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Moves - Volume 2

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  • Excellent!

    I too concur with you Beta - Even though there is a cow (oh well, not a luxury as we had hoped), Wittlich Ost should still be built on the hill top for the defensive bonus and line of sight advantage.

    Once we have Wittlich Ost up and running - sure, let us then send out a warrior (or even a regular Immortal ) to scout around and get a feel for the "lay of the land."

    I am just so happy that there is no sign of our opponents near to where the city will be going in!
    "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
    "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


    • I say we move our Spear man NW so we can see a little more of the territory.
      "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


      • At this point I don't think we should build on the hill. Well, it could be the best idea but I would like to see what is out there before we decide. Never know, could be much better to move a little in land.
        "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


        • The value is a) its defensive position, and b) more importantly, th command it would give us over the straight. With artillery in both cities, and a few ships, we could charge passage fees.

          That being said - it does not necessarily have to be our next city. The hill further west would make more sense from a grwoth perspective.
          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


          • Actually, I still say to build the city on the coastal hilltop as soon as possible. Here's my reasoning:

            A. Currently, our spearman sees no other player (they don't know we are there).

            B. If we go wondering right now, there is definate chance of running into another civ - then they would know. The gig would be up and this is before we even get a city settled on the landmass.

            C. After we have the coastal city founded - Then we can start to look around for some other good city locations.

            Right now we have the element of settling this section of land before the other players know that we are there. If we go trapseing around the countryside, we could (and most likely would) loose this advantage. I say stick to our priorities - Get the coastal city inplace and then we can go looking for more possible city sites.
            Last edited by Wittlich; March 19, 2003, 13:07.
            "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
            "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


            • Yes - good points Witt. I concur.
              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


              • Macy wrote:
                I say we move our Spear man NW so we can see a little more of the territory.
                I think it is better to move him W. If you look carefully at the screen shots it looks like you can see the edge of hills next to all the plains. It is easier to see the hill bumps in the west but I think I can also see the rough edge of hills to the northwest as well. By moving the spearman to the west he will be two tiles away from all the edges. If they are hills he will be able to see them.

                I like the tile under the cow for settling the city. I know we lose the defensive benefit of the hill but the hill provides little build potential for the city. The hill site is mostly surrounded by water. Water tiles do not provide any shield production. I would rather build under the cow for these reasons:

                1. It is still within 3 of Wittlich so a galley can still cross the staight in one turn.
                2. Better production and growth.
                3. We will need more than one city to solidify our position. Other cities on what appear to be hills to the W and NW will be the true defensive positions. Any units transported will be one tile closer to other cities.


                • 1150bc turn played.

                  Settler produced and moved to Wittlich - will move across and land next turn. City build the turn after. The Voice is now producing spearman. The choices were spearman in 4 or settler in 6. But if we build the spearman first, and let the city grow, we can get the settler in 4 or 5 after that - which is like getting a spearman in two.

                  Wittlich - barracks next turn - and then it starts producing vet troops.

                  Warrior from the voice moved to Miller Town for upgrading next turn. Miller Town produces vet Immortals in 2 turns.

                  Treasury at 133 gold and growing by 10 this turn (the drop is due to the settler being produced).

                  And NeuD sent another blank screen around.

                  We should start the debate of whether the next city goes to Estonia or Bob. I suggest Bob - as it will be a race to claim land. We can probably produce one every 6-10 turns now.
                  Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                  • I agree - For claiming real estate, my vote goes for Bob.

                    PS - The war to liberate Iraq has just started (6:45PM / 1845hrs PST)
                    "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
                    "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


                    • what is the "usual" build order on new cities?
                      Arg-ha Lardgoa


                      • We have no usual build order. We decide on each one based on the situation at the time, and changed as the situation changes.


                        • thats ok, i normally follow a set build order, just makes it easier in the later stages of the game, but the disadvantage to set order is that some city improvements may not be needed in every city.
                          Arg-ha Lardgoa


                          • 1125bc turn played

                            settler crossed over to hill, galley returned to Witt City

                            Voice - growth to size 3 next turn. Spearman in 3.

                            Miller Town - Immortals in 1. Warrior from the Voice last turn was upgraded to Immortals at a cost of 40 gold. This gives us two Immortals set to cross over.

                            Witt City - barracks built. Growth in 3. Immortals in 10 (will be less).

                            Elipolis - spearman in 8 - until we decide on a build.

                            Dissidentville - spearman in 9. We need to discuss a pop rush here as has been mentioned elsewhere.

                            Gold - now 103 plus 10 per turn. Will go up next trn with city growth and new city.

                            And - outline of new GS city is visible to the SW. I will send screen shots when the new city is built - for both north and south.

                            No trades - NeuD sent an empty table again - I think they may be prodding us about the other 20 gold.
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                            • Well I don't think we should give it to them. Obviously.
                              But we should contue talking to them. Perhapse we could use the 20 gold as a barganing chip in preventing them from going to war with us, which is what I am afraid of them doing. Not that I think they will, but they might. And they aren't acting very kindly
                              "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


                              • 1100bc turn played.

                                Screen shots on their way.

                                Spearman on hill moved west one tile - can see - A RIVER!!!! yes!

                                Settler to south of cows pending final debate. I also like the site NW of the cows - on the hill. Same math as Harry presented - great analysis BTW - but gets defensive bonus as well. We have 24 hours or so to decide.

                                But next city is clearly on the hill tile on the coast just north of the river.

                                Two immortals moved two tiles by road to Witt City - caught the galley as it was pulling out - and landed on the continent on the tiles shown - thus revealing the hills.

                                Workers - on some long over-due jobs that Diss and I have discussed for awhile - 1) connecting the luxury and 2) mining the enhanced grasslands tile just north of the Voice.

                                We will need to get a worker across to Bob shortly to start Irrigating. And the southerm most worker needs to improve the grasslands tile SE of Elipolis (mine and road) as the city will need it shortly.

                                Gold at +12 per turn (current treasury is 113).

                                And NeuD sent around the empty trade table again.

                                And screen shots show the new land visible on Bob, and the new GS city boundary.

                                So - we need to finalize the city poll before next turn - and agree on where we build.
                                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.

