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  • going to the final stages

    [01:48] /Aeson/ They will know that someone has it if they look at the research times. We would prefer if you didn't broadcast it of course
    [01:48] /nbarclay/ Especially no sell, trade, give, etc.
    [01:48] /Panzer32[GoW]/ well, if we don't tell them, they can't buy it
    [01:49] /Aeson/ Is there any interest in coordinating Chivalry research?
    [01:50] /Aeson/ If both of us research it we both get hurt, but if one of us feeds the other gold, then we both get it just as fast, and have more upgrade money between us
    [01:51] /GhengisFarb/ back
    [01:52] /Panzer32[GoW]/ would GS or GoW do the researching?
    [01:53] /GhengisFarb/ We are researching Chivalry, it gives us our UU and we want to ensure have the best chance to get it before ND.
    [01:53] /nbarclay/ You're sure you can beat ND to it?
    [01:54] /nbarclay/ Keep in mind that they're in Republic, if I remember right.
    [01:54] /nbarclay/ And I don't think you are yet.
    [01:54] /GhengisFarb/ No offense, but this is too critical a tech for us to depend on another team. We hope to be in Republic by then
    [01:54] /Aeson/ Either way we do save time and money. If we want more money between us, GoW can do the research, if we want it sooner, GS
    [01:54] /alva/ they are (nd-/rep)
    [01:55] /nbarclay/ Just to be clear, my only concern is trying to figure out the best way to get it for both teams.
    [01:55] /alva/ Imagine having chivalry a couple of tursn sooner then ND...
    [01:55] /nbarclay/ On one hand, having us research it would involve some risk if Vox hurts us too badly.
    [01:56] /nbarclay/ On the other, we are already in Republic, and have an excellent research rate when we aren't too busy upgrading and such.
    [01:56] /GhengisFarb/ Once we get Feudalism it would make sense for you to concentrate on building and rushing forces to win the war.
    [01:57] /Aeson/ And will be in our GA
    [01:57] /Aeson/ But that will just mean more upgrades for us
    [01:57] /Aeson/ I'm fine either way.
    [01:57] /alva/ Perhaps GoW can open a second front on VoX?
    [01:58] /GhengisFarb/ I would prefer not to as we would have nothing to gain, I don't think you would want us to keep the cities we took on your continent?
    [01:58] /Aeson/ No, Vox's territory will make the perfect FP area for us.
    [01:58] /alva/ Take away a few galleys maybe?
    [01:58] /Aeson/ And the close times are going to be the next 10 turns, after that Vox hasn't a chance.
    [01:59] /GhengisFarb/ And we don't want to weaken our defenses versus ND.
    [01:59] /nbarclay/ I can understand your concerns about ND quite well.
    [02:00] /GhengisFarb/ I think our galleys are more useful as neutral observers than combatants. As long as we are neutral Vox doesn't have to know we are observing for your team.
    [02:00] /GhengisFarb/ Unless we sit there in one spot for awhile, then it would be pretty obvious.
    [02:01] /Aeson/ Feudalism and Chivalry are both cost 32. If we give the 200 g back halfway through your Chivalry research will that be an acceptable trade? We would have the NDA of course, this time that GoW can trade and GS can't.
    [02:01] /alva/ Didn't GoW offically go to war on the publi forum thread?
    [02:02] /Aeson/ I agree, as long as we know how many units vox is sending we can position our forces best.
    [02:03] /Aeson/ And galley landings (of the sort vox can put together) are much easier to kill than by land stacks... we always get the first shot
    [02:04] /nbarclay/ Another possibility would be a trade of Chivalry for something we research at the same time.
    [02:06] /nbarclay/ But come to think of it, if we pump gold into GoW, that would speed up their research and hence help them get Chivalry faster for both of us.
    [02:06] /GhengisFarb/ The counter 200 trade would work. We did go to war the first time they landed but made peace for their city. We never went to war the second time, our diplo options wouldn't let us declare war and their units were gone by the time our Horsemen got to them
    [02:07] /GhengisFarb/ Those galleys with Horsemen were looking for a chance to due some pillaging to hopefully make Vox pull back but then Vox attacked you instead and so we decided to use them to scout.
    [02:08] * Aeson nods
    [02:09] /GhengisFarb/ We never intended to take over Vox land just repulse them off of Bob.
    [02:09] /Aeson/ We intend to wipe them out.
    [02:10] /GhengisFarb/ Repulse them off Little Bob, pretty much the same we were going to do, they just aren' t anywhere else but Little Bob
    [02:10] /Aeson/ Aye.
    [02:10] /GhengisFarb/ Unless they got an island somewhere..........
    [02:11] /nbarclay/ Just what I was thinking.
    [02:11] /nbarclay/ They might actually survive for a while that way.
    [02:11] /alva/ they will, right beside lux
    [02:11] /nbarclay/ Until someone decides killing them is worth the trouble.
    [02:11] /GhengisFarb/ If we find a Vox island we'll let you know
    [02:12] /nbarclay/ Thanks, although we may just view the island as the penal colony they were confined to for their crimes.
    [02:12] /alva/ squid island
    [02:13] /GhengisFarb/ Thats what Nukes are for.
    [02:13] /alva/
    [02:13] /GhengisFarb/ the Orkin 5000 nuclear device
    [02:14] /Panzer32[GoW]/ Nuclear riders!!!
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • hmmm, loook at the last lines, don't know if it was deliberate, but still..

