. NO other country in the world--I repeat, NO other country--recognized *unalienable* individual rights in 1789. America is the pioneer of democracy. For the cultural impact on the world of that, alone, America should be considered the most powerful nation throughout history.

Wasn't it ndividual rights for white guys only? May be it wasn't slavery in 1789 in USA? Or may be the slaves have the same rights that white guys have with only difference what slaves have right to be sold, to be executed or to be killed by they masters?

During next almost 200 years afro-americans fight for their rights and only in 20 century they win. Is it example of democracy which America gave to world? If you call THAT democracy- a democracy for part of population while another part of population don't have the same rights, then I call it fake democracy.
As far as military power is concerned, undoubtedly, America is number one. Relatively speaking, America has more military power than any other country throughout history. Alexander the Great could never destroy the world with a few pushes of a button. America can. Absolutely speaking, I'd pit America's army against any other army throughout history.

USA do not have the SUPREME power, this nation is not the ruler of the world, becouse it's simple impossible. In all human history never exist such a race and never be. All great empires sooner or later collapse no on can achive a supreme power and become the ruler of the world. So let's live in peace and let's forget about our past hostilitys
