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  • Re: Re: Privateer

    Originally posted by SerapisIV

    Yeah, but no word or mention on whether its the same privateer concept as Colonization (able to attack enemy Civs without them knowing which Civ you were from, free pirating . Let's hope it's so.
    Ding ding ding, we've got a winner!

    Dan Magaha
    Firaxis Games, Inc.


    • Nice one Dan
      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


      • Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
        Panzer has same mouvement rate as cavalry
        Even if many German tanks could drive
        fast as what.
        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


        • Re: Re: Re: Privateer

          Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
          Ding ding ding, we've got a winner!
          This is outstanding!

          Not being familiar with Colonization, does a successful attack with a Privateer result in the attacking Civ gaining some gold? Or does the unit just get destroyed without ramifications for the attacking Civ?

          Oh, and welcome back Dan. It's been a few days (5, to be exact).
          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


          • I like most of the graphics, but with irrigation and mines on nearly every square, some of those screens look cluttered and not so pretty. Why would computer civs build mines all over grassland, anyway?


            • Dan the Great of Firaxis, would you like to tell us
              something more on the things listed in the PC.IGN article?

              BTW, could you tell us, is there's lots
              of animated graphic elements inside the
              game (of course the units are fully animated,
              and we have seen some of them in action
              in that good Firaxis' Civ III screensaver,
              but we haven't seen so much else)?
              More precisely I'm talking of animations
              in the in-game screens.
              "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


              • With locations being so important now - what with rivers and mountains and resources, I may actually move my settler before starting my first city!
                Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home.

                -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)


                • BTW, because nobody else has yet given
                  comments on the Civilopedia, here's some...

                  1. Clear and easy-to-use design
                  - the information is devided into 3 separate areas
                  - the letter buttons
                  2. The descrition button's location
                  - IMO it would be better under the
                  effect description field, but the current
                  location is good enough

                  Overall - good work.
                  "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                  • Re: Re: Re: Re: Privateer

                    Originally posted by Stuie

                    Not being familiar with Colonization, does a successful attack with a Privateer result in the attacking Civ gaining some gold? Or does the unit just get destroyed without ramifications for the attacking Civ?

                    Oh, and welcome back Dan. It's been a few days (5, to be exact).
                    In Colonization when a Privateer sank another ship (heh, not a definite thing even when veteran!) the Privateer would get to choose which, if any, or the goods the ship were carrying to "pillage". This happened because in Colonization you bought actual units of goods to use, refine and then resell, etc. If there were units on the ship then the enemy ship and all hands were lost.

                    Was a relatively simple game, yet had a lot of good ideas. I wish Sid would go back, redesign the game a bit and re-release it. With improved trade with "Europe" and some other trade I think the game would be a bigger hit today than it was when it was released.

                    Although with the PC "climate" being what it is today the game would probably be banned, even though it was realisitc because it had "converts, convicts, indentured servants", etc.

                    Was always fun to attack a enemy ship and get the guns or rum they were transporting.. heh, even better to get tools, at least until you could make your own.


                    • Originally posted by dennis580
                      Leaders can complete Wonders in a single turn. I think that's alittle too much. If they could complte 50% of the woonder that would be okay, but to atuomatically be able to complte 100% of a wonder in a single turn is a little redicoulous.
                      I expect you'd lose that Great Leader then if you decide to rush a wonder. Decisions, decisions!!!


                      • By the way, glad to see Firaxis did take another good idea from the CtP series (along with armies, and trade goods/resources) and limit movement for certain unit types over certain terrain. No more moving chariots over mountians and tanks through raw (i.e. no road) jungle!

                        Hmm, I wonder if Firaxis was smart enough to divide the units, city building improvements and wonders on seperate "build" tabs for ease of access? Was nice in the CtP series to be able to select the "Wonders" tab to see what you could and couldn't build without having to scroll through the jumbled mess of units, city buildings and wonders ala SMAC, Civ 2 & Civ.


                        • Originally posted by Pggar
                          Have you seen the hidden screens fouded by Thunderfall from Civfanatics


                          Evil French

                          Trade and Trade Routes
                          Yes!!! Blocking trade routes with naval forces is part of the game!!! I wonder if you put a battleship in the harbor if the trade route automatically moves around you (i.e. you have to ring the city with ships) or if just sitting directly offshore will block the trade from getting in.


                          • What struck me as one of the greatest new little features is that we can now change science research in midstream to something else. I will LOVE this feature. In Civ II I would always wish I could change what I was researching when I would hear what other Civs were discovering. This will be a big help in developing a tech strategy that keeps your civ competitive with others.


                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • Re: Re: Re: Privateer

                              Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
                              Ding ding ding, we've got a winner!

                              YeeHah !! Do I get a stuffed animal now?

                              Hey Dan, any word on Soren's future soup ingredient's name? Oh yeah, if you find the time, feel free to post the story or at least the portions that you can actually remember about how the sombrero got it's name. If you really feel ambitious, use that whit of yours that was so evident in the early COTW entries and do it in Dr. Suess format (Maybe I'm asking too much... nah)


                              • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                                What struck me as one of the greatest new little features is that we can now change science research in midstream to something else. I will LOVE this feature. In Civ II I would always wish I could change what I was researching when I would hear what other Civs were discovering. This will be a big help in developing a tech strategy that keeps your civ competitive with others.


                                Well, you could do this from the beginning in the two CtP games...

                                Looks like another good CtP idea was "magically" thought of and implemented at Firaxis.. heh... Not to say that CtP was great, but I am glad some of the good ideas in those games were brought into Civ.

