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Gathering Storm - correspondence & foreign affairs

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  • Well, with the situation on Bob, it's probably time we discuss with GS their view of the situation. As the off-Bobers, we still have a stake in all this. Vondrack, have you chatted with any of them lately? Between the two of us, I'm sure we can catch one of them in a chat room at some point (if poly's chat ever works again, that is...)
    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


    • Originally posted by Tiberius
      Radek, I don't really understand your reasoning. So us proposing the trade is not OK (though it would give us ~ 10 shields and 10 commerce per turn) but them proposing the trade would be acceptable? This doesn't make sense: it is either useful or is not. If it is useful we could propose it or, if it isn't, we shouldn't accept it.
      The reasoning WAS (see below) that if they proposed the deal, its RELATIVE disadvantage (relative disadvantage = more of an advantage for GS than for us) for us would be too small to justify being "difficult to trade with" - so we'd better be easy and take it. BUT as I thought the deal would be helping them more than us, I thought there was no reason to propose it on our own. Forget Bobians ATM, they are second league, there are only two true world powers - us and GS... and I do not really think it is going to change in the foreseeable future.


      Forget everything what I said - I missed one important thing which occured to me only yesterday. I counted the pop points of GS in their "core" area (approximately S of Diss'ville). 95 pop points - that means they can work 95 tiles max. After "assigning" their pop points to tiles they have available, I found out they are almost at their theoretical maximum. Less than 5 useful land tiles left, I think, plus some coastal ones. Which means that more (happy/content) pop will not help them as much as I thought it would, since they will have no fine tiles to assign the new pop points to.

      BTW - their 95 pop points is about 30% more than the 72 pop points of ours. Considering they have almost all their tiles fully improved and that we are working almost exclusively only fully improved tiles, too, I believe their economy has about 30% higher output than ours, at the moment.

      So - in the light of this information, scrap what I said about not actively proposing a lux deal with GS. Even if they used it to raise the pop in all their cities that are, in theory, able to, they would still get roughly the same surplus output as us ('cause we have more and better tiles to work with the extra pop).


      • BTW, Tibi, you said it VERY well in the public thread.

        That post about the GS 'code of honour'.

        (and kudos to Deepo for his reaction)


        • Originally posted by ZargonX
          Well, with the situation on Bob, it's probably time we discuss with GS their view of the situation. As the off-Bobers, we still have a stake in all this. Vondrack, have you chatted with any of them lately? Between the two of us, I'm sure we can catch one of them in a chat room at some point (if poly's chat ever works again, that is...)
          DeepO asked for a chat this evening - to "compare notes" on Bobian affairs. Will report and post the log later on.


          • When and where? (the chat)
            Should it take place after 8 PM GMT, I could (and wish) to participate, if that's not a problem.

            Edit: Poly went down after my post so I suppose there wasn't any chat. Maybe today.
            Last edited by Tiberius; July 18, 2003, 01:13.
            "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
            --George Bernard Shaw
            A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
            --Woody Allen


            • Oops, sorry, Tibi - haven't had a chance to read your post 'cause of the poly being down. DeepO emailed me and we met at Undernet. Here is the log:

