Wow - this was wild and woolly in terms of trading.
Here's is what happend. GoW had actually put WC on the table last turn - and I somewhat 'unknowingly' accepted. We did not have WC last turn. They had yet to accept the deal, so I thought we were going to talk more. Well they accepted on their turn, so we have it.
Unaware of that little event, jon and I have a chat about strategy, then go into a chat with Trip and BFM of Lux, where we garee to complete the Myst for WC deal.
The save had arrived, so I go to play - and we already have WC. Go back and talk to Trip - discuss the issue - he agrees to 20 gold plus cancellation of the 1gpt remaining on the last deal - 4 turns remaining - 4 gold. At this point - I thought it was worth the good will. Besides, RP is also shopping mysticism around.
This turn, GoW gifted us Horseback Riding, which we now have as well. I sent Mysticim the other way. Now Ghengis also wants contact with GS. This we need to discuss with GS.
So we have WC and HB Riding, and 24 gold for Mysticism. I also gifted WC and Mysticism to GS. It wouldn't let me do it for HB Riding - presumably since we just got it.
Now - we also have RP (Spain) showing up as contact - I'm really not sure how we got that - I presume that GoW gave it to us - but I have not seen it on any of the trade screens - and I actually didnt think we could do that until WE too had writing. They put Mysticism on the trading table.
I sent it back to them unaccepted.
Regarding research - we need to talk to GS - I put it on hold for one turn. Nets us 10 gold. Hey - the treasury gets a little boost of 34 gold over these two turns.
Mathematics was 20 turns at 90%, and Polytheism was 29 turns.
Souther worker moved to wheat tile to begin mining next turn.
Warrior in the north is one move away from the capitol whci will grow next turn - will be interesting to see what happens with disorder.
See F/A in a bit for the communications I think we need after this little flurry of activity. And I thought my birthday was exciting.
Here's is what happend. GoW had actually put WC on the table last turn - and I somewhat 'unknowingly' accepted. We did not have WC last turn. They had yet to accept the deal, so I thought we were going to talk more. Well they accepted on their turn, so we have it.
Unaware of that little event, jon and I have a chat about strategy, then go into a chat with Trip and BFM of Lux, where we garee to complete the Myst for WC deal.
The save had arrived, so I go to play - and we already have WC. Go back and talk to Trip - discuss the issue - he agrees to 20 gold plus cancellation of the 1gpt remaining on the last deal - 4 turns remaining - 4 gold. At this point - I thought it was worth the good will. Besides, RP is also shopping mysticism around.
This turn, GoW gifted us Horseback Riding, which we now have as well. I sent Mysticim the other way. Now Ghengis also wants contact with GS. This we need to discuss with GS.
So we have WC and HB Riding, and 24 gold for Mysticism. I also gifted WC and Mysticism to GS. It wouldn't let me do it for HB Riding - presumably since we just got it.
Now - we also have RP (Spain) showing up as contact - I'm really not sure how we got that - I presume that GoW gave it to us - but I have not seen it on any of the trade screens - and I actually didnt think we could do that until WE too had writing. They put Mysticism on the trading table.

Regarding research - we need to talk to GS - I put it on hold for one turn. Nets us 10 gold. Hey - the treasury gets a little boost of 34 gold over these two turns.
Mathematics was 20 turns at 90%, and Polytheism was 29 turns.
Souther worker moved to wheat tile to begin mining next turn.
Warrior in the north is one move away from the capitol whci will grow next turn - will be interesting to see what happens with disorder.
See F/A in a bit for the communications I think we need after this little flurry of activity. And I thought my birthday was exciting.
