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Roleplayers - correspondence & foreign affairs

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  • Wait a minute... what the heck does Togas mean they have the save? Darekill just posted in the savegame thread that it's on to GoW. And considering the situation, they might take a fair amount of time before RP has to worry about the clock.

    Edit: I need to learn to read. Darekill was just posting when they sent the save earlier in the day. It is possible GoW had a quick turn as wars go.
    Last edited by Kloreep; July 18, 2003, 01:38.


    • And another big fat NO from me. That plan is a total nonsense - not only it has zero benefit for us, but it harms our interests a LOT.

      Let's send them 100 gold for a future 20-turn supply of luxury, but that shall be it.

      P.S.: I am going to post my yesterday's chat with DeepO (GS) shortly. You will find their stance there.


      • I believe we are in agreement re: our help to RP, so I have just PMed BigFree with the following proposal:

        Honorable Ambassador,

        Apologies for not responding sooner - Poly was down and I needed to check some stuff in our forum + consult with the Senate of Legoland.

        The treaty that prevents us from getting involved is not a typical NAP... it is more of a "Neutrality Guarantee", I'd say. Simply put, we are not allowed to enter the continent of Bob. Because of that, accepting the city transfer your ruler proposed to our President last night would be a breach of this treaty, which is regretfully out of question.

        As for your request for emergency funding... we are currently not exactly drowning in gold, but we will do our best to accomodate you. ATM, the most we can put together is 100 gold. At this very moment, there does not seem to be anything you could provide us with in return, but we would strongly prefer making this sort of a trade instead of a loan only.

        We shall discover Astronomy in ~10 turns. Thanks to a recently finished harbour, we'll be able to start trading luxuries and resources then. We would be looking to get one luxury (ivory or silk?) for 20 turns in return for the 100 gold (as soon as the trade becomes technically possible). Would this be acceptable for Spain?

        With the best regards,
        vondrack, the FAM of Legoland


        • There is one more thing we could propose, but there's no need to rush it: a luxury trade. (dyes for the other luxury). Likle I said, there's no need to rush it, since we don't know how many luxuries RP will still have in 10 turns from now, but the idea is worth to be taken into consideration.
          "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
          --George Bernard Shaw
          A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
          --Woody Allen


          • Will these guys ever learn?

            Hi Vond

            So I guess you guys could have guessed what was happening on Bob if ND asked for a 'neutrality guarantee.' I wished you had let us in on that.

            How about 100 gold now and 50 later. Perhaps in 3 turns?

            Trying to haggle even now... I really, really dislike them... here is my response:

            Hi, BigFree!

            So I guess you guys could have guessed what was happening on Bob if ND asked for a 'neutrality guarantee.' I wished you had let us in on that.
            Ummm... first: I've never said it was ND we had a treaty with, just like I've never said it was not ND. Second: we DID try to point out there was something brewing out on Bob... just that we ourselves had very vague idea what it was. The treaty was signed many turns ago and the 'neutrality clause' (the treaty reads something like: "...promises to not enter the continent of...") that is now turning out to be very important was actually a counter-clause for one we proposed regarding our own landmass (and as such was nothing we would have considered too important).

            How about 100 gold now and 50 later. Perhaps in 3 turns?
            The offer we made was really the best one we could afford ATM (actually, we offered slightly more than what was the "acceptable/reasonable maximum"). Giving you 150 gold would make us run into troubles with our own plans (research, tech trades, builds etc.). Besides, while 100 gold for 20 turns of your luxury in ~10 turns is a so-so deal, 150 gold for 20 turns of your luxury would be a bad deal for us. Keep in mind we have little guarantee you will be around and able to fulfill your part of the deal, when it becomes technically possible. The risk is not negligible.

            So... the offer stands. 100 gold now for 20 turns of your luxury later.

            Best regards,


            • Keep in mind we have little guarantee you will be around and able to fulfill your part of the deal, when it becomes technically possible. The risk is not negligible.

              But, all in all, you hit upon all the points you needed to. Don't worry, though, I'm sure they'll just ask us for something else...
              I make movies. Come check 'em out.