              Session Start: Thu Jul 17 22:02:37 2003
              Session Ident: #LeuvenV
              * Now talking in #LeuvenV
              vondrack: hello!
              DeepO: hi there!
              DeepO: let me see if I can lure some of GS in here
              * SirRalph has joined #LeuvenV
              DeepO: maybe someone will join later
              vondrack: hello, Sir Ralph!
              SirRalph: hello
              DeepO: okay... let's get this started
              vondrack: k
              DeepO: first of all, I'm sorry for missing last events
              DeepO: rl, and 'poly..
              vondrack: np
              DeepO: but I felt we needed to chat, certainly with th current war
              DeepO: main reason is that it means we won't have anyone buying techs
              vondrack: true
              * nye has joined #LeuvenV
              DeepO: so... do we race along, taking a lead, or back off a little, saving cash?
              nye: allo
              vondrack: heya, nye!
              nye: hi, vonD
              DeepO: largely this depends on what you want...
              vondrack: we have not discussed that too much, but we lean towards racing along, I believe
              DeepO: we can use the cash, to be honest
              DeepO: okay
              DeepO: so do you have any idea of a favorable ETA?
              vondrack: just as with you, once we have our land railroaded and arty stocked, we will feel safe
              DeepO: and do we want to keep techs from the others in the mean time?
              DeepO: true
              DeepO: (I mean to RR)
              vondrack: if there is nothing they can offer, probably yes
              DeepO: that would include Vox, though...
              DeepO: not sure what your standing on that is
              vondrack: you mean that we would not trade techs to them either?
              DeepO: well.. we still consider them sort of a risk
              DeepO: given our history
              vondrack: we hope for a different history )
              DeepO: so... racing along, keeping techs should be some kind of mutual thing, ideally
              vondrack: honestly - this is a bit difficult to generalize about
              vondrack: as I said
              DeepO: ?
              vondrack: as long as there is something we can get for our techs
              vondrack: something valuable
              vondrack: we are open for trade
              DeepO: like lux, or NAPs?
              vondrack: but we seek something valuable in return
              vondrack: like lux, yes
              DeepO: I can imagine...
              vondrack: I do not care about NAPs too much
              vondrack: you read my posts in the public forum
              DeepO: but who would you trade it from?
              DeepO: I did, and I agree
              DeepO: but don't want to say to much in public
              DeepO: last time, that left me nowhere, and damaged the group
              vondrack: heh, right...
              vondrack: I myself should sometimes better shut up
              DeepO: the problem is, that for the next 10 turns or so, it is very hard to see who would be stable enough on Bob
              DeepO: as NAPs don't mean much, there is no way of knowing where this war is going to end
              DeepO: it looks like RP is on the receiving end, so dealing with them is not so easily
              DeepO: but OTOH, they could very well get GoW or ND to backstab eachother
              DeepO: we feel very wary of trades for the moment
              DeepO: we have some lux deals laid out
              DeepO: and I don't think we'll likely get more... or others
              DeepO: also, we don't think a situation where Bob is divided in 2 civs is good for us
              DeepO: so we're trying to see how we can stabilize them
              DeepO: keep 3 civs on Bob, or at least have 2 battered up civs splitting the continent
              DeepO: but again... this is very tricky, and if possible, we would want to chat with you about where you want to go
              DeepO: so that we can adjust plans...
              vondrack: right, 3-civ Bob is best, agreed
              vondrack: but that is not likely to happen
              vondrack: one of them will go, sooner or later
              DeepO: yes... but we (Lego-GS) can perhaps time them going
              vondrack: RPers made themsleves a target by never keeping their promises
              DeepO: true...
              vondrack: yes... at least, we can try
              DeepO: the thing is, do we want to?
              nye: vonD, are there any conditions that Lego would intervene outside of Legoland?
              vondrack: in the foreseeable future, NO
              vondrack: we are bound by a treaty
              nye: with both nd and gow?
              vondrack: nope, just one of them
              vondrack: but covers the whole of Bob
              nye: it keeps you off bob entirely?
              vondrack: yes
              nye: wow. how long does it last?
              vondrack: just a sec, must check that
              vondrack: damn, I cannot - poly is down
              DeepO: again
              vondrack: I think for like 30 turns at least
              nye: it is ok. would you intervene after that?
              nye: or be inclined to even look at the possibility
              vondrack: maybe, maybe not - whatever I say now would be even less than "informal speculations"
              nye: that is all it could be
              vondrack: well, all that "builder stuff" is just plain nonsense, you know
              vondrack: if we believe it is time to strike, we will
              DeepO: so.. you want to invade us?
              vondrack: LoL
              vondrack: sure - there is no treaty preventing us
              nye: oh oh
              nye: ok. a 2 civ bob is a... concern
