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DIPLO: Neu Demogyptica

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  • #91
    Originally posted by OPD
    Yeah but I don't think the language barrier can explain the fact they want to trade for a tech they already have?

    Although the use of the word "greetings" to sign off is a good touch

    do they already have astronomy? that makes it even more confusing.

    maybe greetings in German is like aloha, meaning both hello and goodbye

    Actually I think a lot of that "language difficulty" is a put on, trying to work an extra angle against us. I mean, this team was in constant communication with GoW planning and executing their war.


    • #92
      No problem, we say we've run out of Physics and offer them Iron Working.


      • #93
        I only spent a few days in Germany (Munich), but the class I put on was full of people that spoke pretty good English.

        But you have point, who knows what to make of it. We are forced to try to interpret as best we can.


        • #94
          Looking at various posts of Zayxus on other forums, he is very much a minimalist - I've not found a post of his more than 4 lines long, and most of them are one line - panag-esque comments (well, not anywhere near that weird really). His English is far better than my German, but occasionally erratic.



          • #95


            • #96
              Originally posted by OPD
              Although the use of the word "greetings" to sign off is a good touch
              It's common use to conclude a letter in German with "Viele Grüße", which means "Many greets [to you]". Zayxus' use of "Greetings" shows, that he's able to translate words by their meaning, but is not able to translate phrases of common use. This usually means, he learned the language in school pretty well, but is not used much to talk to anglophones.

              Yes I know, this is the diplo thread.

              No, it doesn't bother me.


              • #97

                It's not that I didn't understand, per se (thanks anyway, Trip), it's that I was thrown off by the lack of any sort of suggestions from them as to what sort of deal (do they want to buy those techs, or trade us tech in return, or get credit for the future, etc?). I've had a head cold the last couple of days so I just sorta posted and ran.

                I figured that Zayxus' English skills are, like Sir Ralph says, a bit limited. He can translate the words, but the meanings will often be a little bit off. It beats the hell out of my German (I probably know 5 words), but it can be a little confusing. No big deal, we can work through that.

                So, gentlemen, let us retire to the discussion thread and figure out what we want to ask in return for Astro (do they really not have that yet?) and Physics.

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #98
                  New message sent to ND:


                  Thank you for your response. Apparently, one or more GS members will be attending a chat today at 3pm EST (-5GMT) with representatives from GoW and ND. We have discussed tech trading a lot in our forum of late, and hope to make some progress towards some sort of partnership during the chat. Unfortunately, I cannot be there, since it's mid-afternoon for me and I will still be at work.

                  I will contact you again after the chat, and hopefully I will have a better idea of how to proceed.

                  I took the liberty of just firing this off w/o debate, as it merely informative. I thought it might be best to make absolutely sure that Zayxus is kept "in the loop" considering how difficult communication with ND can be. In case he isn't present at the chat, I mean. Left hand not knowing what the Right hand is doing and all that.

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                  • #99
                    Message to Zayxus / ND:

                    Angebot fuer Physik

                    Gruesse Zayxus,

                    Ich bin der neu Botschafter nach (zur?) Neu Demogyptica von Gathering Storm.

                    Wir haben Ihr Angebot fuer Physik besprochen, und haben dieses entschieden: weil Physik 1.280 Becher zu Forschung kostet (verringert von 1.600 weil GoW und wir sie haben) das wir etwas mehr wie 800 Gold fuer sie wuenschen wuerden. So ist unser Angebot Physik fuer 800 Gold. Sind Sie interessiert?

                    Entschuldigungen, wenn mein Deutsch night sehr gut ist. Ich hoffe, dass du
                    mich verstehen koennen.

                    Translation (well, what I was trying to say anyway - no guarantee that that is actually what I said...)

                    Greetings Zayxus,

                    I am the new ambassador to ND from GS.

                    We have discussed your offer for physics, and have decided this:
                    because it costs 1280 beakers to research (reduced from 1600, since GoW and us have it) we would want something more like 800 gold for it. So our offer is Physics for 800 gold. Are you interested?

                    Apologies if my German isn't very good. I hope that you can understand me.