              • Well, I can understand them. They must be desperate.
                "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                --George Bernard Shaw
                A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                --Woody Allen


                • I would understand if they asked for 50 (or even 70) more gold and offered an extra luxury - that I would consider perfectly ok (and frankly, I would consider it). But trying to get more gold while offering NOTHING extra from their side is just... dunno... it is not what I consider appropriate. It is not they would have nothing to offer - they DO have more luxuries... it is just they are trying to get a lopsided deal. AGAIN. And they feel surprised they have become the target...

                  And my 'ouch' note - do you think it was too harsh? I was thinking about that they will still have to:

                  a) be alive
                  b) posess the luxuries
                  c) posses an unblocked harbour

                  All that for at least 30 turns from now.

                  I apologize if I exceeded my mandate - I felt this was rather appropriate...


                  • No, it was appropriate.

                    Clearly RP has no clue about how arrogant they have been in this game - either that or they don't care.

                    If I were in RP's shoes, I would be willing to sell 2 luxuries for upfront gold - besides with 2 less customers to sell to, why not?

                    Clearly GS agrees with us regarding the concerns about a 2 civ Bob and to try and lengthen the war. We should work closely with them on this once we are sure that it isn't a GS ruse (not likely given their pattern of behaviour towards us and their code of honour)


                    • I thought the Vondracks comment was very much appropriate. If they question it, then just bring up the 3 points (alive, available lux., and a harbor) and there can be no argument.

                      Again, I say it is important to prop up RP (in coordination with GS), but it is no where near our top priority. We should not sacrafice our other goals for RP.


                      • And my 'ouch' note - do you think it was too harsh?
                        No, I didn't think it was too harsh. In fact, I think it was quite accurate. I just meant that, well, they probably didn't like hearing it even if it's true. No one likes being told that you don't want to trade with them because they may not be around long enough to make it worthwhile

                        The possibility of GoW turning around and backstabbing ND seems to be decreasing by the day, as it has been discussed in the public forum. Then again, I guess it could be some giant ruse between GoW and RP to throw ND off guard, but that seems highly dubious at this point... I guess the next few turns will tell all...
                        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                        • Received from RP just now...

                          Lego, Lego, Lego

                          Now that most of my work with GS seems to be done and there seems to be no activity in RP-Lego relations of late (Aidun is still inactive and BF is heading out of town), I'm switching gears and seeing if I can help here again just like old times.

                          Speaking of that, are Nimitz and Spiffor still around at all? Any of my other DIA buddies from the SPDG? I've been gone for months and I haven't seen hide nor hair of those guys since I got back. I'd love to just talk to them about old times or something if they're around at all (which unfortunately doesn't seem to be the case ).

                          As for RP-Lego relations, we need to have a chat. With GS entering the conflict, the odds have evened up a bit, but are still uneven. We are still facing two civilizations on our own continent with tall stacks of 3-move UU's and in their GA's. We lost a considerable number of units to ND last turn, though we did damage most of their Ansars, forcing them to take it slow for a bit.

                          We're thinking that Legoland is probably best served by building like crazy while the rest of the world burns and we certainly respect that, but perhaps you'd also like to keep RP Team from being wiped out to at least keep the conflict good and bloody longer (giving you guys a long-term advantage because you can keep building).

                          In terms of a builder strategy, this war is the best thing that could have happened to you guys, but if it ends too quickly in an RP defeat because GS can only help us so much, then attentions will inevitably turn toward the ever-growing Lego at some point (sorta like the ISDG).

                          Please let me know times you or others from Lego might be available for chat and I'll see if I can get something together with Togas and myself, at the very least.

                          Let me know.


                          - Arnelos
                          Heh, I guess we've got a bit of a suprise for them
                          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                          • While Vondrack was chatting about important stuff to our new allies, I was having a few words with RP, raising false hopes etc

                            Here is the log if you are interested although they give away little that we didn't already know....