      [02:14] /Panzer32[GoW]/ Nuclear riders!!!
      [02:16] /Aeson/ How long left on those 2 hours?
      [02:16] /GhengisFarb/ So is this a done deal?
      [02:17] /Aeson/ It needs to be ratified by the team. I think it will pass. What do you think Nathan?
      [02:17] /Aeson/ And alva?
      [02:18] /alva/ can someone make the offer clear? Just to make sure there are no misunderstandings
      [02:18] /GhengisFarb/ I will send the 200 gold, if it doesn't pass then simply don't accept the gold.
      [02:18] /alva/
      [02:18] /alva/
      [02:19] /GhengisFarb/ Is 200 gold worth forcing us to side with Togas and Vox? Well? Is it? Punk? (Clint Eastwood voice)
      [02:19] /Aeson/ haha
      [02:19] /nbarclay/ Agreed on not accepting the gold if we don't ratify the deal.
      [02:20] /alva/
      [02:20] /Aeson/ That sounds good. 200 gold obviously isn't worth the price of our honor. We look forward to proving it.
      [02:20] /GhengisFarb/ I think this leaves us pumping money into GS and Roleplay pumping money into Vox, which is kinda weird.
      [02:21] /Aeson/ Interesting.
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • I'll throw my yes vote in for that deal.


        • Counter deal seems ok, chivalry for 200 gold. However in that case we need a guarantee that they will be the first to get it, otherwise the price should lower if ND gets it first.

          And ask for an ETA, we can wait, but there's no reason to wait 20 turns



          • That last comment: RP is most likely paying Vox for monotheism, and maybe even republic as well in gpt. Well... they have chosen the wrong horse to bet on



            • Actually, paying Vox in gpt right about now could be an excellent bargain from a purely financial perspective.


              • I'm ok with it, but I did forget something, we should have asked for a permanent NDA owards selling to VOX (just in case we can't cut their iron and even then, if either ND or RP is behind this, they could still sell/give iron to vox)
                I'm still not convinced, GoW isn't in on it.
                To me that makes the most sence, if we take out Vox, our best bet on invading, would be the same way Vox tried to go and we have plenty of iron.
                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                • Alva, if you are sending the log: don't forget to edit the private messages out

                  Vox NDA: could be something to have asked for, but it doesn't matter. Around that time, we're close to knights.



                  • This gives us 13 turns before we need to cut off vox's Iron.

                    Honestly I can't see this as a backstab from GoW. They are giving us 200g up front, with no guarantee they get Feudalism, other than our good word.

                    Mainly I just want to see what Vox is sending in that stack... any wagers? I'll say 4 Spears and 10 Immortals...


                    • I say closer to 20 units in total.

                      As to the deal, if this gets approved by the team (so far it looks like it will), we should start offering it to other teams as well. If they don't bite immediately (ND will, the others might stall a bit) it's okay. However, are we going to ask for 10 turns NDA, under the pretense that Vox would otherwise be able to get it before becoming extinct?



                      • Would GoW view it as a betrayal if we turned around and sold to ND at the same time as to them?


                        • Was anything said about that? no... plus they even mentioned that we would be offering it to other teams in those 10 turns.

                          Plus, GoW will be the first to get it: they will get it from us as a gift, accepted already. While ND gets it as a deal, in which they first have to offer their side of the bargain, getting the tech 1 turn later.



                          • I think the final date on the NDA should be relatively stable. We should be able to take out the Iron in the 13 turns. That's 9 turns of EotS at 30 shields per turn... another 4 units from Bolderberg and Tornado, our 'navy', and probably 7 units from Tempest. I think we can also get another 4-5 units out of Arashi if we can hold it.


                            • Forgot that we will get 9 units out of Hurricane as well.


                              • Kind of small mistake, maybe we should build the Collosus in Hurricane anyway, just to make it more fun to play


