Originally posted by SerapisIV
If you want to argue in terms of years, use the Civ3 system. Founded in 1776, America has been around for 180 or so game turns, or even longer the the Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, and just about every ancient civilization. Then America more then adequately fits.
If you want to argue in terms of years, use the Civ3 system. Founded in 1776, America has been around for 180 or so game turns, or even longer the the Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, and just about every ancient civilization. Then America more then adequately fits.
Wow I missed that. My bad.
And u also totally missed my point, but okay, you won, America more then.. than adequately fits. I will boycott the game if it's not in... wait, it's ALREADY in there.