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Vox Controli comments part two

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  • Originally posted by Trip
    Tsk tsk, and you're critical of them with what you were planning soon...


    I thought you were only going to be making comments in your thread? Is the disease of your presence going to infect every thread? Are you doing this in every groups thread?

    Seems like someone is making a big push to deity, eh?

    j/k your presence is lightening things up a bit on an otherwise tense day.


    • Pay attention Trip! (and in your own thread ) ... we weren't going to break any treaties. War is just part of the game. Breaking treaties in game is part of the game, but still dishonorable 'in-game'.

      Our in-game honor cost us the element of suprise, and even initiative. Vox has no in-game honor left.


      • Originally posted by asleepathewheel

        I thought you were only going to be making comments in your thread? Is the disease of your presence going to infect every thread? Are you doing this in every groups thread?
        I already have.

        Seems like someone is making a big push to deity, eh?
        The Eye sees all!

        No, no, not me... Ming...

        j/k your presence is lightening things up a bit on an otherwise tense day.
        Just doing my job.


        • Originally posted by Aeson
          Pay attention Trip! (and in your own thread ) ... we weren't going to break any treaties. War is just part of the game. Breaking treaties in game is part of the game, but still dishonorable 'in-game'.

          Our in-game honor cost us the element of suprise, and even initiative. Vox has no in-game honor left.
          I know, I'm just kidding around.

          GS needs to lighten up and enjoy their "parade" as you guys seem to view this.

          Besides, what was all that rubbish about "establishing a good friendship" and this that and the other?


          • Never post in a team's forum besides one thread which is to be used for the express purpose of verifying or questioning events relating to that team.
            If I had known you would post like this I would have cast the black ball. If I had been an original member of GS I probably would have anyways. Please keep to your promise.

            You can check here for my thoughts about what I think about this situation:



            • Trip, honestly, I appreciate your work as historian, but please remain neutral and don't try to spam every forum you are in. Face it, since you aren't a team member, your opinion is irrelevant. Post in "your" thread, lurk in the others, but abstain from comments whatever they are. Seeing your posts, I already begin to regret to have voted for your permission.


              • Theseus, regarding your last message to Vox: I don't know if it's ok to give each other reports on what happened to their units. The problem is that we don't want to disclose our troop strength, so we can't say things like: we attacked you 8 times, 4 of which we killed your units, twice did we dent them, and the other 2 kiled us. In the process, we got 3 elites from it.

                I agree there are better ways, and I agree it would be fun to know our statistics, but a unit by unit run down would probably not be ideal.



                • Posted by nbarclay in ambassadors thread:

                  From Jon:

                  I am afraid that your guys decision was modified by the poor play on our players part recently (I beleive he posted 2 or 3 oh no, I can't beleive I did that posts in the last couple of days). Oh well, such is the game.

                  I am certain that we would be interested in getting off Estonia (in fact an Exodus plan was already started, it is still a few turns from completion).

                  Jon Miller
                  Holy sheep shoot, Batman!

                  They may go for it. Well done people!
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • This is just a post to point out that Betahound has changed his username to Beta.
                    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                    • Proposed reply to Jon:

                      Just for your team's information, once Inchon and Inchoff were established, I don't think anything short of a miracle (or a very friendly RNG) could have made much difference in the prospects for peace. None of the GS discussion even hints that any suboptimal moves Vox might have made since then influenced our people's views.

                      Just as a rough outline, what would Vox think of disbanding the military units you aren't planning to take with you in your evacuation in exchange for a period of peace (say, a dozen or so turns) to focus your entire economy on the evacuation effort? That way you can evacuate without worrying about defense and we can get back to building sooner. And units disbanded in cities could even be used to help speed production of galleys and settlers. If the idea sounds okay in principle, we can work out the specifics.


                      • Good.

                        If this happens:

                        1) We need a lawyer (or some of our more... obsessive team member ) to close any holes in the treaty.

                        2) We should offer every bit of help that we can in optimizing their play. We will probably want a temporary private forum somewhere to really get into it with them.
                        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                        • I like the synopsis thet nbarclay wrote. Lets send that to Vox and flesh out the proposal...

                          Remember.... pillage first then burn.


                          • Nathan: let's not forget to mention Vox's catapults (they may have more than three, btw).

                            I'm a bit disappointed that we can't get another leader out of this war.
                            I looked at the rules and it doesn't appear like leader farming is illegal. If Vox disbands their units for just a few shields each it'll be such a waste... perhaps we can offer them to let us kill all of their extra units with our elite units, and promise to deposit a large sum of gold (say, 500g) for every great leader that we generate.
                            Against 15 Voxian units, we have a ~62% chance of generating at least one leader. Against 20 Voxian units, we have a ~72% chance of generating at least one leader.
                            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                            - Phantom of the Opera


                            • I'd rather like it if Vox's offer is genuine. Okay, we lose some chance for GL's, but we get to secure the continent at remarkably little cost to ourselves - winning the war almost entirely by maneuver rather than combat. It looks good on the CV.

                              We should still be prepared for the fact that the offer might not be genuine though, and rather an attempt to stall us until they can get their stacks into Elipolis.


                              • I just sent the message.

