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two months have passed, and we have no idea when next patch will be released

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  • #76
    Originally posted by jackshot

    Whoa, way of bounds Charles.

    I understand where you are coming from, as I've said before Firaxis seems intent on maintaining options that have no benefit whatsoever to the consumer. This is bad, but on a scale much less than fraud or avarice.

    At some point you have to respect their decisions on how they want to conduct themselves. Chopping their heads off every time they show up isn't conducive to anything, and criticising people for what they don't say is a bad feedback loop.
    Disagree. That was the first time I chopped a Firaxian head. Up until this agrivated point, and about a hundred un-answered emails - I've conducted myself in a very intelligent and mature manner with complete respect toward them. But there is only so much I can take, such as the plea of Lib and Yin. I can't speak for everyone but I'm being ignored without just cause (before my attitude kicked in that is) and Firaxis has displayed sarcasm and ignorance in regards to customer satisfaction issues. But I agree we won't achieve anything by yelling at them, however I feel much better when I do, takes the load off.

    I've always had the philosophy that if it ain't on my hd or available to be on my hd, it doesn't exist. Get past the hype and expectations, you can only judge what is in front of you. Like an imperfect novel, it is what the author says it is until it says something else.
    True, but I'm not going to throw away ten years of playing an excellent game to find out that it's now ready for burial because of some poorly made decisions, I'll see this one through to the end - I'll judge them by their next move, if it flops (IMO) then I will move on to something else, and I will definately never buy a Firaxis product again.

    To their credit, they are here They are trying to support the game as best they can given their parameters. This is good, it is an above and beyond. You take the bad with the good. In reading the tea leaves on this business, I'm not so sure much of the forum criticism wouldn't be better spent elsewhere, but that's another topic. For now, we want them and they want us.
    I completely disagree, I've seen no effort regarding the recent issues at hand. And they've displayed unproffesional attitudes in response to criticism. If you can show me evidence that shows just how supportive they really are, point me to the thread/link/post and I'll check it out, but so far zippo.

    You want Firaxis to be candid, you also have to make a climate they can be candid in. Of course, OTOH giving up all your complaints is not a climate for candidness either - on that subject, I have to admit I just don't get the fanboys at all. Refering here to Kiltdown's rather meanspirited post:

    1 - if complaints are heard, the game can get better. Admittedly the odds are small.

    2 - if not, the game stays the way it is. Thought you liked it.
    I agree that alot of fans, fanboys etc can be rabid and vicious when it comes to communicating with Firaxis, but I assure you that a large majority of this community is really just looking for some acknowledgement for their patience, and a little information as to what they are working on right now would also be nice. But the more they ignore the fans, the more agrivated the situation is going to be, I disagree with you saying that we need to provide a climate for them - I think it's the other way around, they need to provide one for us, they can even throw in terms if they like, as long as we are heard and something is getting accomplished.

    True markets require both sides of the transaction to be selfish. A consumer in a market situation is clearly in a position of demand or not get. So I don't get the downside, why piss on complaints?
    Precisely. I agree that we should be more tolerant and patient toward their business decisions, but on the same token they have to guide us and show us the way. They're the adults in this case (cringe) and we're the kids that need to be tought. I guess the point I'm trying to make is - they should set an example for us to follow!

    - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


    • #77
      Heh.... isn't it funny that Firaxis dosen't have time to answer some basic question us loyal Civer's ask but.... they do have time to come on and write when someone questions them on money ect....??? Yea I think we know that everyone wants to make money and then spend money... I make money at my job and I spend that money on games (civ3) ect.. A little good PR would go along way at Firaxis... OH and I know before someone says "there working on the patch leave them alone" and junk like that, they did have time to write some remarks to a person in this subject.

      God I hope the next patch fixes the stacking problem.. and the naval and aircraft problem.. and.... well we will have to wait and see I guess!


      • #78
        Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
        Jeez, Regis.. I just don't know which one to pick! Can I phone a friend?

        Now that's the way to go! Impressive you can keep the spirit up with all this complaining


        • #79
          And still it remains... nearly THREE months have passed, this game has been on my shelf for two, after having never finished a game, the tedium of the end game being unbearable. There has been no official acknowledgement of the problems I see, i.e. armies can't be transported, units can't be grouped, rediculous recursive city connection logic makes you wait for 2 minutes when you build a city in the late game, etc.,etc. it's all been said a thousand times before to apparently deaf ears at Firaxis. Instead the civ3 webpage is pure marketing pap. Dissapointment is doubled because I think to all of us Sid Meier and Firaxis were names associated with the highest calibur of quality, stability, and fun in PC games. Dissapointment is tripled because obviously some representatives of Firaxis are viewing our concerns, but can apparently only chime in with smarmy, smug little off topic replies, far worse to my mind than no reply at all. Dan - I couldn't give a rats a$$ less what your motivation to go to work in the morning is. All I want to know is:

          -What is Firaxis doing to salvage this horrible incarnation of my all-time favorite PC game series (if anything)
          -When can I expect to try to play this $50 paperweight I bought 3 months ago from a company I used to trust again
          -When will user customization, fully in place in Civ 2, be available as promised in Civ 3

          If there's no official word anyone from Firaxis can give, please keep the snotty one-liners to your collective selves.


          • #80
            Originally posted by habadacus
            Dan - I couldn't give a rats a$$ less what your motivation to go to work in the morning is.

            -What is Firaxis doing to salvage this horrible incarnation of my all-time favorite PC game series (if anything)
            -When can I expect to try to play this $50 paperweight I bought 3 months ago from a company I used to trust again
            -When will user customization, fully in place in Civ 2, be available as promised in Civ 3

            If there's no official word anyone from Firaxis can give, please keep the snotty one-liners to your collective selves.
            Here here!

            - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


            • #81
              Originally posted by habadacus
              And still it remains... nearly THREE months have passed, this game has been on my shelf for two, after having never finished a game, the tedium of the end game being unbearable. There has been no official acknowledgement of the problems I see, i.e. armies can't be transported, units can't be grouped, rediculous recursive city connection logic makes you wait for 2 minutes when you build a city in the late game, etc.,etc. it's all been said a thousand times before to apparently deaf ears at Firaxis. Instead the civ3 webpage is pure marketing pap. Dissapointment is doubled because I think to all of us Sid Meier and Firaxis were names associated with the highest calibur of quality, stability, and fun in PC games. Dissapointment is tripled because obviously some representatives of Firaxis are viewing our concerns, but can apparently only chime in with smarmy, smug little off topic replies, far worse to my mind than no reply at all. Dan - I couldn't give a rats a$$ less what your motivation to go to work in the morning is. All I want to know is:

              -What is Firaxis doing to salvage this horrible incarnation of my all-time favorite PC game series (if anything)
              -When can I expect to try to play this $50 paperweight I bought 3 months ago from a company I used to trust again
              -When will user customization, fully in place in Civ 2, be available as promised in Civ 3

              If there's no official word anyone from Firaxis can give, please keep the snotty one-liners to your collective selves.
              Bravo, good sir.
              Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


              • #82
                Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
                Mark - you're falling into that sucky fan boy trap. First off, it wasn't a rant it was a mature and reasonable statement with a very elementary question that he could have easily answered.
                reasonable statements are usually far from being totally false ("they havent done anything")

                I've been everywhere and I haven't seen hide nor hair of any responses that bare any weight or helpfull information.
                look harder

                I see a crap load of vague responses and smart ass remarks though.
                another mature statement i suppose?

                The patch in which your referring to is MANDITORY considering the game had all those bugs and flaws that needed to be worked out, it's not a "give point" for them.
                glad you NOW agree that they HAVE and ARE doing something(even if you see it is a mandatory)

                if they answered our questions then why are we still asking them?
                cause you dont like the answer?
                Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
       my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                • #83
                  Originally posted by notyoueither
                  OK, I'll bite. Which one?

                  I've seen many posts by Firaxians, but I am missing the connection.
                  second hint: it's got "firaxis" on it's title
                  Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                  Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
         my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                  • #84
                    I don't feel like reading this entire thread.

                    is there a date on a new patch or not?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by bahoo
                      Are you so sure?

