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The Truest Gift of the Gods

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  • #31
    Originally posted by moi

    *slaps self with brick*

    i dont know how i missed the sweet spot.

    oh well. I will play another turn at approx 15:00 EST tomorrow. (gotta get sleep now)
    *slaps self with another brick*

    i hadnt realized that smash hadnt played yet. i REALLY need some sleep.


    • #32
      go ahead and play.Just be sure to post your(anyone) intention to play a turn set so we don't have players playing the same time period and creating confusion.

      moi has the ball
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #33
        Originally posted by moi
        *slaps self with brick*
        Don't do that: it hurts.
        We all make mistakes (and sometimes learn from them).
        Please let me know when you notice one of mine.

        About wonders, here's my opinion:

        This game is an heroic epic. IMO this means that we try to play our best. This means researching Marco and Cope (4 caravans each).

        More generally, given the size of the map, the maximal number of cities will probably be reached if we choose to play conquest. This means that we shall probably still be playing it in 2004.

        On the contrary, if we play peacefully (with help of Marco and Cope), we might be able to launch a beautiful SS (max size) within a more reasonable amount of time. I vote for peace (even if I love ironclads).
        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


        • #34
          actually that would be 6 for Cope's making 10.

          with our current set up we will be lucky to build 4 caravans before the ai finished those wonders IMO.

          I'd like to have em all,but I don't think we will have a choice.

          My intentions are to extend our reach to the entire globe.
          The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


          • #35
            Thank you for correcting me about Cope: 6 caravans, of course.
            But I think you are wrong if you believe that we are late: about 3 turns before my savegame (let us say 380AD), there was an anouncement that the English started building Cope.
            Do you agree that this probably means that they had just discovered Astro? (which would mean that we are well ahead of them in research?).
            Anyway I think we should ask Julius and moi (and any other willing to join us) whether we are willing to play this game as a pure succession game, anyone of us playing exactly as he likes during 10 turns, or more like some kind of 'democracy game', trying to agree about the general strategy?
            I confess that it would be fun if you have a target named 'conquest' and I have a target named SS...
            moi? Julius? what do you think?
            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


            • #36
              Originally posted by Smash
              go ahead and play.Just be sure to post your(anyone) intention to play a turn set so we don't have players playing the same time period and creating confusion.

              moi has the ball
              very well; i will play a turn within one hour of now.


              • #37
                I think we should rule as we see fit.Thruout history some leaders were better than others...had different visions of their Utopias.Heck, you could even choose to play your turns as a Pol Pot or similiar and wreck your/our country.Sometimes nations fall under the control of Hitler or a Stalin etc..take your pick.I don't know how popular you'd be if you chose to play this way ...but it would leave a legacy

                We will find out soon enough about our immediate wonder future.I got notices of wonders starting just as I finished my turns last time(25bc).Have they been built yet?....a look at the recent save's top five and wonders built seems to indicate there are at least 2 wonders out there that are fairly well along.They will switch when they get a chance.I'm surprised Marco's is still available.I think there may be some trading/stealing of tech going on with the ais.Some of them are in contact and "working" together...sorta..for the ai.If the English started out on the Isle,then I don't beleive there is any way they got Astronomy on their own.More likely,a mainland Europe civ that is getting lots of huts.

                We may have find ourselves looking at military action to secure a "vital" wonder or 2.Remember,we need at least one of the happy wonders very soon.The riot factor must be kicking now without the Gardens....
                The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                • #38
                  440 Port Grapes founded. First citizen is unhappy
                  460 Hut tapped; horseback riding.
                  480 whee! vet phalanx from barb attack.
                  500 Hut tapped, 50g.
                  520 Diplomate reaches west coast of austarila.
                  540 Russains have nearly built copernicus's observatory. Hut tapped, advanced tribe of Divinity founded on west coast of Austrailia.
                  560 Moscow Builds copernicus.
                  580 Republic discovered. worth the switch over? I dont think so; many of our cities just arent putting out enough shields. Someone else can have the next revolution As a side note: I see nothing wrong with doing marco polo's.
                  600 Throne room: we now have the BIGGEST CHAIR ALLOWABLE BY LAW. ohh yeah
                  620 nada happens. gave saved as mu_a620. moi steps down.
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Ok I go next I guess.D'led and play now.
                    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                    • #40
                      well not too much to report.
                      University researched.I had 2 huts showing so I played a hunch and took Poly and got it from a hut....but Mono was not offered.I chose Banking.

                      Some units were found in huts in SA and that should keep the colony on solid ground against barbs and come what may.This is a fertile area and we should develop it ASAP.There must be someone in NA.We should be seeing a unit or 2 soon the way the ai beelines.
                      Another advanced tribe in Australia.Not well placed but at least a foothold.Defenses are very lean here.We must use caution with huts here less we have our colony wiped out by 1 wrong move.

                      I sold off the granary of God Haven.It serves only to drain the coffers of maintainence fees.Who kept building that?
                      Attached Files
                      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                      • #41
                        dunno, it was already building in progress, so i really didnt think twice about continuing it.


                        • #42

                          I did start building it and I am sorry you sold it (but I agree with you, smash, it's just like Hitler coming to power and ordering autodafe burning books ).
                          I haven't seen the last savegame, so I can't judge whether it is already wise to switch to Republic. My plan was to grow God Haven even before switching and using WLTCD. Bye, bye!...

                          Anyway I completely agree that it can be great fun to play hardcore succession, with a new king or consul destroying what the previous one tried to build.
                          When I look back at History, I see quite clearly that this is much more realistic than wise democratic decisions taken in advance.
                          Let us be ruthless despots (and shouting loud when we dislike what the previous one did).
                          I shall be one within 1 hour from now (just enough time to download your savegame).
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • #43
                            ruthless despot report

                            820: It appears that, even on this huge map, we have 12 cities and only red faces. Next city will bring us a black face somewhere. I hate black faces.
                            That's why I decide to stop settling, hurry up scouting and run for Mono and Mike.
                            860: hut gives legion
                            880: hut gives Medicine
                            960: Banking discovered (Mono researched, of course)
                            hut gives Theory of Gravity
                            980: MARCO POLO, hallelujah!

                            My hypothesis was right: 'We are #1 in science, noble leader!' (but our power is 'inadequate', not a great surprise!)
                            Here is what Marco tells us:
                            4 foreign civs left: Russians in Despotism at war with English and Vikings, both Monarchies + Mongol monarchy without any contact.

                            Russians: 12 cities, 18 techs
                            Vikings: 18 cities, 15 techs
                            English: 12 cities, 21 techs
                            Mongols: 19 cities, 16 techs

                            Our target civ is dark blue. I do massive tech gifting to the Vikings, thus reducing our number of beakers required for Mono from 572 to 462. The English are now ahead of us in techs (with help of the GL during tech gifting) but we just don't care: we need Mono swiftly, in order to build Mike ASAP.
                            I say ASAP! (and you do what you will, of course ).
                            But I say ASAP!
                            1020: hut gives Hamadan (nice seaside resort in Western Australia with 2 improvements inside; still I hate black faces so much that I refused to check where we got one)

                            (La Fayette, getting sunburnt in Hamadan, happy owner of Marco)
                            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                            • #44
                              I'm ready to jump back into the game.
                              But LaFayette, where is the last save
                              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                              • #45
                                It seems that i forgot to attach the same game. Excuse me , Julius. Enjoy!
                                Attached Files
                                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental

