Were it not for the United States, you would all be speaking German, or Russian. Were it not for the United States, you'd all be buying your oil at inflated prices, with Kuwait out of the OPEC equation.
I would like a Eurpoean to name *one* thing a country of Europe has contributed to the United States since the our Revolutionary War. I aknowledge the role of the British Navy in keeping other European powers out of the colonization business in the Western Hemisphere, but aside from that, what?
And no, the immigrants who came here to *flee* the backward and primative social systems you had in the past don't count.
Whiny pissant America bashing pisses me off.
I would like a Eurpoean to name *one* thing a country of Europe has contributed to the United States since the our Revolutionary War. I aknowledge the role of the British Navy in keeping other European powers out of the colonization business in the Western Hemisphere, but aside from that, what?
And no, the immigrants who came here to *flee* the backward and primative social systems you had in the past don't count.
Whiny pissant America bashing pisses me off.
