OK, here is a draft of what I believe we should send to RPers:
Be so kind, read through the letter carefully and give me your feelings, please. Can we send this to them? Does this improve or spoil our cover?
Dear BigFree,
I am writing this message not as an official communiqué from Legoland, but more as a personal letter - even if it does contain an official message from Legoland. It is just that a 'roleplaying' PM would be one of those that come out as an almost blank sheet of paper once run through a truthometer...
I mentioned some possibilities of how Legoland could help Spain - but made it clear that the team would have to approve them. Well... we have had a big discussion in our forum. I will try to explain our main concern - and the main reason of our help being very limited, if any at all.
Our emotions and past grudges with Spain aside, we have a major problem with this war. And consequently, with helping Spain. This war can potentially (but quite likely) lead to GS becoming THE world power, unrivalled by anyone else. If GS conquers a fair share of Bob, they will become too much of a threat even to us - and we made it clear to them we would join the war against them if that (GS grabbing too much of Bob) was going to happen. We are closely watching the events on Bob with a lot of worries.
Now, even though Spain is still standing and fighting, we do not believe you would be in a position to say 'no' if your saviour ally asked for this or that. It may well be a question of your very survival, so you would naturally have to comply - and we could not hold it against you. Alas, this is where the issue of gifting you Astronomy becomes a problem for us.
We were quite happy to have our previous tech deal with GS, involving Astronomy from our side and Banking from GS, cancelled at their request - simply because of security reasons. With GS getting heavily involved on Bob, we cannot rule out us being forced into the other camp, even if to a limited extent only, if things 'go wrong' (wrong from our PoV, of course).
Our western coast is safe, protected by the ocean, until GS (or anyone else) acquires Navigation. Which helps us big time - Lego military is not stellar ATM and being able to settle the rest of our continent without the need for extra protection measures is indeed welcome.
And if it ever came to the point we would feel forced to enter the war against GS (deliberately using "against GS" here, rather than "on GoW/ND side", because that's how we'd understand it), we would be very concerned about GS getting Astronomy and Navigation from you, because from that moment on, they would be directly threatening our exposed western coast.
Additionally, we fear it would take you a long time to research Navigation anyway, making the value of the gift somewhat arguable, as it's real benefit would be uncertain and difficult to reap, while it's potential downside would be present from turn 1.
So - to make the long story short. It's the involvement of GS that makes us hold back on gifting you Astronomy. Unfortunately, in our eyes, by helping you this way, we would help (at least potentially) GS, who are ATM the obvious candidate for winning the game.
There is a poll about providing you with our dyes open which should close in less than 48 hours. If the notion passes (currently not 100% obvious, even if there are no 'strategic' reasons to be considered here), we will send you dyes as accepted on our next or next but one turn.
Best regards,
vondrack, the FAM of Legoland
I am writing this message not as an official communiqué from Legoland, but more as a personal letter - even if it does contain an official message from Legoland. It is just that a 'roleplaying' PM would be one of those that come out as an almost blank sheet of paper once run through a truthometer...
I mentioned some possibilities of how Legoland could help Spain - but made it clear that the team would have to approve them. Well... we have had a big discussion in our forum. I will try to explain our main concern - and the main reason of our help being very limited, if any at all.
Our emotions and past grudges with Spain aside, we have a major problem with this war. And consequently, with helping Spain. This war can potentially (but quite likely) lead to GS becoming THE world power, unrivalled by anyone else. If GS conquers a fair share of Bob, they will become too much of a threat even to us - and we made it clear to them we would join the war against them if that (GS grabbing too much of Bob) was going to happen. We are closely watching the events on Bob with a lot of worries.
Now, even though Spain is still standing and fighting, we do not believe you would be in a position to say 'no' if your saviour ally asked for this or that. It may well be a question of your very survival, so you would naturally have to comply - and we could not hold it against you. Alas, this is where the issue of gifting you Astronomy becomes a problem for us.
We were quite happy to have our previous tech deal with GS, involving Astronomy from our side and Banking from GS, cancelled at their request - simply because of security reasons. With GS getting heavily involved on Bob, we cannot rule out us being forced into the other camp, even if to a limited extent only, if things 'go wrong' (wrong from our PoV, of course).
Our western coast is safe, protected by the ocean, until GS (or anyone else) acquires Navigation. Which helps us big time - Lego military is not stellar ATM and being able to settle the rest of our continent without the need for extra protection measures is indeed welcome.
And if it ever came to the point we would feel forced to enter the war against GS (deliberately using "against GS" here, rather than "on GoW/ND side", because that's how we'd understand it), we would be very concerned about GS getting Astronomy and Navigation from you, because from that moment on, they would be directly threatening our exposed western coast.
Additionally, we fear it would take you a long time to research Navigation anyway, making the value of the gift somewhat arguable, as it's real benefit would be uncertain and difficult to reap, while it's potential downside would be present from turn 1.
So - to make the long story short. It's the involvement of GS that makes us hold back on gifting you Astronomy. Unfortunately, in our eyes, by helping you this way, we would help (at least potentially) GS, who are ATM the obvious candidate for winning the game.
There is a poll about providing you with our dyes open which should close in less than 48 hours. If the notion passes (currently not 100% obvious, even if there are no 'strategic' reasons to be considered here), we will send you dyes as accepted on our next or next but one turn.
Best regards,
vondrack, the FAM of Legoland