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Playtest; IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • #46
    I just realized I accidentally played my first turn with one of the older versions of the scenario. I've thrown out that old version now, but do I have to replay my turn or can we just continue?

    Japan thanks France and Germany for their speedy recognition of Korean independence. To repay the kindness of these western nations, our trade goods will be dropped off in their ports and great cities, thereby fostering goodwill and co-operation between our three states.


    • #47
      Oh, and Grogthar, I really think you should change the colour of the independents to light grey - orange is far too similar to the British red.


      • #48
        Well i happen to think it looks fine as it is

        And the russian ambassador says OOPS didnt see that railroad.
        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • #49

          I know its a small thing, and mabey you have a reason for it, but I was thinking you need to change the Mfg. Goods unit icon. Trucks, at least such good looking trucks weren't out by then, and if they were, not in any quantity. Engines at that time would make them virtually useless for any deal of cargo carrying. Therefore you might want to change it. Then again, I wouldn't know what to change it too... a cargo train would only make sense when it plies the rails, and horses and cart might seem too arcane (whether or not realistic, don't know) for this. You could go with the idea you have for raw goods, ei just show the stuff, not its carrying convayence. If you want of course.

          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!

          -The Artist Within-


          • #50
            Actually . . .

            It is a small thing.

            Yes, I know. And you discerned the problem. The truck graphic I'm using is a little inaccurate. But what would I use in place of it? Moreover, round about the turn of the century, the truck unit will be accurate. No horses and wagons. No railroad cars. I couldn't come up with a better solution than the truck. If anyone has one, let me know. The boxes and bags work great for the Caravan/Raw Materials, but I don't want to do that for the Freight/Manufactured Goods graphic--I want the two to be different.

            Btw, I really can't play in this pbem game. Reason; I don't have the file that you guys are using anymore. My own copy of the scenario is well advanced beyond the one you're all using. No way mine would now be compatible with it, and I've long since deleted obsolete versions here. Ecthelion pm'd me and seemed to want to get in on this game, but we'll wait and see whether he was serious or not. In the meantime, the Russian civ is open to whoever wants to play it, but one of you will have to send a copy of your version of the scenario to the new guy.
            Lost in America.
            "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
            "or a very good liar." --Stefu
            "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


            • #51
              OK, Exile. I'm willing to play the part of Russia, if they're still open.

              And: if you guys are nice to me


              • #52
                I feel obliged to make some corrections concerning city names and locations. While I don't mind the Germans owning also Austria, Hungary and Scandinavia (the Austria-Hungary owning would be sort of OK due t oalliances, but Scandinavia?), I think many of the cities are misnamed. For example, Germans own Lemberg (spelled that way not Lemburg) and Russians own Lvov. One and the same city. Plus, some other spelling things, such as Königsberg (not -burg), Nürnberg or Nuremberg, Timbuctu not Timuctu etc

                Those are just the first, I'll keep em coming. I suggest the Russian city of Lvov is renamed to Brest (-Litovsk), which ashould be geographically fine enough


                • #53
                  Suggestions noted.

                  The "Timbuctu" error has been corrected in the version I have.

                  The Lemberg/Lvov error has also bee spotted and has also been corrected in the latest version.

                  Berg/burg; does it really matter? Ok just kidding. These will be changed.

                  About Scandinavia; The problem is, who DO I give it to? Like it not, the Scandinavian countries were more closely tied, in an economic and cultural sense, to Germany than to any other Civ in the scenario. Who else could I give them to? The Russians? Hardly. The British? Perhaps Norway. Perhaps. The independent nations are too bellicose when run by the AI--if I assigned Scandinavia to them, they would get caught up in the inevitable wars and occupied by somebody. Better to just give them to the German civ.

                  And thanks for the feedback.
                  Lost in America.
                  "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                  "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                  "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                  • #54
                    I sort of figured that was the reason for Scandinavia going to the Germans, thus forming some kind of big central European block. It was probably a good decision

                    Burg means castle/keep, Berg means hill/mountain

                    I'll continue testing it later on, not tonight though, a lot of stuff to do for school


                    • #55
                      Re: Suggestions noted.

                      Originally posted by Exile The British? Perhaps Norway. Perhaps.
                      Why do everyone keep forgetting that norway bellonged to Sweden back then?
                      You couldn't possibly give them to different civs.
                      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                      • #56
                        So when does the game start?

                        Or are we waiting until the last changes were made?


                        • #57
                          Actually we're waiting for our USA player to get back. He said he'd be back by Thursday. JamesKirk! If you're back early, feel free to do your turn!
                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • #58
                            Oh well... aren't we running different versions?


                            • #59
                              President Grant, Cabinet Resign under Cloud of Scandal, House Speaker James J. Kirk Assumes Presidency

                              President Kirk Hails Korean Independence, Reaffirms Monroe Doctrine, Welcomes Peace with All Powers

                              Manufactured Goods Heading Toward Europe, Asia; More on the Way

                              OOC: Most of my turn was spent staring at the Trade Advisor screens (which all like to close themselves after about 30 or so seconds), Do you have some sort of Supply/Demand masterlist, Exile?
                              Attached Files


                              • #60
                                No, I don't.

                                But why does your trade advisor-thing close? That's a new one on me. Problem is; I've played the thing so much that I generally know what cities start out demanding what trade items. There are some rough guidelines that I could provide. Diamonds seem to be more valuable in the Orient. Europe likes Copper and Coffee. The USA and Britain like Coal and, later, OIL! Textiles are generally desirable almost anywhere. Demand for Gold can appear at some very lucrative places, but contracts during the mid-game. Commodities like Silver, Arms, and Rifles have a limited demand. Iron ore is very tricky, but can pay off. Sugar is a good commodity and is demanded in some very nice places, in Europe, England, USA, and Japan.

                                Does this help any?
                                Lost in America.
                                "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                                "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                                "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.