              vondrack: well... if there is a 2 civ Bob, we would have to seriously consider our 'peacenik' strategy, that is for sure
              DeepO: I wonder, even if you have a 'no invading Bob' deal
              DeepO: does that mean you are at extremely good grounds with that civ?
              DeepO: in that you would favour them over any of the others?
              vondrack: no, I would not say it that way
              vondrack: it was a deal we made when there was an opportunity
              DeepO: okay... so you wouldn't mind if we possibly intervened?
              DeepO: (very hypotehtically speaking, of course)
              vondrack: hmmm... that's a question I haven't anticipated, honestly...
              DeepO: well... we share concerns about a 2-civ Bob
              DeepO: and while there are a couple of options to keep them from getting there
              DeepO: war is one of them...
              vondrack: I guess we would not feel any need to get involved
              vondrack: though this is mostly my personal feeling
              vondrack: this was never discussed in our forum
              DeepO: also not by e.g. giving loans to one team in need?
              vondrack: ah, that's something different
              DeepO: well.. this is completely of the record here
              DeepO: this certainly is not something we are decided on
              vondrack: no treaty prevents us from doing business with Bobians
              DeepO: but it would be my job as an ambassador to know what you think of this
              DeepO: business.. yes... but at what cost?
              vondrack: well, let me put it this way:
              DeepO: and can we complement each other here
              DeepO: go ahead
              vondrack: there is VERY little love between us and the team in danger
              vondrack: but even if we do not like them, we do not like the idea of a 2-civ Bob either
              DeepO: it's not that we like RP... but it might be necessary
              vondrack: so we may forget our dislikes temporarily
              vondrack: and lend a hand if it improves the chances of a prolonged war of attrition on Bob
              DeepO: agreed... we're in the same situation, sort of
              vondrack: yes, it seems so
              DeepO: well... I'm thinking on options here
              DeepO: one of them is to keep RP alive until we could trade Chivalry to them
              vondrack: so - we may happen to end up helping, economically, a team that would normally be the last one to receive our help
              vondrack: sigh
              DeepO: but in this case, they need money
              DeepO: I feel your pain
              vondrack: yes, they do need money
              nye: i must go. nice to see you vonD.
              DeepO: bye nye
              vondrack: take care, nye!
              * nye has left #LeuvenV
              vondrack: have they contacted you, asking for help?
              DeepO: sort of... but not with too much fire
              DeepO: they know our relation, of course
              DeepO: did they contact you?
              vondrack: yes, they did
              DeepO: it seems Togas is rallying all the help they can get
              DeepO: they probably contacted Vox as well
              DeepO: seeing if they can offer a loan
              DeepO: talking about options: the other option for us would be to go to Bob ourselves
              DeepO: but already, we're not easily defended
              DeepO: and we can miss any ganging up on us
              vondrack: I doubt the time would be right NOW for you
              vondrack: you could actually unite them against you
              DeepO: probably yes
              DeepO: although it is hard to see how good their relations are, even at war
              vondrack: btw - have you sold your map to anyone else?
              DeepO: yes we did...
              DeepO: didn't I tell you?
              DeepO: I think you got the better deal, though
              DeepO: as you were one turn later
              DeepO: getting all the other maps as well
              vondrack: hmmm... then they must know that you will, sooner or later, have to expand overseas
              DeepO: but I don't think you'r mind
              DeepO: you're right, but that was already clear in the beginning
              vondrack: and they also know that your economy is WAY above theirs
              DeepO: as we said from the beginning, we have little land...
              DeepO: true
              DeepO: but we can't blame that Bob doesn't improve their land
              DeepO: be blamed
              vondrack: re: map - I haven't realized we got other maps, too - focused on your land only
              DeepO: as you will have seen, our land is as we said: not very good, but well used
              vondrack: true (re: no blame)
              DeepO: ah...
              vondrack: yep, agreed
              DeepO: did you learn anything shockingly new?
              vondrack: I would not say so
              vondrack: new, yes
              vondrack: shockingly new, no
              DeepO: okay.. so we were right in selling our map at that moment
              vondrack: yes, you could put it that way
              DeepO: it still holds some value, but not too much
              DeepO: hey, but it was cheap
              DeepO: Vox:
              vondrack: ok
              DeepO: they should have be gone next turn, if all's right
              vondrack: yes, that's we have been told
              DeepO: right now (I'm not sure if you have the save yet) they have 1 city remaing
              DeepO: and a couple of troops on our territory
              DeepO: so next turn, you have a new neighbour
              vondrack: yeah, should be exciting