                            * Now talking in #castle
                            * NuclearisWinterius sets mode: +o redstar1
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Welcome
                            [redstar1] thank you
                            [NuclearisWinterius] can we wait a bit until togas comes?
                            [NuclearisWinterius] hehe the name of the room is an homenage to legoland
                            [redstar1] lol we are honoured
                            [redstar1] sure no probs
                            [redstar1] i think vondrack is a bit busy atm ...
                            [NuclearisWinterius] call whoever you feel like
                            [redstar1] i'm sure he'd like to talk to you too
                            [redstar1] well i can only get a response from myself
                            [NuclearisWinterius] though i don´t think calling ghengisfarb a good idea, really
                            [redstar1] lol
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Are you the current leader of legoland? I am a bit un-updated regarding your team, sorry
                            [NuclearisWinterius] I think actual is zargon, right?
                            [redstar1] oh no, Zargon is the president
                            [redstar1] i hold no ministerial post, I am shall we say, the Cabinet Secretary
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Well, anyway you can surely bring the topic to your forum later on
                            * Togas has joined #castle
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Hello togas
                            * NuclearisWinterius sets mode: +o Togas
                            [Togas] hello
                            [Togas] I'm currently at work right now
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Well, are you waiting someone from Lego redstar?
                            [Togas] so I won't be extremely talkative, trying to get some files finished before lunch
                            [redstar1] hiya
                            [redstar1] no, go ahead
                            [redstar1] i'll post log anyway
                            [redstar1] so guys, what can we do for you
                            [redstar1] NW mentioned a strong need for gold...
                            [NuclearisWinterius] We are really in need of gold, but we could use techs too
                            [NuclearisWinterius] We need something to allow us to make up for the productivity disadvantage we are facing, so maybe techs could help
                            [Togas] let's be frank. I don't believe a tech or two is going to stop the Ansars hordes from sacking yet another city.
                            [redstar1] right, i'm not aware of the tech situation to be honest. what are or were you researching?
                            [Togas] researching nothing. All of our gold goes to rushing units
                            [redstar1] what sort of help are GS giving?
                            [Togas] more help than Lego.
                            [redstar1] to be frank we aren't in any position to help militarily
                            [Togas] we know.
                            [redstar1] so what that leaves is gold and tech
                            [NuclearisWinterius] So, you can always lend a hand gold-wise, eh?
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Does Lego have Navigation?
                            [redstar1] no, not yet
                            [redstar1] navigation aint gonna help you though
                            [Togas] Conqustador would allow us to at least get a GA started, maybe boost production, narrow the gap a little.
                            [NuclearisWinterius] it takes us nearer to our UU, wich is what we seek
                            [redstar1] oh yes, i understand
                            [redstar1] you obviously haven't had a Ga yet then
                            [Togas] nope
                            [NuclearisWinterius] not yet
                            [redstar1] having a look at our treasury, we have a little over 100 gold
                            [NuclearisWinterius] more than we have, surely
                            [redstar1] i imagine so
                            [redstar1] you rushing units?
                            [Togas] I'll be frank -- any gold you give us we'd be exceptionally grateful. It will go to rushing pikes and giving us a better chance to hold out agains the Arab hordes
                            [NuclearisWinterius] not only but also
                            [Togas] however, more than just gold, we could really use intelligence help.
                            [redstar1] ahhh intel we most likely have
                            [NuclearisWinterius] We are taken to believe lego ahs a large navy, right?
                            [redstar1] what exactly are you looking for?
                            [redstar1] if by large navy you mean a galley then yes
                            [NuclearisWinterius] screenshots from both of the beligerants´s territory
                            [Togas] nuc -- hold on a sec.
                            [Togas] I'll lay this out.
                            [NuclearisWinterius] ok
                            [redstar1] cool
                            [Togas] Lego knew the war was coming and never hinted about it to us. Signed pacts with ND that forbid you from getting involved.
                            [redstar1] i don't think thats fair
                            [redstar1] we had no indication of a move against RP
                            [Togas] it is.
                            [redstar1] and our treaty with ND forbade any lgo presence on Bob
                            [redstar1] lego
                            [redstar1] that was signed a long time ago
                            [Togas] there is obviously politics going on in the background, talks between the teams.
                            [redstar1] and to that end we have proceeded with a policy of not going overseas
                            [redstar1] of course, all teams talk to each other
                            [redstar1] but i'm not aware of any indication given of an attack on spain
                            [redstar1] the first we knew was the official announcments
                            [Togas] I don't know the whole of it, I don't claim to, I know that you guys are intelligent guys and are more keyed into what is going on with our enemies than we are
                            [redstar1] we like to think we have good relations with all the teams
                            [Togas] we also thought the same thing, but what teams say to your face and what they say behind your back are two different things.
                            [redstar1] well thats been true in this game before
                            [Togas] in any event, I'm sure Lego knows that this war is quickly becoming a world war. With GS cities we gifted to them being attacked by GoW, they are now at war with GoW.
                            [redstar1] all i can tell you is what has been reported in our public forums and discussed in the chat rooms
                            [redstar1] and to my knowledge we weren't aware of it
                            [redstar1] to be honest we would have expected ND to look North
                            [redstar1] yeah, it does concern us
                            [Togas] What is going to happen in the next few weeks is clear -- GoW is going to try to get you guys involved.
                            [redstar1] we have no wish to get involved in a conflict, but at the same time our friends are in need
                            [Togas] GoW and ND are going to talk to Lego. Sides are being drawn up
                            [redstar1] no doubt GOW will come calling
                            [redstar1] as far as i know we haven't been officially asked
                            [redstar1] but i imagine they have been testing the waters
                            [redstar1] in the same way, i imagine GS have been doing the same
                            [redstar1] we are concerned about GS gaining cities on bob
