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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Nicosar
    Greetings all;

    This message is intended for Atawa mostly, though also for those others who might need some clarification on the issue in order to leave the issue be upon reading this, and it concerns the game conditions that you have mentioned.

    I know it may seem to you, young chap, that those first game settings were of my own construct but it is not so; you have read (I hope, since it would be slightly foolish for someone to post in a thread whose ACTUAL meaning has somehow elluded them) what kind of games I play, on what maps and rules, which I would hope you would download and peek to see my prefferred style of play, and unless memory betrays me you were the one to challenge me to a game on a random medium map on that fateful day, and unless you are so unlogical that this argument may as well go unsaid, I should think that all the other settings such as temperate and 3 bil. years and even choosing emperor and raging barbs (would you have them any less) were merely obvious necessities to generate a map of your choosing with quickest ease and minimum conferencing on what should be a simple task. I actually feel tricked, though more like someone that sees the covered-up hole in the ground and merely steps beside it, since in all but the most scrupulous details I entered your proposal, not the other way around.

    Now, as for the next game you propose, you may choose that as well, even (though if there is a third I should let you know my feelings) but I will not under any circumstance play on 2x2x settings; I have played it but once years ago and, not loosing or anything too demanding of excuses, became disgusted by the level of corruption it wielded upon the game and have never touched it since. It is the equivalent of 'godmode' for Doom, or the all-weapons cheat for Grand Theft Auto, since like them it spoils the finer elements of a game that was intended to be harder and more precise, even though double production and such does not grant omnipotence. A catapult that can siege a city as if a howitzer, and a howitzer that can do the same as if a slow helicopter are things I hace tried to avoid in all my years of playing. I think maybe it can add diversity, but overall it is not worth it.

    Otherwise I dont have any critique I can think to mention, but I will refer to your proposal for the second bout and let you know any further opinions I might have. Enlightning, I know.

    As for the rest of you, I can only say that I hope, as I before have stated in other, more direct, manners that you will stop this driveling bickering amongst yourselves, for the honor of well-spoken strategists everywhere who choose to debate and not argue, since it is by no means and no longer of importance to me, event though I read them all first to check for any validity.

    I am clearly disapointed with last game's results, of course, but my horse is a precious thing and will kneel to the ground if he feels I have been dismounted and we soon thereafter ride again.
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


    • #47
      Ah. I have gone back to his statement and indeed found things that need adressing.

      Atawa, I cannot recall at all this rule about no techs, though I certainly did have only 1 settler, and neither can CySpy, the third player who contacted me back and who I asked about such a rule, and though I know that you could've mentioned it to me in the pre-game ICQ chat to which he was not a part, you'd think that such a thing would be brought up again in-game to confirm such a crucial and important requirement of playing, but unless both me and him are mistaken, this was not done.

      Now, my dear youthful friend, this is an accusation of blatant cheating which not only me but CySpy is also guilty of, whoever he may be, and I would ask you to consider things more carefully before making such grievous proclamaitons, being that even if we were actually to be dishonored for cheating so shamelessly that it would have been sprung upon us like a trap, which I see you're quite fond of setting up. Are you a trickster then, that is fine, for tricksters rely on the precision of the formulaic devices that is part of their trade, and so now I burn to rematch you in a game where hopefully I will not be crippled despite these advantages I was unaware I had which I did not anyway have the opportunity to exploit in full, so that I may expose by surprise and spearhead tactics the weakness of your predicatable and formulaic playing.

      In my games, young apprentice of better gamers, there are no huts from which to gain advantages. No omnipotent wonders whom most players dealing with this type of game predictability rush to instead of applying more strategy to their choice in techs, there being only slightly half of them left, the ones that only effect your cities in minor ways and are not so crucial. There is only you, TONS of barbarians, even more so then just setting them to raging could provide because of the map design, your human opponents, and aton of land which is not some green and lush freeland such as Babylon was privy to, but a harsh and realistic terrain where only a few plump slivers of land are immediately available, making for plenty of rough terrain for your enemies to mass in secret. I hope after defeating you in this game, which I hope, given just a tiny bit of luck at the start, will not be too difficult, that you can come to my master gameboard where me and some finer non-formulaic strategists can show you the meaning of adaptation and intelligent tactics.

      Until then though, I look forward, to beating you at your own game until you are privileged to come to mine and find yourself without your former tricks, utterly lost and disoriented give the overwhelming freedom you have never before enjoyed and would not know the first thing about how to utilize.


      • #48
        Atawa, I cannot recall at all this rule about no techs, though I certainly did have only 1 settler, and neither can CySpy, the third player who contacted me back and who I asked about such a rule, and though I know that you could've mentioned it to me in the pre-game ICQ chat to which he was not a part, you'd think that such a thing would be brought up again in-game to confirm such a crucial and important requirement of playing, but unless both me and him are mistaken, this was not done.
        Ok, smart move, and since the game crashed all king chat logs are gone...................... But get this guy in here who lost to barbs and he will tell you the same I'm telling even asked him about being clean once I explained the concept to you 'master'

        I'll have to respond to that tomorrow, just came back from a friends wedding so I need some


        • #49
          Gee... 10,000 words

          Let me summerize it for you all.

          He cheated... He then tries to say it was never agreed upon... Atawa just laughs... and for good reasons...

          He cheated. And that's all there is to it. All your words won't change the fact that you aren't an honorable player... you are just a cheater.

          No need to read anything else
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #50
            Originally posted by Nicosar

            Atawa, I cannot recall............blah, blah, blah
            Ah - the Ronald Reagan defence
            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


            • #51
              you know..i was going to play you..but i don't think so now.... :q
              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


              • #52
                Somehow I feel disapointed, mr elite cheated, and STILL GOT HIS ASS KICKED??!!??

