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  • Another two PMs from Aidun. The first is in response

    Is there already some kind of consensus in your team about this plan? I don't want to start with it without aproval from your side because it affects your attitude towards other nations and it affects your foreign policy. Please inform me or let one of your teammates inform me so that I can start with creating the treaty. The sooner I can create the treaty, the sooner I can share it in a tactical way with Legoland and make it public through that channel and the sooner it can (hopefully) change the public opinion and opinion of the government in Legoland.

    Does GS want to see the treaty and eventually approve it for use as propaganda towards the outside world?

    And If you would approve this and I succeed to tactically share it with Legoland, could you, in the chats GS members have with Legomen, mention this treaty a few times if the subject comes close to that of your possible ownings on Bob? That makes the treaty a lot more realistic to Legoland so they will really believe the fake treaty.

    I further inform you that Togas has given me approval to compose this fake treaty and do anything else to get Lego on our side.

    That's all for now. Hope to receive approval soon.



    And yet another PM from Aidun...

    Octavian X,

    Some other thing you might find interesting is the RP public opinion on some issues such as Aggies proposal to Togas and your the thing about the contract of GoW.

    The opinion our team is generally that we do not want to make any deal with GoW because we do not trust them to keep it. The whole idea of the contract is in our view just another attempt of GoW to fool us and to get an avantage out of our naivity to make deals with them.
    We do also not want to give up Pamplona and generally consider the proposal of Aggie to let us maintain everything we now have except Pamplona an unfair proposal and we wiull not accept it under whatever condition.

    If peace would be established, which is in my view, not the right strategy now with this new strategy to breach the ND-GoW-Lego alliance in parts, we want to own AT LEAST our ownings and nothing less. We know that ND greatly desires Pamplona Valley from the very moment that we inhabited it, but they wont get it without a fight.


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    • Courtesy PM to Aidun:

      Hi Aidun,

      Just a note to confirm that your recent proposal has been seen on our forum and is being assessed along with our other options. We'll get back to you as soon as we can with our response.




      • PM'd to Togas and Arnelos:

        To our dearest friends, the favoured jewels of God's Earth, blessed and pious children of venerable and wise Calixtus.

        There's a consensus here among your loyal and noble allies in GS that the status quo and continuation of this war is not the way to go if we are to avoid eventual defeat. There is also a very strong desire and commitment to keep your great nation in this mortal coil so that they might enjoy it to its conclusion as a friend and ally of the Gathering Storm nation. If your holy and beloved Spain cannot be held from the combined might of the Infidel, we are even prepared to offer you dwelling on our own humble soil under our protection.

        However much your brave and fearless Knights of the Cross would like to fight GoW until the end of all days, or until they return Spain to its people, this approach may not be able to be reconciled with our abillity to offer protection. In short, we do not wish to forever continue a fight which will cost us the Holy Grail we all seek. Unfortunately we yet see no glimmer of light within the corrupt darkness of Lego, and fear that the proposed 'fake treaty' will do little to affect the balance of forces and alliances in the world except to further damage what's left of Gathering Storm's unfairly maligned reputation.

        So, it is not inconceivable that there is some set of circumstances whereby our envoys could make peace with the Riders of the Night in a deal which ultimately would see the blessed Children of his Holiness survive and living on in Spain as we all wish. However, a precondition of such an arrangement would require both GoW and RP to drop their historical grudges against each other and continue to live in peace.

        If your bold Knights will never make peace with GoW then we have a problem. Many GS members distrust GoW, but have no wish to destroy ourselves fighting them indefinitely - just to let ND and Lego decide amongst themselves who seizes the Holy Grail at the end of time. We cannot protect you from GoW if you are still intent on harming them after a hypothetical peace.

        The war has not gone well, though we are pleased and honoured that your brave nation has survived, and we have to salvage what we can and draw a line under the past or ultimately fail.

        We have reason to believe it probable that GoW would drop its hostility and desire to exterminate RP if RP would reciprocally drop its hostility and desire to exterminate GoW.

        Finally, could you possibly furnish us with further information on any recent GoW peace offerings? If they offered you your current holdings minus Pamplona, then they are perhaps prepared to offer more than we were hitherto aware.

        May the sun continue to shine on his Holiness and his loyal servants,

        Respectfuly Yours,

        Cort Haus
        Gathering Storm


        • Reply from Togas

          We have, indeed, been given a peace offer that allowed for a small piece of land that encompasses the area of Toledo, Madrid, and Barcelona, and runs through the jungle east to the coast. None on our team were very pleased to receive it.

          I will do what I can to deal with my nation's hatred for GoW. I do think that peace is possible, but fear that even if we accepted peace, it will be under such onerous terms, and that the balance of power on our continent would be permanently destroyed.

          However, I too see no future in this war. We have not and cannot make signifigant gains. We are falling behind them in technology, especially with the sinister Legolanders meddling.

          I know not what to say, and I am not optimistic about our options. If any reasonable options present themself, please let us know.



          • Togas,

            Here is a link to a zip file of this turn's screenshots.

            We are concerned for the safety of the Barcalona and are moving the six latest knights towards our fortifications west of that city. Unfortunately your workers are on the road and we must regrettably ask if they could withdraw from the road this turn to enable our knights to reach the intended defensive position. Maybe we are lucky and they finish their work next turn anway. If not, I'm sure you agree that our defensive security is a priority.

            Better news - with our strength of forces around Pamplona, it is unlikely that the enemy will risk attacking it yet, as they will be unlikely to hold it and risk losing a major force.




            • Cort,

              Thanks for sending the shots. I'm posting your message to my team's forum.

              We'll make sure to move the worker out of your way on our turn.



              • Excellent.