              DeepO: also, we kind of solved the upkeep question
              vondrack: ?
              DeepO: by asking them to stay in anarchy for a while
              DeepO: lots of troops, little money
              vondrack: ah, that's probably a good idea
              DeepO: just in case they're asking for money... you already give the land
              DeepO: so no need to sponsor them too hard
              vondrack: LoL
              vondrack: no worries
              DeepO: bah, right now Vox can't really touch us anymore
              DeepO: so we wish them the best, and hope to keep dealing with them
              vondrack: right
              DeepO: which maybe can be done by giving them a 40-turn tech to research
              DeepO: of course, again in agreement with you
              vondrack: yes, that's an idea we discussed with them
              DeepO: did you mention to any Bobian civ what you were going for?
              DeepO: we didn't, I think
              vondrack: nope - nothing beyond what leaked in the public forum
              DeepO: but probably they are starting on 40-turn techs as well
              DeepO: okay...
              vondrack: I would expect that (40t research), yes
              DeepO: how could we coordinate research to benefit us best?
              vondrack: with us or with them?
              DeepO: I mean coordinate Bob's research
              vondrack: hehe
              vondrack: no idea
              DeepO: we already know you goals
              vondrack: I expect GoW to go after Invention
              DeepO: with their GL prebuild?
              vondrack: yes
              vondrack: looks like a prebuild for Leo?
              DeepO: could be
              DeepO: buut they seem to be stalling it
              vondrack: would make sense
              vondrack: even stalling would make sense
              vondrack: in a way
              DeepO: as long as you're not lossing shields, yes
              DeepO: but when war breaks out? we wouldn't do it as a militaristic civ
              DeepO: did you have agreements for Sistine with all of them?
              vondrack: I do not think I am at liberty to answer your last question
              DeepO: okay, no prob
              DeepO: I could always ask
              vondrack: yes, of course
              vondrack: well, ND would bear the brunt of the RP counteroffensive (if there was any)
              vondrack: so GoW may keep prebuilding...
              DeepO: don't know...
              DeepO: it depends on naval activities
              vondrack: since they are not directly threatened
              DeepO: remember Inchon?
              DeepO: (not to brag, mind you)
              DeepO: but we gave them the idea
              DeepO: we fear...
              vondrack: that was over a distance that was MUCH shorter
              DeepO: not really
              DeepO: but it was easier because of sea waters we could use, avoiding spotting
              DeepO: on coastal waters
              vondrack: yeah
              DeepO: once they have astro... it's basically the same
              vondrack: and where would they get Astro
              DeepO: well.. hence my question
              DeepO: it might be one of the tings you could support them with
              DeepO: buut I'm not sure if it is wanted
              DeepO: (of course, it also threatens us too)
              vondrack: ATM, that (Astro) is not a subject of any negotiations
              DeepO: okay, that's good to hear
              DeepO: so... what about etas for our techs?
              DeepO: if we or you want to support RP with money, we need to delay tech trading
              DeepO: right now, we spend a bit of money on rushing some buildings in place
              vondrack: 10 or 11 turns for us on Astro, I think
              DeepO: and IIRC, we could have banking in 8 or so turns, but would prefer a bit later
              DeepO: 11 turns seem a good start...
              vondrack: ok
              DeepO: come to think of it, we might need a more rigid deal if we want to race ahead
              DeepO: I mean, 20 turn NDA won't be enough
              vondrack: true
              DeepO: if we don't want to start distrusting each other
              DeepO: and we don't want that
              vondrack: I think I did mention that we would be ok with eternal NDAs
              DeepO: yes... but those also have problems
              DeepO: it's not that we anticipate us ever declaring war on you, but you never know
              DeepO: and... even in war, our code would prevent us from reselling
              DeepO: hmmm... tricky...
              vondrack: feel free to come up with whatever suits you best
              vondrack: we are not really in the reselling business that much
              DeepO: us neither
              vondrack: more in the researching business
              vondrack: though still way behind yourself
              DeepO: I don't think so
              DeepO: but again, you never know what happens
              vondrack: yes, agreed
              DeepO: we still lack a couple of buildings...
              vondrack: but with "eternal NDAs" - you can always renegotiate on case by case basis
              DeepO: agree
              vondrack: it is just that you do not need to worry about the NDA running out
              DeepO: which eventually it may lead to anyway
              vondrack: which is the case with GoW ATM, e.g.
              DeepO: also Re: chivalry?
              vondrack: ?
              DeepO: I mean, do you have an eternal NDA on Chiv?
              vondrack: nope
              DeepO: aha
              DeepO: I feared we were the only one able to sell it to RP
              DeepO: Ah, I see... I missed one of your sentences above
              DeepO: sorry about the confusion
              vondrack: np


