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Playtest; IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • the game will be posted onder the precondition that Britain agrees to these terms:

    No further acts of war against Russia before a diplomatic move towards peace with Russia has been made. For this purpose, Russian attitude towards Britain has been changed to receptive. Any attacks on Russian units are seen as acts of war.
    Removal of British ships from the baltic sea.
    No blocking of the belt/sund area, nor of the Bosporus/Dardanells straits or the Suez canal.

    Russia is willing to pay the o300 fee, but is uncertain about the circumstances. Tribute pay?

    Plus, Russia wants to know if Britain is willing to trade with Russia as soon as the war is over.

    Britain has the technical ability to make peace with Russia now and is asked to do so.


    • ...after agreeing to the terms that is

      A violation of the terms after an agreement will have consequences


      • I agree to those terms. the 300 is a rough estimate as its tribute pay and you cant be sure, just pick the figure nearest 300
        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • Can't get it done, for the same reason your diplomat didn't get through to mine.

          You're set to uncooperative.

          It'll work after the peace treaty was signed, and me being receptive should be a good precondition for that.
          Attached Files


          • I always just set things to Worshipful when I want stuff done, that way there won't be much of a chance of any problems


            • Depending on reputation and such the attitude that you officially set might not be the one you actually "get".
              I've played games where a player set his AI to worshipfull towards me but when it was my turn (directly afterwards) it said hostile ;o
              Thats an extreme though, most of the time it just jumps down to uncooperative...

              I'd say it was better if you two could settle this in an online session.
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • He's afraid I might bite his head off his torso, in good old Russian bear manner...


                • Should I play my turn? Or do Ecthelion and Grogthar want to fix the hurts online?


                  • this game is grinding to a halt


                    • we've waited only 4 days for his save as opposed to the 18 days it took you to post yours, Ecth :P Also, I'd like to propose that there be no more holding the game hostage and refusing to continue until negotiations are completed. I can see where you were coming from when you did it, Ecth, but really, it certainly doesn't help the pace of the game.

                      I say you should just play your turn, fritz
                      Last edited by JamesJKirk; July 29, 2002, 02:27.


                      • Tokyo Daily

                        The Japanese government apologises for the steamer temporarily blocking the Straits of Malacca. It is there purely through navigational error and will be moved shortly.
                        Attached Files


                        • Well, James, we obviously have different points of view.

                          If you read the thread, you will notice that many players stated how they'd be unavailable in July, and most of them failed to give exact dates. I found it polite to wait for them.

                          And if people think they can take me for fool I'm outta here, cause finding ever new excuses to hold out peace agreeements doesn't work on me.


                          • Hey, I'm not attacking you or anything, I said I see where you're coming from, but I think peace agreements shoudl be worked out inbetween your turn, or at least consensually.
                            The SOP as I've noticed is to play like normal when people leave, and just let it wait when it gets to be whosever turn it is that's missing, that way the game isn't slowed down too much. I realize you're new, I'm just saying you really had no place to criticize the speed of the game under these circumstances.


                            BUMP FOR JMARKS


                            • Sorry, got mistracked. Merchandise nearing destination ports
                              Attached Files
                              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                              -The Artist Within-


                              • The German turn:

                                Attached Files
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