                            [redstar1] but i understand they are to be handed back
                            [redstar1] ?
                            [Togas] Frankly, we were going to give the cities to you.
                            [Togas] We first came to Lego. Offered the cities, were rejected.
                            [redstar1] i know
                            [Togas] We then went to GS
                            [redstar1] our initial reaction was that we didn't want to break any treaties
                            [redstar1] but i don't think we thought GS might become involved or that things were quite so serious
                            [Togas] things are very serious. We're being attacked with the UUs of two nations who are both in their golden ages.
                            [redstar1] as it turns out, they were attacked anyway
                            [Togas] it doesn't get any more serious or desperate for us
                            [redstar1] ok guys so tell me, what do you need from Lego
                            [redstar1] what do you request from lego to put it another way
                            [redstar1] and i would imagine we would certiainly do what we can
                            [Togas] Tech and gold will help, that is a given. I know my people will be extremely grateful to receive any such help.
                            [redstar1] remembering we don't want to get dragged into a war
                            * Retrieving #castle info...
                            [Togas] however, more than tech and gold, in my mind, is information.
                            [Togas] we know you can't get involved, so we won't ask it. But I'd like to know what GoW and ND are secretly saying ... see if they show any signs of weakness or concern.
                            [Togas] see if we're making a dent at all, or if anything we do seriously worries them. Anything that worries them is good for us
                            [redstar1] ok, tech and gold are things that we have
                            [redstar1] intel is a bit more tricky, do you guys have a map of all of bob?
                            [Togas] anything you give us will be used solely to defend ourselves. If you'd like we will agree to a permanent No-Trade on anything give to us by Lego
                            [Togas] we have maps of the continent, yes.
                            [redstar1] ok
                            [redstar1] so theres nothing we can give you there
                            [redstar1] communications... i imagine we could try and find out some information for you
                            [redstar1] what the plans are etc
                            [Togas] any intelligence you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
                            [redstar1] no problem
                            [redstar1] you don't mind me posting the log of this?
                            [Togas] that's fine.
                            [redstar1] it will all have to go through the FAM and all that crap
                            [redstar1] else he might get stroppy
                            [Togas] I know that Lego is concerned about us getting GS involved. I just want to make it clear that they were our last choice, our only hope at trying to slow down the invaders. Thus far, we're not even sure it'll work, GoW is sacking GS cities now.
                            [redstar1] yeah, how much hardware are GS supporting with?
                            [Togas] GoW has a stack of 14 Riders stomping through eastern Spain. GS is sending units via galley, all we can see are their ships, all of East Spain is in their custody so we can't see their #s
                            [redstar1] yeah
                            [redstar1] i imagine they have plenty of ships anyway
                            [Togas] they seem to.
                            [redstar1] well lets hope they can protect you
                            [Togas] we just hope they can protect themselves right now ... fighting that monster stack is going to be a major challange
                            [redstar1] jees, where they get the time to build 14 offensive units!
                            [Togas] horsemen upgrades, mostly
                            [Togas] or so they say, GoW doesn't build much of anything
                            [redstar1] hmmm, thats prob all they have,...
                            [Togas] we pray that's all they have
                            [NuclearisWinterius] if they have more, or even ND, we´re pretty much scrapped
                            [redstar1] will GS intercept?
                            [Togas] who knows
                            [Togas] we just hope that GS will try to protect those cities and kill some/most of the GoW stack for us.
                            [redstar1] well i suppose thats the least they will do
                            [redstar1] meanwhile i'll push this and see what we can do for you
                            [redstar1] oh, who told you we had a large navy?
                            [Togas] I need some food. So I'll summarize and then go idle:
                            [Togas] yes, we really could use gold to help us get mil units.
                            [NuclearisWinterius] As you may know, time is against us, so please be fast wiht that aid...
                            [Togas] I know all of Spain will be overjoyed to receive any gifts from Lego.
                            [Togas] We would be more overjoyed if we could somehow get a Conquistador on the field and win a battle with him.
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Much happier than to accept help from GS, that´s for sure ...
                            [Togas] If Lego could assist us that way, it would be like an early Christmas for Spain
                            [redstar1] i think lego would be overjoyed if we can help avert another tragedy...
                            [NuclearisWinterius] What is lego researching?
                            [Togas] but lastly, any help and information you can give us will also be extremely helpful.
                            [Togas] Even harmless sorts of alliances and pacts and comments can reveal quite a bit
                            [Togas] GoW loves to talk, and (if nothing else) knowing what they know and what they are asking can be very helpful clues to their true thoughts
                            [Togas] I need to get some food. I'll bbl.
                            [NuclearisWinterius] have a nice lunch, togas
                            * Arnelos has joined #Castle
                            [Arnelos] hello
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Hello Arnelos!
                            [Arnelos] I'm going to be idle while I'm packing out my apartment - go on
                            * Arnelos is now known as ArnIDLE
                            * NuclearisWinterius sets mode: +o ArnIDLE
                            [ArnIDLE] my firewall won't let me do that
                            [ArnIDLE] just e-mail it
                            [ArnIDLE] arnelos at aol dot com
                            [NuclearisWinterius] aol
                            [NuclearisWinterius] Redstar, you there?
                            [redstar1] yeah
                            [redstar1] sorry
                            [redstar1] phone
                            [NuclearisWinterius] no problem
                            [NuclearisWinterius] do you have an estimate of when you´ll get an answer from your team?
                            [redstar1] oh
                            [redstar1] i should imagine its normally pretty quick
                            [redstar1] its unlikely to come from me though
                            [NuclearisWinterius] OK, just asked, cause so to say our belts are tight right now, and time is in ND and GoW´s side...
                            [redstar1] yeah i understand
                            Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                            • Now... what about this completely crazy idea... what about giving RPers Astronomy for free?