                      That's what the original poster asked, only to be followed by a bunch of snide remarks (and poor attempts at humor) by Firaxis.
                      the remarks(if you noticed), where not directed to the original post...

                      Could you please point me to the thread with all the answers?
                      either follow the previously posted hints and/or check out the last chat transcript

                      I don't know if I'd qualify "Is there going to be a second patch?" as an attack.
                      the comment for CharlesUFarley's post, not the original question
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
             my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Dissident
                        is there a date on a new patch or not?
                        there isnt an announced date. things will probably go as with the first patch, e.g. a date will be announced a 4-5 days before
                        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
               my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                        • #87
                          here, i've changed my sig for you guys
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • #88
                            Some general game buying advice, particularly for people who need to watch their blood pressure.

                            Never buy a game until at least six months after it is released. The general reason for this is the current nature of the computer gaming industry. The specifics of that I will leave as an exercise for the student.

                            This leads to several immediate benefits. At that point, 90% of the games distributed today will have had their last production patch released, with the obvious benefits that brings. You will also have a good idea if the game is worth spending the money on from fan websites & activity on fora like these. In many cases the price will have already begun to drop - which, imo, is a leading indicator on the 'quality' of the game. By this time you will also have a good indication on things such as expansion packs & sequels, and can use that info in your decision.

                            Most of the time I stick to this rule. Most of the time when I don't, I end up regretting it.

                            I didn't stick to this rule for the current incarnation of civ. While I don't regret it, I will probably take a break from playing it after I finish my current (and really first 'real' attempt) game. And if my past history is anything to go by, I probably won't pick it up again. I will probably stick to this rule for the next time around.

                            Having said all that, I'll also say that I got my $50 worth.


                            PS Some people on these fora need to seriously re-examine the priorities in their lives. They're investing way too much time & energy in a game. Do some volunteer work. Start walking the dog once a day. Go back to school. Learn photography. Do something that doesn't involve a computer. Have a conversation with a good friend you haven't talked to in a while. Life is too bloody short to waste time in this manner. And it's bad for your health.
                            "There's screws loose, bearings
                            loose --- aye, the whole dom thing is
                            loose, but that's no' the worst o' it."
                            -- "Mr. Glencannon" - Guy Gilpatrick


                            • #89
                              The real question is this: why hasn't the official Civ 3 website been updated in over a month? I think Apolyton is a great site. It's my first source for Civ strategy, tournament games, war stories, etc. It's great for that. BUT IT SHOULDN"T BE MY FIRST SOURCE FOR NEWS FROM FIRAXIS. If Dan et all choose to post to these forums, more power to them, it's greatly appreciated, but there should absolutely never be more pertinent information about the game from Firaxis here than there is on the official site.

                              While the game was approaching release, the website was updated very frequently: Civ Trivia, Civ of the Week, Ask the Civ Team. Has that person been fired? I found those features to be quite entertaining and well-written. It just seems to me that if they were able to update the site that frequently and verbosely prior to release, they should at least be able to post a little weekly update on the official site saying: "Hi, we're still here, we're aware of your concerns, customer satisfaction is our goal, and we value your input." Follow this with a general idea of the direction you're going and most people would be happy.



                              • #90
                                6 months?

                                Never buy a game until at least six months after it is released. The general reason for this is the current nature of the computer gaming industry. The specifics of that I will leave as an exercise for the student.
                                Six months!???!! I've seen game companies that have folded in less than 6 months after releasing a game. I don't think having to wait that long is reasonable.

                                But as someone pointed out, this is a game and it's the game Firaxis made. So learn their rules, have fun, (and exploit them shamelessly) or don't play.

                                The true SUCKY thing about that NOT PLAYING bit is that there are no other good strategy games out now. So if you don't play this, what do you play? I bought Rising Sun Gold for $10, but it's so damn slow, the graphics are only OK and the AI is sucky, plus no MP mode. And I like some RTS games, but my Yuri's Revenge disk is busted.

                                I'm going back to Counter-Strike.