              • Part II:

                vondrack: hey! I just spotted something!
                DeepO: ?
                vondrack: I have the latest save loaded in the background
                vondrack: checking things as we talk
                vondrack: we can trade!
                DeepO: so... I was right all along!
                DeepO: that should be the lighthouse at work...
                vondrack: that must be the harbour of Zargonia + The Great Lighthouse
                vondrack: we finished the harbour last turn
                DeepO: aha... cool!
                DeepO: care for a lux-lux trade?
                vondrack: well, we have only one lux, but if you are interested, we will go for it, of course
                vondrack: (dyes)
                DeepO: oh, sure, we can always use lux
                DeepO: I'll have to check, but I think you have the choice: incense or furs
                DeepO: maybe even both...
                DeepO: (not against your dyes only, of course)
                vondrack: I think simple 1lux for 1lux would be the way to go ATM
                vondrack: we are not really drowning in money ATM
                vondrack: and with the RP begging for gold...
                DeepO: which would be fine for us, I'm sure
                DeepO: okay, I understand
                DeepO: but neither are we
                vondrack: right
                DeepO: maybe some further rules:
                vondrack: yes?
                DeepO: to try to get a proposal going
                DeepO: we consider lux-lux trades as indefinate
                DeepO: in that we don't keep to 20-turn rules
                vondrack: fine with us
                DeepO: but... in case we would cancel a deal, we give teams a 1-turn warning
                vondrack: ok
                DeepO: just so no cities go into disorder
                vondrack: good
                DeepO: if that suits you, I'll try to get a PM going
                vondrack: yes, sounds like a deal
                DeepO: and you could offer furs this turn,
                DeepO: so that we don't deny each other the lux
                vondrack: dyes?
                DeepO: sorry, dyes
                vondrack: ok
                DeepO: hey, that was an easy deal
                DeepO: it took us about 2 minutes
                vondrack: yeah, you're a pushover...
                DeepO: sorry about that
                vondrack: LoL
                DeepO: I hope 'poly is up again, so we can finalize this in our forum asap
                DeepO: I mean, there won't be any problem, but it has to be ratified by the team
                vondrack: ok, I will post about it in our forum, too
                DeepO: great
                vondrack: same with us
                DeepO: anything else?
                vondrack: prolly not
                DeepO: I'm a getting a bit empty here
                vondrack: ok, let's get some sleep then
                DeepO: fine... I hope to see you soon
                vondrack: give our best regards to your people
                vondrack: take care
                DeepO: and I hope I'll get back to my Sundays
                DeepO: sweet dreams!
                vondrack: you too
                vondrack: bye
                * DeepO has left #LeuvenV
                Session Close: Thu Jul 17 23:14:52 2003
                So, I am adding the lux trade order to the turn plan.


