10000 years to arrive. If consider small space probes like Voyager and Pioneer 10 "space ships", the USA would have won.

                          But the question in this thread is, what civ would have the highest score, the other victory conditions are not even mentioned, and if we're pedantic (are we? ), the winner is with no doubt China.
                          Dear Sir,

                          I couldn't disagree more to the first paragraph. As a matter of fact the Russians were the first to succesfully launch in space (Sputnik IIRC?). But in CIV3 the space race is about sending settlers to AC to COLONIZE other planets.

                          None of the major powers have attemted this yet, and it may still be postponed for a long while, as we haven't got the necessary techs yet. Sure, earth's most important powers will keep focusing on space exploration, but not as naïvely as it used to be (meaning spending lots and lots less ...).

                          And who says the Americans will be the first to eventually launch a settler space ship? Recent evolutions and sane thinking can only point out the need of SEVERAL COUNTRIES PARTICIPATING in what has to become the most decisive action humans will accomplish ...

                          And about America, sure it has 'ruled' some time (although a very SHORT time till now, IMO starting after WW2), but it is already losing grip: due to unethical politics (basically only interfering in the world if it's for their own interests --> capitalism, oil), unfair wars and supporting of suspicious governments (again if it's good for their own dollars) and a general lack of humanized vision (refusing Kyoto protocol and thereby striking the majority of earth's opinions right in the heart).

                          America a great civ? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL (ad infinitum) ...

                          If culture = 'We'd do anything to strictly reserve this earth's resources for our own interests and don't give a **** about what other nations think' then, only then, America will win.

                          I'm not a US- hater, really. But it is the highest time that folks in the US realize that their government's politics are more and more criticized all over the globe.

                          Also here in Belgium, the 'capital' of Europe. If Americans keep electing folks as Bush, how'd we have to take you serious? If you keep telling the world 'we don't care about majority approval (again Kyoto) and we head our own way' all I mean is PLEASE DO.

                          IMO America will not be the top for too long anymore, they're making to many big political mistakes, thereby creating too many enemies. China will become a major contender, a unified Europe would produce better culture and ideas than the US, but alas, a unified Europe will still take many decennia to become organized and effective ...

                          Meanwhile I hope some Americans start thinking, before shouting and acting first. America just isn't a role model at all, yet in their eyes (and that's the clue --> only in their eyes) they are.
                          They even think they are doing 'a great' job!

                          Europeans like Americans, but the past decennia the USA are just acting like a drunk 'Cavalier Seul'.

                          Don't like that. Neither do many European leaders ...

                          (sorry for the long post, no offense to you, common Americans ...)
                          " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
                          - emperor level all time
                          - I'm back !!! (too...)


                          • Re: Re: Out of the choices given...

                            Originally posted by Ribannah

                            But those wonders don't produce much culture (2 points each, and not in one city). China also doesn't have many city improvements that provide culture. And since during all the ages most citizens have been unhappy (there has always been much unrest!), the high population doesn't generate many points either.

                            Of the western European countries France is probably closest to winning by culture in one city, due to the early city improvements in Paris and a concentration of Small Wonders including the Heroic Epic. They must be far over 10,000 points in Paris already.
                            Then again, both Athens and Rome may already have won without anybody noticing the difference.
                            I have to disagree. Western historians have always put a Eurocentric spin on all things cultural. For instance, China's first emperor, buried in a man-made earthen mountain larger than all of the Giza Pyramids combined. Inside is supposedly a miniature replica of his empire constructed out of precious metals, stones, ivory, with rivers of liquid mercury. Not far from the mountain is the site where the emperor's terra cotta army was unearthed, I'm not sure on the exact number but I think it's 3000 soldiers.

                            Better not let the Nords hear you say France has the Heroic Epic, considering the entire Viking religion is based on one big heroic epic, lucky for you the Vikings weren't included in Civ III.
                            "Decadent Western Infidel On Board"
                            "Even Hell Has It's Heroes"


                            • Obviously the one and only correct choise is BANANA!

                              No other single thing than banana has affected on the culture of every civilization.

                              Banana above all
                              I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                              • Originally posted by Captain
                                EVERY CIV/COUNTRY is far too dismissive of others, fails to recognize contributions of others, and is generally a nation of flag-wavers. Only in your own country is it harder to recognize. The Americans will claim this for China or Russia, and vice-versa. It is important to recognize that US flagwavers are as ignorant as Chinese flagwavers. We should not denigrate the achievements of other nations simply because we are unfamiliar with them. It is safe to assume that if you are part of a Civ, you will know more about its accomplishments than that of anothers. Thus, you should give more weight to the things you are less familiar with since they represent a smaller fraction of the whole.
                                I couldn't of said it better, I agree all the way.

                                -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