                Prehaps he's using the Slowwhand method of lousy cheating...
                I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                • #53
                  Welcome to the Civ2MP community Nicosar.

                  If you are sincere you may have gotten a raw deal here from the Apolytoners.

                  Someone like you coming in cold may not fully realise what's OK and not OK.

                  If you are stirring, well done
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • #54
                    Well you must admit he sometimes has a nice way of using the english language, reminds me a bit of those medievel knight films

                    Massovee: (6:33 AM) You want to do this...I feel as if I beat you then I will be slapping ten thousands geeks in the face with a wad of ****, but dont worry, i got class, i'd use gloves. At first, I kind of liked you since you came to me, the fire of challenge burning in you, but it is insolence and not greatness that brought you here, I now see. Go ahead, post this up weakling, to share the pain of it with your *****-buddies as you certainly have done but you know that no tech crap is bull****, and before I wasnt angry, though neither am I now, just more spirited, and I played the last game without this heat. So lets go again, please, for now the furnace burns, youngling, to quench the irritation that is your mouth.


                    • #55

                      So much blather from him about the perfection of maps, opponents and the game, just to ignore the advantage of free techs. By calling the no tech rule crap, he proves that he does not really understand the game. Or he just likes the advantage when he hosts, which I bet he prefers to do. Idiot or Loser? Take your pick.

                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #56
                        When did you get to play him again Atawa?

                        I tried to goad him into a game, but he declined, saying that he won't duel at all.

                        The No-Tech rule is pretty important, I am trying to get the people at the MultiSite game to realize it, but no one is listening.

                        I am truly hurt by Nicosar's rejection.

                        Perhaps if I ask nicely next time?
                        Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...


                        • #57
                          I didnt play him again, if he wants to play the settings listed earlyer in this thread he can contact me.


                          • #58
                            He would answer, but he's busy composing his next reply, they do take awhile to type....
                            I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                            i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                            • #59
                              He is either a cheater... or a miserable Civ II player who thinks he needs a "few extra tech" head start to have a chance.

                              Now let's see... Atawa has a proven track record of honesty here. If he says they discussed it in advance, I would tend to believe him.

                              So I take it back, remove the "or" from my first sentence and change it to "and"... Nicosar is probably both based on his performance even after having a two tech lead...
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • #60
                                interesting ...

                                I find this thread disappointing. To be honest, the responses to Nicosar's initial post lead me to believe perhaps many members of this forum were so lazy that they failed to read the text and merely respond alongside the impressions of others.

                                Have those of you who have responded with such wise and humorous posts even read his initial post? I would think not were I to rely only on the content of those responses. It eludes me where Nicosar looks down on this community in his first statement. Further, I see nothing in it to have made him deserving of such hostile comments. While his final paragraph makes statements which are clearly meant to be in the fun and sport of a good challenge, many of you respond with such remarks it seems you have misread, or worse failed to read, his post at all.

                                Even more humorous, there are those of you who chastise Nicosar for the length of his post. This does nothing more than insult your own comprehension. It takes but a mere moment to read a few paragraphs, yet there are those of you who scoff at the idea of spending more than that on such well written prose. For the literate, such wonderful imagery is refreshing to the mind, much moreso than reading senseless insults slung like mud during a political campaign, which is how I would describe the posts which follow his.

                                More importantly, noone has even taken the time to review what he has uploaded. Having done so myself, I am excited about his game and have asked to be among its participants. The slowing of tech and the removal of certain "game-turning" wonders, I feel, is a move in the right direction. While there are those who prefer fast games, small maps and 2x2, as mentioned before, those games result in a bastardization of a game which was meant to allow for strategy to unfold with precise management of one's civ, not speed to the finish line like one sponsored by Gatorade at a nascar event. Certainly, it is obvious the role luck plays in the latter, no? This is only my opinion, mind you, one I share with Nicosar.

                                Speaking to his loss with Atawa, being his first time here I see no fault in his not being aware of the rule of no techs despite the claims that it was discussed, yet the majority of you raise your hands and yell "cheater, cheater" without hesitation, and before knowing the facts. Even worse, once you do know them, you choose to further sling insults as if the fact that the third player was unaware of the no tech rule is meaningless.

                                You should be ashamed at how you have treated this man. Ming, your words stand above all others as ugly and ignorant, adding nothing to the conversation other than the opportunity to hear yourself berate one with nothing more than a love for this game. Apparently, maturity is not a prerequisite to being a moderator.

                                Atawa, your victory is noted, and while Nicosar has spoken words of his skill and mastership of Civ he has honorably accepted his loss, stating only that he had a bad starting point (which has happened to us all, indeed). You on the other hand, with unending support of your fellow posters, have gloated your victory many times over and continued to demean and speak as if you are deserving of some award for winning. I ask you, which of you has acted more as a child calling others names in school?

                                In closing, I anticipate more similar comments as seen before concerning the length of this post and my failure to warm up to this community as if you all are so inherently worthy of respect (certainly not from what ive seen in this thread). Let me respond now to save you the effort: If you have trouble reading this post because it contains more than 100 words, I pity you. As for warming up to this community, if one such as Nicsoar who truly loves this game and posts illustrating his passion, is received such as he was here on this thread, then warming up to this community is not one of my priorities.

                                Before lashing out at a man of many years, please take the time to review the thread (unless, of course, it would waste your precious time) and try to see that all I have tried to say is that Nicosar was not deserving of the harsh treatment he has received. Could I have posted here with only that comment? Sure, but what would be the fun in that
                                Last edited by TheFather; September 25, 2002, 15:37.
                                TheFather, High Priest, The Shadow Legion

