I'm not sure the ps is necessary to include. We should approach GoW about it, but maybe not as part of this communication. If this meets with approval I'll send it:
Greetings GhengisFarb and GoW
(I appologize if I am directing correspondance through the wrong channels)
Thank you for sending the screenshot. Many of our fears have been unjustified it seems. We will still plan for the worst, but the information you have provided us is a great comfort.
It is also with pleasure that I can inform you that our Golden Age has begun after a glorious victory over Voxian Immortals. The added commerce will allow us to research Feudalism a turn earlier than specified in the agreement and we will be able to forward it to you a turn earlier as well. We ask that the original ending of the NDA stay at the same turn as agreed upon. It will in essense be the same NDA, only the delivery of the tech happens sooner.
I hope this meets with the approval of GoW.
ps. RP seems to be set upon getting us into a bidding war with you to sell them Feudalism. They have told us that you are offering it at 75g after the NDA expires. Perhaps discussion about some form of profit sharing in trading this tech to RP could keep the price up enough that both our nations would profit? Otherwise the price may plumet tremendously and neither side will get even half of what it is worth.
If GoW is interested in such a proposal, please let us know.
(I appologize if I am directing correspondance through the wrong channels)
Thank you for sending the screenshot. Many of our fears have been unjustified it seems. We will still plan for the worst, but the information you have provided us is a great comfort.
It is also with pleasure that I can inform you that our Golden Age has begun after a glorious victory over Voxian Immortals. The added commerce will allow us to research Feudalism a turn earlier than specified in the agreement and we will be able to forward it to you a turn earlier as well. We ask that the original ending of the NDA stay at the same turn as agreed upon. It will in essense be the same NDA, only the delivery of the tech happens sooner.
I hope this meets with the approval of GoW.
ps. RP seems to be set upon getting us into a bidding war with you to sell them Feudalism. They have told us that you are offering it at 75g after the NDA expires. Perhaps discussion about some form of profit sharing in trading this tech to RP could keep the price up enough that both our nations would profit? Otherwise the price may plumet tremendously and neither side will get even half of what it is worth.
If GoW is interested in such a proposal, please let us know.