                              vondrack gone mad, you think? Maybe... but try thinking about it... RPers are unable to research anything faster than in 40 turns. Thus, the fact that they get "closer" to Navigation is irrelevant. They could upgrade their galley(s) to a Caravel, but I bet they are putting all their efforts into the land operations... so the only real benefit from this would be that their vessels could go to sea... which does next to nothing for them - they do not have troops for any surprise behind-lines landings.

                              OTOH - they will have Astronomy... for free! Is this not a sign of the greatest friendship? A tech that is seemingly crucial to them... and not only that - if ND and GoW do not get Astronomy from us immediately (and that is what I expect, as neither of them expressed much interest in it), they will be able to see that GoW & ND did NOT get our tech. Which indirectly suggests we are not on very good terms...

                              I believe we would in fact NOT help RPers a smallest bit, while creating an excellent cover for our secret plans.

                              What do you think?

                              EDIT: yeah, we could trade Astro for luxuries, that would probably be even better


                              • Developing this idea even further... what about trading them Astronomy for a luxury? They would get a tech we know is only marginally useful to them at best, while we would get a nice luxury... with luxuries from all over the world... WLT*D, anyone?

                                PLUS: as we are not going to join the war against them, only against GS, they will have no reason to cancel the deal once we join the show with our troops - if they do, our pre-game treaty would be voided (at least I would understand it so) and we would no longer be constrained in our actions on Bob.

                                The problem here is, though, that they will soon have no luxuries at all (or none available for trade)... all they have ATM is ivory (enough of), spices (but we get those from ND), silk (just one source) and that's it.

                                Yeah... most probably, we should tell them we understand they may lose the luxury - and that accepting the risk is actually a form of our help.

