If you talk about land masse and population, it's a close one between China and the Brits.
Don't you guys know that the LARGEST country in the world in all human history is RUSSIA. (1/6- off all land mass)
We are protect Europe from Mongols- when you construct your university's, we fight against them and finaly wipe them out from our lands. If They wasn't stopt by us, all your entire Europe civilization was different from modern, and BTW we fight German knights at the same time and defeat them too.
Napoleon- the second greatest conquer of the world attacks Russia in 1812, in 1813 his mighty army was complitly destroyed and our cossacks standing in Paris.
Hitler attacks Russia in 1941. It takes five long years for us to destroy him and save the world again. This war takes 30 000.000 lives of our soldiers- 30 millions!!!! What's your casulities in this war -300.000 we are loose the same only during Berlin's offense. When our armies fight aganst nazi, USA seating behind the ocean, and only when fashists were doomed USA start invasion in Normandy in 1944, after six year from start of WW2 and less then one year before the war was ended. They made it to steal the spoils of war.
It is not the full list of our military victory's but just think about it- 3 of the most dangerous conquers was defeated by us- isnt it the proof that we are great military nation?
I do not want to describe our cultural influence, and genius russian sientists who make brilliant inventions in all fields of sience, becouse you do not want to understand it.
Russia- is the largest, one off the oldest and one of the greatest civilizations in the human history. It's a shame that no one of you don't even mention it.
Don't you guys know that the LARGEST country in the world in all human history is RUSSIA. (1/6- off all land mass)
We are protect Europe from Mongols- when you construct your university's, we fight against them and finaly wipe them out from our lands. If They wasn't stopt by us, all your entire Europe civilization was different from modern, and BTW we fight German knights at the same time and defeat them too.
Napoleon- the second greatest conquer of the world attacks Russia in 1812, in 1813 his mighty army was complitly destroyed and our cossacks standing in Paris.
Hitler attacks Russia in 1941. It takes five long years for us to destroy him and save the world again. This war takes 30 000.000 lives of our soldiers- 30 millions!!!! What's your casulities in this war -300.000 we are loose the same only during Berlin's offense. When our armies fight aganst nazi, USA seating behind the ocean, and only when fashists were doomed USA start invasion in Normandy in 1944, after six year from start of WW2 and less then one year before the war was ended. They made it to steal the spoils of war.
It is not the full list of our military victory's but just think about it- 3 of the most dangerous conquers was defeated by us- isnt it the proof that we are great military nation?
I do not want to describe our cultural influence, and genius russian sientists who make brilliant inventions in all fields of sience, becouse you do not want to understand it.
Russia- is the largest, one off the oldest and one of the greatest civilizations in the human history. It's a shame that no one of you don't even mention it.