                • Few comments:

                  RPers will not go easily. Both us and them consider it a must from the strategic PoV to support them in the war. GS to the extent of considering a direct military involvement.

                  Luxury trade negotiated - I changed my mind and proposed it myself (because of finding out GS was close to having their territory almost "fully saturated" with labourers). Simple 1-for-1, no expiry date (that is very good for us, as the profit will be higher and higher for us).


                  • Excellent, that lux trade is a real bonus!

                    From a bit of research I don't think RP will be disappearing any time soon. Outlying cities are vulnerable but I imagine they will be able to draw back into the older cities and hold out for a good long while. The longer the better really....
                    Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                    • Here is the formal contract with GS:

                      Hello Vondrack,

                      I hope this gets to you in time (i.e. before 'poly crashes down again ): a more formal agreement on our lux-lux trade. It includes the 'special' conditions of the trade, as mentioned in last chat. If any of this does not suit you, please let me know, and we can regenotiate. (although it may be best to contact either Arrian or nye in that case, I will probably not be able to respond for at least the next 24h)

                      1. Legoland and Gathering Storm agree to a mutual luxury deal. Legoland will provide dyes, getting GS's furs in return (if you rather want incense, let us know).

                      2. This deal is considered indefinate, and is not bound to the 20-turn limits PtW defines.

                      3. Both teams are free to cancel the deal at any turn, for whatever reason (which they are free to state). However, if this deal gets canceled, the cancelling team should warn the other team one turn ahead, so they can prepare for the loss of happiness in their cities, avoiding any of these to fall into disorder.

                      4. As always, the spirit of this agreement is more important then its exact wording, in case any doubts arise, renegotiation between the teams should occur

                      Ratified by Gathering Storm
                      kind regards,
                      I am going to sign and return it to DeepO within a few hours.


                      • Stick with the furs, I say.
                        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                        • Whatever luxury they have LESS of IMHO - to cut down on the number of civs that get it.

