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The ND threat.

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  • #46
    Can cruise missiles and tactical nukes reach WW or OG from Candri?



    • #47
      If so, there might be a thing we need to do. I was checking the prices for stealing techs, and so far we can have a immediate steal of ND's techs, but nothing more. We might need to adjust that, so that we too can build Manhattan (we can now), and if needed steal rocketry from ND, react with nukes of our own. If they are going to use them, they will take out a city of ours, put their whole invasion force in it (so they will be landed, but have no roads to travel on), and assume we'll be using all our tanks on their invasion force (which will be in a city). If we however could nuke them in our city, we only have to move our troops over the sea, and without the risk of too many nukes hitting us, we can take out large parts of ND.

      That would be fun

      This changes a lot of things, most of all what role GoW is going to play. MZ told us that ND would be going for the UN, which makes no sense anymore. ND is prebuilding something in Sipahiab (ot 100% certain now, but next turn we'll know). It makes sense that GoW knows this, and have a general idea on their plans...

      So, either we can ask GoW for further information, or we must start to shut up completely, and assume that this is a 2 vs 1 coming up.



      • #48


        • #49
          Tactical nukes have a bombard range of 6. That means they could hit Monsoon from Luxilou, or "collateral" WW and OG from Candri by placing it inbetween them.

          A nuclear sub, which they are building at least one of in Luxilou, can carry a tactical nuke and effectively extends the range by 4 tiles if spotted, or 4 tiles per turn if not.


          • #50


            • #51

              You've got to give it to us: instead of preparing how to defend ourselves, we're looking at ways of taking the whole of ND in 1 turn

              so... 8 settlers, right? and let's say 60 inf (will be MI by that time), so something like 80 tanks, or better yet 100 tanks.

              Aeson, I think I read your screenshots relatively well, but to be certain you might need to put some text with it as well.

              I can't wait to get attacked



              • #52
                We won't ever have enough to take out all of ND, but we could definitely do some damage. There are 3 targets that we couldn't reach without Cavalry.

                I'll go over the odds city by city later, but on average we'd need 5 Tanks per MI. 2-3 for those in flatland towns, up to 10 for those in Hill metros (Alumbul, Reki). That puts us at 5-10 Tanks per town, or with 100 Tanks (MI can fill in too against Infantry) we could take out 10-20 cities.

                We also need ~10 Marines per MI in a town. With 3 CV of Bombers we could get that down to 1 transport or so. Luxilou had 1 Infantry in it, and there are 13 Infantry in Candri, so it might be possible that we'd only be facing 1 Infantry per town if we avoid the important centers.


                • #53
                  Why would we need Manhatten? If anyone builds it all can make nukes, if they have Uranium, right?


                  • #54
                    Has ND had its GA?


                    • #55
                      The fleet position was chosen to keep it as far from ND as possible to keep it from being spotted or attacked. It has 3 options to retreat back into a city if we need the units on the homeland or need to get the ships to safety. Realistically we can get about 10 Transports and 10 more to chain with but it will take at least a few turns to get the ships back from the chain on the E side.

                      The carrier group position was chosen to keep it in range of bombarding ND's fleet if it leaves Candri, is outside the bomber range of any ND land tile, and is outside the 1 turn range of any ND ships from any port. It has 2 options to retreat back into a city if necessary for protection. It can bomb Neu Mavsu by moving to the noted bombing position.

                      Chain Fleet is 5 tiles from the Invasion force and 5 tiles from Neu Mavsu. Pretty self explanitary. 10 Transports and our cover ships here.

                      Chain Fleet 2 is optional, and probably should be very limited. At most we'd want 2 Transports here in case Flateria is wide open and Neu Mavsu would be too tough for us to take with Marines. If we get 2 Transports of mostly Tanks to Flateria we could get to Neu Mavsu with a Settler and break through the rest of our units that way.

                      We'd also want 2, maybe more, Transports that can chain units on demand from Stormia to the invasion force site. 2 of those ccould be produced the turn of the invasion if necessary, from OG and Bolderberg.

                      So basically we would shoot for something around: (minimum)

                      4 CVs
                      16 Bombers
                      24 Transports
                      3 Settlers
                      16 Marines (as many produced the invasion turn as possible)
                      60 Tanks


                      • #56
                        One thing that occurs to me is that if we do land on Bob and go for ND, we will then be in an all out war with GoW as well, won't we?

                        I can't image them sitting around with us have massive troops on Bob. If we were to smash ND, they would need to act for fear of us going all the way or getting to strong.


                        • #57
                          As for naval escort ships, we can get 6 BBs down there in 5 turns I think. We have 6-7 Subs available next turn that could make it in the same timeframe, or are already there. We'll need to switch from Subs to Transports to get the numbers of those we need though. There are 4 DD's to our S that are sweeping to the poles, so they can definitely make it too. I don't think we should stack many ships with the chainers, and the invasion fleet only needs a sub clearer (and spotter) because we will have ample warning time. The Carrier group is also safe with a Sub and DD if we keep Sub lookouts around ND's coast. So the bulk of our Navy (can still be covering ND's fleet in Candri.

                          We should take back the Galley down there. It's a possible chaining risk that ND will be accounting for and it didn't give us any warning anyways. If it's gone they may not have as many defenders down there. We can also upgrade the Galley for 1 more Transport. Same deal with the Galley up near GoW.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by vmxa1
                            One thing that occurs to me is that if we do land on Bob and go for ND, we will then be in an all out war with GoW as well, won't we?
                            Well, we have to do what we have to do. If we let ND invade and don't hurt their production advantage we will lose. If ND is coming, there is a good chance GoW is with them. If GoW isn't with them... well it would be a tasty target to GoW too. We can't hold Bob, GoW might be able to, especially if we break ND's spine.

                            I can't image them sitting around with us have massive troops on Bob. If we were to smash ND, they would need to act for fear of us going all the way or getting to strong.
                            This won't be like Lego. I'm pretty sure if we do break through we are going to be losing more units than we kill. Anything left after our strike will be easy pickings for ND. Everything we send over is a loss.

                            We could pillage enough possibly to keep ND from landing their invasion and hitting ours with it. In that case maybe we can get RP in on this to use their Conqs. RP will take 6-7 turns to get their Transports down there, but if we could hold a city for a turn or two they could land them running and do quite a bit of damage themselves. Lets tell RP to send all their Conqs in Transports S along our coast. Conqs don't really even count as a sea wall anyways.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Aeson

                              Well, we have to do what we have to do. If we let ND invade and don't hurt their production advantage we will lose. If ND is coming, there is a good chance GoW is with them. If GoW isn't with them... well it would be a tasty target to GoW too. We can't hold Bob, GoW might be able to, especially if we break ND's spine.
                              Yup, no doubt we have to do it if they are coming.


                              • #60

                                Lets tell RP to send all their Conqs in Transports S along our coast. Conqs don't really even count as a sea wall anyways.

                                Will Do. I expect they'll relish the chance to run around their old stomping grounds on Bob, especially after missing out on Lego. Is there anything we can say yet on them getting cities on Lego, or on getting a settler into our core?

