That was superb, sleepy. If that doesn't wake them up into replying we'll have to invade them to get their attention.
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DIPLO : Vox comments
:applause:The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
thanks for the compliments guys
So vox will have p. press in 12 turns. I'd say that if we can trade invention for it straight up, its a deal. AFter all, everyone else has invention, not like its a hot commodity these days. Frankly I'm suprised that lego would allow that trade.
And perhaps more importantly, it tells us that vox hasn't been working on anything more important for quite a while, I can't imagine their sci rate being very high.
Originally posted by asleepathewheel
And perhaps more importantly, it tells us that vox hasn't been working on anything more important for quite a while, I can't imagine their sci rate being very high.
I wonder what sort of autonomy they have to make decisions like this? The view seems to be that they can't fart without Lego signing it off first, but it could be interesting to see how they handle this.
I wonder what's going on as well with lego/vox. perhaps lego has allowed them limited autonomy. Is there any way we can see exactly what techs vox has that we don't, outside of a successful stealing? I wonder why lego hasn't given vox invention? perhaps so that the cost to us wouldn't depreciate even further, or to keep a reign on them.
Oh, one positive about vox not having invention is....the others are a few turns away from the next age. I think using PBEM rules, it would take a few turns to gift all of the techs to vox, thus triggering their free tech. I assume that lego wants that tech ASAP on arrival in the new age. Which reminds me, I need to dig up our treaty with vox, we discussed getting their future free tech as well, but I think that was abandoned.
this also tells us that no one has democracy and free artistry. (assuming they aren't lying. perhaps there is really 12 turns left on an nda or something. I could figure it out using the editor values, but I've never really done that before)
Originally posted by Cort Haus
The others are only a few turns away from the next age?
Originally posted by vmxa1
What about making the trade now, before they can get it free from Lego? They gift us PP when they get it and in return for that we gft Invention now?
Would we be willing to go chivalry + invention? Neither one are particularly useful to them, but might sweeten the pot.
Nice idea, and worth suggesting to Vox, I'd say
If we're being cheeky enough to ask Lego for gunpowder we might as well try treating Vox as an independent state!
btw, vmxa1 - we have the save and are discussing it it in a new turn thread. We still have over 20 hours to play it - so plenty of time yet Let us know if you want this save sent to you? PM vondrack any time you want to get on the list.