                          As I said in the RP thread, clearly GS has the same concerns that we do re 2 civ Bob and trying to extend the war. So we should coordinate with them on this - it is in both our civs best interests - and if GoW and ND find out - tough - are they really going to take on RP plus the 2 strongest civs in the game? - I doubt it... and the truth is very soon now GS+us combined (even not including our Vox friends) will be stronger than all of Bob civs combined.

                          Regarding gold or speeding up tech, I would switch between the two - clearly we need to continue to upgrade our forces (which will be even more expensive when gunpowder comes around) - but pulling more ahead of the Bob civs would be good as well. So I would switch between these two strategies - right now Banking and Astronomy are important to us - but for less important techs, we can afford to slow down a bit.


                          • Sharpe makes some very good points. We need to really pump up RP in coordination with GS, but lets stick to what we can afford. We need gold for upgrades and rush builds, but we also want to maintain a tech lead. That does not leave much gold for war loans.

                            Let's face it...supporting RP during the war is probably our 4th priority (upgrades, research, growth,...) or maybe even a lower priority. So these other things come first and then we can help RP with what is left.



                            • No good news today, gentlemen...

                              Session Start: Mon Jul 21 14:07:04 2003
                              Session Ident: #blabla
                              * Now talking in #blabla
                              vondrack: hello!
                              DeepO: hello there!
                              DeepO: thanks you could make it in such short notice
                              vondrack: no problem - I am working from home
                              DeepO: but I think it will interest you...
                              vondrack: ok, go ahead
                              DeepO: ah, okay
                              DeepO: the past few days, we have been discussing how to help RP
                              DeepO: and stabilize Bob.
                              DeepO: as we didn't want to give them money,
                              DeepO: and after seeing their military situation (at least to as far as they want to disclose it)
                              DeepO: we decided to intervene...
                              DeepO: we currently have the 2 cities in our position that were most threatened by Nd and GoW
                              DeepO: if they attack us, we go to Bob
                              vondrack: you mean possession?
                              DeepO: not sure how it will move after that
                              DeepO: yes... they were gifted by RP
                              vondrack: ah, I see
                              DeepO: they were certain losses
                              vondrack: which ones?
                              DeepO: Santiago on the ND side
                              DeepO: and Bilbao on the GoW side
                              vondrack: hmmm... we were offered Santiago and Leon, IIRC
                              DeepO: Leon?
                              vondrack: I think so
                              DeepO: strange... but it could be that this will continue
                              vondrack: let me check
                              DeepO: did you accept?
                              DeepO: thanks
                              vondrack: nope
                              vondrack: we cannot
                              vondrack: (treaty obligations)
                              DeepO: ah, yes
                              DeepO: forgot about that
                              DeepO: actually, we never agreed to not go to Bob
                              DeepO: but there are treatie(s) in place
                              DeepO: can't disclose them, but it will be interested if they get broken
                              vondrack: yes, Santiago and Leon it was
                              DeepO: Bilbao is a certain loss, but it will autoraze if attacked
                              DeepO: we're mighty curtious to see if GoW would do it
                              DeepO: ND we kind of expect to attack us
                              DeepO: I want to stress that this should not hamper other plans
                              DeepO: I mean, for the moment, we're still on par with research
                              vondrack: ok
                              DeepO: at least that's what we hope
                              vondrack: btw - no problem, if you slow down a bit
                              DeepO: well... one or 2 turns could work
                              DeepO: it would help, of course
                              DeepO: but our larger goal still is to speed along in research
                              vondrack: we do not need Banking on the very same turn we finish Astro
                              vondrack: so - feel free to set the pace that suits you best
                              DeepO: okay, that's nice
                              DeepO: thanks!
                              vondrack: hmmm... this is big news, it really is
                              DeepO: if I can ask, does this 'invasion' of Bob worry you?
                              DeepO: well, we wanted to let you know before uyou would find out on the public forum
                              vondrack: well, at least, it is something we have to consider thoroughly
                              vondrack: my first impression would be 'worried', yes
                              DeepO: main goal is to stablize Bob, and how the RP situation looked, it was a lost cause
                              DeepO: I can imagine... sorry about that
                              vondrack: though there are so many consequences that we will have to mull them over a bit
                              DeepO: buut we needed to do something, or we would be facing a 2-civ Bob in less then 10 turns
                              vondrack: if you believe it is the best way, there certainly must be good reasons to do so
                              DeepO: please contact me whenever you want more info
                              vondrack: ok, I will
                              vondrack: thanks for the heads-up
                              DeepO: well... it seems RP was defending our coast as well
                              DeepO: and so have verry few defenders in place
                              vondrack: did they submit any evidence of what they say?
                              DeepO: we've seen screenshots, yes
                              vondrack: ok
                              DeepO: otherwise I don't think we would have gone for it
                              vondrack: right, yes
                              DeepO: and as much as we distrust RP
                              DeepO: we don't think they will doctor screenies
                              vondrack: I wonder why is their powergraph so mighty then?
                              DeepO: amount of cities...
                              DeepO: plus, they have a large number of troops
                              DeepO: but those are spread out
                              DeepO: and can't defend adequately against 3-move UUs
                              vondrack: yeah, that's true - they have overstretched big time
                              vondrack: pure greed, I would say
                              DeepO: in hindsight, they needed to defend our coast
                              DeepO: indeed (to the greed)
                              DeepO: of course, we will not do this for nothing
                              DeepO: we might end up with a couple of cities in RPs land
                              vondrack: oh? you will not???
                              DeepO: well... stablisation is one point
                              DeepO: but we're not foolish either
                              DeepO: as you said before, we need to have some expansion
                              DeepO: buut for the moment, all territory discussion revolve around one point:
                              DeepO: we take territory which makes us safer
                              DeepO: meaning we avoid RP having 1-turn crossings to Stormia
                              DeepO: what we will get will be horribly corrupt, though
                              * opd has joined #blabla
                              DeepO: hi opd
                              opd: lo
                              vondrack: hello!
                              vondrack: does this include New Madrid?
                              DeepO: I just told Vondrack about us getting a couple of cities
                              DeepO: perhaps... not for the moment
                              opd: cool
                              DeepO: but we might need it if we are going to land troops
                              DeepO: and take on one of the other teams...
                              DeepO: discussion is still on-going
                              DeepO: and we're not looking to become one of 2-civ Bob
                              DeepO: if forced... well... who can say
                              vondrack: well, not much else to say ATM, I guess
                              vondrack: I have to take this to the team
                              DeepO: yes, please do
                              DeepO: but keep us informed of what you think
                              DeepO: we highly value your opinions
                              DeepO: and will proceed according to them
                              vondrack: ATM, just one thing:
                              vondrack: be WARY of RPers
                              opd: how do you mean?
                              vondrack: 'accusations' read in the public forum were not based on nothing
                              vondrack: they promised help right and left
                              DeepO: Vox?
                              vondrack: never kept their word
                              DeepO: the point is, we can't let this happen
                              vondrack: understood
                              DeepO: the only other option would have been to attack RP
                              DeepO: but gangin up on an already won war... not our style
                              vondrack: all I say is: stay vigilant...
                              opd: have they broken their word to you before?
                              DeepO: at least this will make it interesting
                              vondrack: opd - I could not formulate it this way, no
                              DeepO: Do you have more info on Vox?
                              DeepO: as we would want them to understand this as well
                              vondrack: with Beta gone for vacations, our contact are sparse these days
                              vondrack: the game is slow anyway
                              vondrack: we expect their arrival at Legos Minor
                              DeepO: yes, but heated
                              vondrack: yup
                              DeepO: next turn, everything should be ready
                              DeepO: we made the final step this turn
                              vondrack: ok then
                              vondrack: I will report to my team
                              vondrack: and let you know if there is anything
                              DeepO: ok, thanks for hearing us out!
                              vondrack: worth further discussion
                              DeepO: very true
                              DeepO: we'll leave you to work, then
                              vondrack: my pleasure - and thanks for keeping us informed
                              vondrack: have a nice... errr, I mean: take care
                              DeepO: bye
                              vondrack: bye
                              Session Close: Mon Jul 21 14:30:24 2003
                              I have to mull this over before posting any comments...


                              • Well, there's not too much we can do about it. Baiscally nothing, at least not now. We shall see how things are going and in the end we might help ND or GoW, with technology for example. This would let them concentrate on the military exclusively.

                                GS fighting against GoW and ND is good, at least until one of them gains too much.

                                We don't have the military right now to intervene, but should GS gain too much land, we could send troops to help one of the Bob civs. This is however a long term business. For now we can't do more than wait, watch and build up our military.
                                "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                                --George Bernard Shaw
                                A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                                --Woody Allen

