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Playtest; IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • #76
    I feel like a true geek now.

    I'll just have a try:

    Russia wins the game.

    Was that good enough?


    • #77
      No, ecthelion, but it is nice if you do. It lets us know you care and want to be part of the community.
      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
      -The Artist Within-


      • #78
        hmm... I'll see what I can do.


        • #79
          Er, JMarks: Isn't it Japan that plays after Russia, rather than France?


          • #80
            You guys should all be banned from the game so I stay the ultimate winner.

            On a more serious note, I wouldn't be so certain of that, it is possible that the civs are arranged in a way different from the standard way.


            • #81
              The player list is the one I posted earlier in this thread:

              Russians (Grothgar)
              Japanese (Winterfritz)
              French (Jmarks)
              Germans (Henrik)
              Americans (James J Kirk)
              Brittish (Exile)
              Ecthelion The play order is allways the one listed in the scenario start dialogue, ergo, the japanese goes after the russians in this scenario.

              Note: The list should say Brittish (Grothgar) and Russia (Ecthelion) now...
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • #82
                Oops, my bad. Sorry, thought I remembered the first list being wrong on something so I checked further down and evidently missed Japan's turn! Sorry, go ahead.
                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                -The Artist Within-


                • #83
                  British Warships in Japanese Territorial Waters
                  Ships of the Royal Navy have been spotted carrying units off Formosa and islands in the Ryuku chain - waters that come under Japanese jurisdiction.

                  Japan demands an immediate explanation from the British government as to the purpose and destination of these ships and a formal apology for the violation of Japanese territorial rights. The Japanese government reserves the right to forbid these ships from using our waters should they object to the British plans.
                  Attached Files


                  • #84
                    Britian wishes to assure the good old slant eyes that the ships are there by chance and are carrying freight units and are en-route to american waters. Britain also mentions that you have 22 units in your entire army/navy whereas britain has 190 units, of which 70 are in that area of the world, so while your concerns are justified there isnt a thing you can do to make a blind bit of notice have a nice day...
                    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                    • #85
                      Sorry for the fuddle.
                      I guess I'll go jump in a puddle.
                      Or eat some hay,
                      I just may.

                      Same headlines as before, new post.
                      Henrik, your turn.
                      Attached Files
                      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                      -The Artist Within-


                      • #86
                        if anyone wants to drop out or is wanting to stop, can i play coz i tried it finally and its soo good!
                        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                        • #87
                          Yo Japan, heads up from the ol' USA, before you get all steamy, there'll be a unit or so of freight heading your way in a few turns, and probably more to come. So if you don't want my ships and their freight units around, then I'm sure I can find other people who would like them just fine


                          • #88
                            The Brittish gearing up for war?
                            Germany objects to the brittish agressive and provocative behavior in the straits of Gibraltar and the brittish channel.
                            Brittain has no right whatsoever to any of these waters.
                            Neither France nor Germany has done anything to warrant such a blockade, and a continued formal blockade of French and German ports will be regarded as an act of war.

                            If Brittain cannot respect international agreements and laws maybe she ought to be teached a lesson in mannors...
                            Attached Files
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • #89
                              United States blockade Cuba, Haiti and Puerto Rico
                              In responce to the default on loans to Spain, and political turmoil in Haiti, the United States have sent a cordon of ships to encircle these isles and prevent traffic from entering or leaving them. No one is sure of where this crisis is going, but there are reports of troop movements in the southeastern US.

                              Freighters expected to open new era of foreign trade in next month or so
                              Ireland, Germany, Spain, France, Russia, Japan and India can all expect a boom in trade with US soon.

                              Engineers begin so-called Southern Trans-Continental Railway
                              Work has begun on a link from Galveston to Santa Fe, which is presumed will lead to a link all the way to San Diego.

                              Turn played and sent to Grothgar


                              • #90
                                French Officials Royally Pissed
                                French People Democraticly Pissed

                                Yes, the straight of Gibralter has been on the minds of every French citizen, especially colonists in Oran, who believe they have as much right to pass the straight as do the upitty british in their yatchs based in Gibralter. Thus the French government requests that the British stop the blockade in the name of goodwill and free trade, and free love. This expensive stuff is killing us!
                                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                                -The Artist Within-

