Here's a draft of a message I could send to Panzer. I wanted to post it here because of the sensititivity of the issue, and to give everyone the opportunity to pass along comments and suggestions. I honestly don't love the wording of the message itself -- it doesn't give much of a reason for changing what we accepted earlier (Writing once we have it) besides internal team pressures. It's mainly my fault -- I was counting on their warrior being well out before we got writing, so I didn't emphisize the "your warrior must be out first" clause enough. Anyway, I'm trying to play it off as forced by internal team pressures and not a major change, but if anyone has any better ideas about how to describe it (or even how I should word the message), let me know.
We'd like to change the timeline on the deal a bit to make it closer to what we originally planned, before we spent several days haggling. It'd still be the same basic deal, but we'd be more comfortable with the timeline rearranged a bit
. (I'm sorry this wasn't included earlier -- it was a requirement that I didn't forsee).
We'd propose the following changes:
-GoW Gives: Horseback riding now. GoW begins warrior removal.
-Roleplay Gives: Writing for 60g after the removal of the GoW warriors
-Removal of warriors: Moving them north of our northernmost city, Saragossa.
This'd still be the same basic deal -- it'd just move the timeline around a little. Again, I'm sorry I didn't ask about it before -- it wasn't something I'd anticipated, but it seems one or two members of my team won't be satisfied without it :-\.
-- adaMada
It seems that in the chaos, that your PM got forgot about (perhaps because a new page was started after its posting). We have also recieved messages from Togas asking whether you have been active. I now see that you have been waiting for us... Therefore (wording changed to reflect Roleplay having discovered writing):
The Glory of War accepts this deal. The points are:
-GoW Gives: Horseback riding, warrior removal, and 60 gold, all now.
-Roleplay Gives: Writing, now.
-Neither team will trade the tech it acquires for fifteen turns after acquisition.
This deal is accepted by the GoW. When Roleplay accepts it, it will be final.
About the 15 turn non-trading:
I assume this starts at 1950bc, since that is the curent turn. I calculate that 15 turns from that is 1500bc, since the switch from 40 year turns to 25 year turns happens at 1750bc. If I am wrong, please contact me. Thank you.
Also, question: what tech is Roleplay researching now? This is so the Glory of War can chose a different tech and then we can trade.
Foreign Affairs Consul the Glory of War
We'd like to change the timeline on the deal a bit to make it closer to what we originally planned, before we spent several days haggling. It'd still be the same basic deal, but we'd be more comfortable with the timeline rearranged a bit

We'd propose the following changes:
-GoW Gives: Horseback riding now. GoW begins warrior removal.
-Roleplay Gives: Writing for 60g after the removal of the GoW warriors
-Removal of warriors: Moving them north of our northernmost city, Saragossa.
This'd still be the same basic deal -- it'd just move the timeline around a little. Again, I'm sorry I didn't ask about it before -- it wasn't something I'd anticipated, but it seems one or two members of my team won't be satisfied without it :-\.
-- adaMada
It seems that in the chaos, that your PM got forgot about (perhaps because a new page was started after its posting). We have also recieved messages from Togas asking whether you have been active. I now see that you have been waiting for us... Therefore (wording changed to reflect Roleplay having discovered writing):
The Glory of War accepts this deal. The points are:
-GoW Gives: Horseback riding, warrior removal, and 60 gold, all now.
-Roleplay Gives: Writing, now.
-Neither team will trade the tech it acquires for fifteen turns after acquisition.
This deal is accepted by the GoW. When Roleplay accepts it, it will be final.
About the 15 turn non-trading:
I assume this starts at 1950bc, since that is the curent turn. I calculate that 15 turns from that is 1500bc, since the switch from 40 year turns to 25 year turns happens at 1750bc. If I am wrong, please contact me. Thank you.
Also, question: what tech is Roleplay researching now? This is so the Glory of War can chose a different tech and then we can trade.
Foreign Affairs Consul the Glory of War