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Playtest; IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • Sorry for delaying the game for so long anyway, but the reason is this: it basically died when the Brits attacked despite agreeing to peace talks


    • Well thats what you get when you mess with the most powerful nation on the planet. You could have just payed up rather than having quite a bit of your navy sunk and then still having to pay up
      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


      • More American goods reaching European shores.

        Carribbean blockade force enlarged, curious number of offensive ships present.
        Attached Files


        • Ok, russia do something about your attitude towards britain in this game. At the moment its at enraged, which isnt exactly the best for forming a peace treaty. I tried to sign a treaty but russia demanded 400 gold off of me!!! Now i stayed to my part of the agreement and ihavent attacked any of your ships but if you havent sorted it out by the next time my turn comes around i will declare total war which will not end until one of us is destroyed, and by the way, it wont be me.

          Apart from that not much went on, trade units still approaching destinations.
          Attached Files
          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


          • I'm certain I had changed my attitude to receptive at least, so stop being all arseous about something that isn't supposed to be your problem, you geek.


            • Rating his offensive approach, this turn might easily take another 3 weeks


              • Its what you call roleplaying. Dear god, thats how the british administration would have replied if they had brokered a peace treaty only to have 400 gold demanded off them. But i stand by my threat, and also, cool down, stop taking everything so personally
                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                • I'm not taking anything personally. In fact I'm just losing interest in this game.


                  • So're you playing your turn Ecth, or are you quitting on us?


                    • Actually I'm fed up, there's just no fun in this.


                      • All right already, I'll take Russia here. My Civfan Russia game kinda took a turn for the worst so I thought I'd begin anew here. Turn up soon.

                        Edit: Actually I need the password, hold on.
                        Last edited by Darius871; August 22, 2002, 23:17.


                        • Welcome aboard Darius, or at least once you've gotten the password. If you can't attain it, I'm sure Henrik could do some magic and remove all passwords just to let you in. Unless there would be some objection to that, and only if you can't get it from Ecth.
                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • I'm sure Echthelion is still around to read a PM even if he quit this, so it should be quick.


                            • Oooookay, guess not. PM sent to Henrik.


                              • Sorry about the extremely long delay, here it is
                                All alliances and such from before ectehelions dissapearance are still on as far as germany is concerned.
                                Lets get this game going!
                                Attached Files
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