                    • Message sent to ND (Zayxus) a few hours ago:

                      Schlechten Nachrichten ueber Lego

                      Ich bin der Ueberbringer schlechter Nachrichten: Lego hat "Magellan's Expedition" abgeschlossen, und hat ihr "Golden Age" angefangen.
                      Basically: Bad news; Lego have built Magellan's and started their Golden Age.

                      I got a reply from Zayxus Friday saying that he'd posted our 800 gold for physics offer on their board and they'd get back to us.


                      • Rather blunt reply from Zayxus:


                        bad news.

                        Your price for Technology 'Physics' is too high.

                        as Diplomat for ND.


                        • quickie email to ND

                          600g for Physics then - yes, GS will go with that.

                          Our ambassador will contact you soon with a suggested deal for Magnetism and Theory of Gravity, which we can also trade with you.


                          • Sent with the turn


                            We see that you have bought Physics from Legoland while we were negotiating the finer details of the price. It is a pity (and extremely surprising) that you are still working with Lego, as this will help them get the Industrial Wonders and nearly double their power. After the chat with GoW, we thought that GS-GoW-ND had agreed to work out tech deals with each other, to slow Lego down and to try and stop them winning. We didn't immediately agree on a price for Physics, but we expected negotiations.

                            We were hoping to do a deal with you for ToG and Magnetism, and are still hoping to do so.



                            • it seems I forgot to attach the save... I got a message from Zayxus through PM, which I answered (the original e-mail message I sent was an introduction, and a short 'if you want techs, we have them and want to trade')

                              Hello Zayxus,

                              My deepest apologies, I forgot to attach the save

                              As to your PM (which I will also answer by PM, just in case): I think everybody deserves a break from time to time of playing this game, it is too taxing otherwise. I have much respect for the players who have been doing this for several months now...

                              We currently have all the middle age techs, and are close to steam. In last chat, we proposed to swap steam for nationalism to you, and we still would love to. We realize you still need 1 or 2 techs (Magnetism and Thereoy of Gravity?) before you can start on that deal, and would love to be the ones trading it to you.

                              Our main concern right now is to keep Lego from gaining too much, they are the biggest team by far, still have lots of room to expand into, cannot be touched at this moment on their continent, and just started their Golden Age. If the other teams don't cooperate, Lego will have won this game. We want to do our share, and provide you with techs at cheap prices, as long as you agree to keep Lego from growing too hard. Research is about the only thing we're still good at, even if we're not even close to Lego in their Golden Age.

                              So any offer you have for our techs will be taken into serious consideration!

                              Best regards,

                              Hello DeepO!

                              I just found this :

                              ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
                              steven . bex at chello . be
                              (reason: 551 Mail from your IP address is currently blocked based on RBL listing)
                              Here is the mail I wished to send you:
                              04.03.04 07:40:10

                              Hallo DeepO!

                              Nice to acquaint you. Perhaps in some weeks another of Neu Demogyptica would to place as player, if I take a break.

                              What techs does GS offer for deal?

                              Thank you for your offer of writing in German. In this game I enjoy to think and write in English for training it. My Dutch is only a little, but I liked to visite your country offen.

                              *** Could it be, there was no save attached? I looked carefully at my mail, but there was no attachment. I can play earliest in the evening of europe anyway.

                              Best Regards
                              As Diplomat of Neu Demogyptica


                              • Thanks Darekill,

                                and my apologies for the late answer, I was out of the country since Friday. Please let me take this to our forum, so we can discuss and formulate an answer for you.

                                Best regards,

                                Dear DeepO,
                                the people of neu Demogyptica is aware of the situation in the world.

                                We made a decission in the beginning of this game to strike the deals withthe best conditions for us. Right now we consider the deals with Legoland of greater benefit for us. This has nothing to do with your team but your prices aren't able to beat the ones that Legoland has set up so we trade with them.

                                As for the plans of a war, we must clarify that the last war with RP and GS was the last one that saw ND as an Agressor. We have splendid relationship to Legos and are not the ones to fall in the backs of our former allys even if it means, that we will not finish this game in a winning position.

                                As much as this is true for Legoland it is also true for GoW and GS. ND sees no reason to fight another nation in this game anymore. This does not mean we are weak, we are ready to defend ourselfes if need be.

                                I hope you can understand our position and accept it. We are still open for any deals that beat the offers from other Nations. So feel free to offer whatever you can.

                                Darekill Member of ND

