Massive Starvation in the Spanish Netherlands!
In the year of our lord, fifteen thousand and twenty-four, Danish knights made our first probes against the Spanish aggressors. The very ruthless men that had perpetrated the 1520 Stockholm Bloodbath were hand-picked for the mission of pillaging crops in the Spanish Netherlands, to starve men, women, and children alike into submission. A full four squares of farmland have been razed to ashes, and the rampage will continue indefinitely.
Judging by pre-war intelligence (knowledge of the Spanish garrisons from SP play), our troops will remain unchallenged in this mission for years.
Meanwhile, our fleet has almost completely mobilized to sink any so-called 'armada' before it ever reaches the Netherlands, and cannon are being built by the hundreds. We have no idea why Spain chose this hopeless course. We ask for no Spanish or Austrian territory, only a hand in administration of the Holy Roman Empire. You have too much to lose in denying us this, and nothing to gain.
In the year of our lord, fifteen thousand and twenty-four, Danish knights made our first probes against the Spanish aggressors. The very ruthless men that had perpetrated the 1520 Stockholm Bloodbath were hand-picked for the mission of pillaging crops in the Spanish Netherlands, to starve men, women, and children alike into submission. A full four squares of farmland have been razed to ashes, and the rampage will continue indefinitely.

Meanwhile, our fleet has almost completely mobilized to sink any so-called 'armada' before it ever reaches the Netherlands, and cannon are being built by the hundreds. We have no idea why Spain chose this hopeless course. We ask for no Spanish or Austrian territory, only a hand in administration of the Holy Roman Empire. You have too much to lose in denying us this, and nothing to gain.