                Next up: Gaining RP's acquiessence to the GoW deal... that's gonna be fun!!
                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                • Sorry, T - had to jump the gun. Hope this is OK.

                  Hi Togas,

                  Hope you're well.

                  We have a bold plan at GS which we need to discuss with you. The goal is to negotiate a peace with GoW that allows RP to return to Spain after a sojourn in N.Stormia. We are making good progress with GoW in the negotiations, thus far.

                  Theseus did want to approach you personally in full roleplaying garb but he seems to gave gotten work-bound the last few days, so I'm having to take the initiative, and frankly don't have the time to rewrite my points in that prose style - fun though it is.

                  I'm off to rehearse in my band now - but I'll be back around 0100 GMT if you're around then for a chat. If we're lucky Theseus might be around too. If you see him online meantime, you might want to grab him, but beware, his mailbox may be full. Otherwise, some other time.

                  We may be close to a new dawn!


                  Cort Haus aka Lord Blackadder,
                  Emergency Deputy Minister of Cunning Plans,
                  Gathering Storm


                  • Cort,

                    Most excellent news.

                    I'll inform my team and will try to be online, but I think I'll probably miss you. I don't get home and online until 9pm EST ... which, I think, is 2am your time.



                    • Sent to Togas:

                      Togas, here is the plan:

                      GS are in negotiations with GoW to conclude their current contract with ND, make peace with GS and RP, then be hired by GS to eliminate ND from the game. Completion of their existing contract can be attained by relocating RP in N.Stormia.

                      GoW will be offered an attractive payment by GS for the proposed new contract, which if they accept will include the provision for RP to be returned to parts of Spain, though not sharing a border with GoW, after the successful conclusion of the war against ND. This would depend on another provision of the contract, that GoW and RP would drop their mutual animosity and intent to destroy each other. GS would build cities and improve land in Spain for eventual transfer to RP.

                      Under the plan, RP would continue to be a valuable ally of GS in the fight against ND - not militarily, but economically. We would like RP to use their new capital and other cities gifted to them in N. Stormia to build transferable economic infrastructure - marketplaces, courthouses and harbors which, on RP's return to Spain would be transferred to GS, who will then enjoy semi-productive cities in North Stormia. Meanwhile, RP can aid GS by offering gpt payments from their interim economy to help pay for upgrades in the fight against ND. Naturally RP will continue to recieve GS military protection during this period.

                      If we are successful against ND, we would probably intend to take out another contract with GOW - this time against Lego. It is our hope that in the course of working with GoW as contractual allies, the inevitable historical animosity between RP and GoW would be at first alleviated by the common cause, and eventually minimised by the development of trust and co-operation. The better relations are between GoW and RP, the stronger RP will be able to grow.

                      In the course of discussions with GoW they hinted that the story about GS having no Saltpeter might not have come from reliable sources. We are working on terms of the deal which will include GS recieving Invention and Gunpowder upfront, to help resolve this issue.

                      We are currently in a one-turn cease-fire with GoW. They will ping some of our Knights with Cats for appearances, but obviously if a deal is to be struck it must be as soon as possible, as GoW cannot keep up appearances for long, and GS and GoW have no wish to destroy each others units at this point. If RP are in agreement, they can gift GS all their cities but Pamp on your next turn if we were able to close the deal quickly. (to ensure the Palace jump the following turn would send the Palace to Stormia.) It might not be possible, but with the RoP bug back again we might have the delay we need. How you could get rid of Pamp without destroying it I don't know, but unless there is another way it might come to that. We're open to suggestions, including taking it in a 1-move war if that is best.

                      We hope this plan isn't too shocking - we think it's the best bet our alliance has of winning the game.

                      Cort Haus
                      Gathering Storm


                      • Reply from Togas :

                        This is a very big move and one that I definately need to present to my team.

                        For my part, I fully agree with this proposal and will do what I can to see that it is faithfully carried out.

                        With GoW's new leadership (Aggie) and with my longstanding friendship with MasterZen and Unorthodox, I have no trouble setting aside the historical animosity between us. The flamewars were fierce, and I have no desire to see the fires return.

                        I support this plan and will let you know as soon as I know what the position of my team is.



                        • Here's the 350AD screenshot, Togas.

                          Thank you for the cities, this move is helping with the current phase of negotiations with GoW. We've pumped Miller Town up to six and sent you that for your Palace jump - should that transpire. The other two cities can follow if peace is signed. We we have settlers on the way to claim and consolidate the territory on Bob, and to start rebuilding Spain.

                          Negotiations proceed with GoW, and we are are also seeking Lego's approval / involvement. We'll keep you informed.


                          Cort Haus
                          Gathering Storm


                          • From Togas :

                            My team has discussed your proposal and seems to be, for the most part, in agreement with it. There is popular support for the notion, and our act of gifting the cities is an indication on our part that we agree with the plan.

                            Please keep us informed of what the next step is and what you need done on the next turn.


                            • To Togas:

                              Thank-you for your message and for your team's approval of the plan.

                              The next step is for GS to try to close the deal with GoW, specifically negotiating eventual post-ND land rights on Bob which would, from the GS & RP point of view, allow both of us sufficient resources and production potential on southern Bob.

                              So until we indicate otherwise - no change from the current position - we will continue to deter attack on Pamplona.

                              *If* the deal is resolved, we would ask you on your following turn to either disband Pamplona for the Palace jump - or cede it to GS militarily, by evacuating the units out of the city and towards the SE coast. Please tell us which of these two methods you would prefer for your Palace jump.

                              If the deal cannot be closed with GoW, then we can return your Spanish cities and proceed on some other course.


                              • Togas,

                                Can you report to us on GoW's actions and disposition ASAP? We need the intel for our ongoing negotiations with them.

                                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

