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The Truest Gift of the Gods

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  • #16
    who's next?

    I remember that this is an heroic epic so that civ2 lives forever. Therefore I think we should leave this game open to anyone willing to take part, but I wouldn't like this game to go as slowly as 'crusades' (so slow that almost anyone now seems to have forgotten it...SG2 playing?).
    Here is my proposal:
    smash, moi, you and me, who seem to be most interested, play in the following order: Julius, moi, La Fayette, smash (anyone of us playing ASAP after the previous one sent his savegame), but anyone else is free to play a few turns in between after having posted here that he or she is willing to do so.
    What do you think?
    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


    • #17
      beautiful lighthouse

      I was willing to run to Navigation, but your building of Lighthouse pleases me (especially if we happen to meet someone nasty on our way and need to use vet ironclads against him; I love vet ironclads).
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • #18
        Well it looks like we are going to be a seafaring nation and without it there wasn't much to do.I found one more island just off Devil Island but beyond that......

        We could have stayed home and played an occ type game but that wouldn't be much of a heroic epic .....just think of how many huts must be out there......
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #19
          Attached Files
          The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


          • #20
            LaFayette and Smash, nice job !
            3 cities in 25bc, not too bad. The AI must be ahead of us.
            I think I'm going to wait until thursday next week (lot of work until then anyway) to let someone else join, and then I'll play my next turns.
            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


            • #21
              Yes, come on
              Everybody is free to join
              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


              • #22
                Do you mind if we play 10 turns each from now on?
                Do you mind if we skip your turn this time?
                moi, smash and I would manage to play one time each until thursday ...
                and of course anyone willing to join us!
                Welcome folks, this is an heroic epic in honour of civ2.
                All civ2 lovers are welcome.

                I have never played huge map up to now, but I suppose we might call this game 'ocean game'. Chasing for Magellan ASA we get Navigation will sure be a nice idea.
                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                • #23
                  BTW smash
                  This isle of Man looks like a real sweet spot!
                  Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                  • #24
                    i will commence from 25bc now.


                    • #25
                      from 25bc:
                      1 millennial celebrations held! King Mu'ili'wai'aki plans retirement in 2000 years.
                      40 our triremes are underway to colonize new worlds.
                      60 Nottingham (english) builds great library. astronomy discovered. research on construction begins. trireme #1 sights land!!
                      80 New Jersey founded. Elvis recruited in God Haven.
                      100 trireme #2 sights land!!! Hut opened: free settler. Unfortunately, the land trireme 2 sighted is all mountains by the shore.
                      120 got another throne room upgrade; we invested in a big chair. has anyone else been doing throne room upgrades?
                      140 Big Apple founded. Landmass #2 appears to be at first glance, quite large.
                      160 Hut opened, free legion.
                      180 isle of man builds settlers. game saved as mu_a180.sav; king moi steps down after 10 turns per la fayette's request.
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Nice play, and many discoveries to come
                        It almost looks too easy
                        Smash and Lafayette, yes skip for this turn
                        I'm glad to see it's moving fast
                        10 turns should be enough, now
                        Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                        • #27
                          Let me apologize: I realize now that I was so stuck in the game that I played 12 turns instead of 10.

                          Here is what happened:
                          180: My great knowledge of geography tells me that New Jersey has been founded in New Zealand and Big Apple in South America (1 square away from the sweet spot ).

                          Main decisions taken therefore:
                          Create 2 more cities on the northern island of New Zealand.
                          Send a trireme sailing westwards towards Australia.
                          Explore and settle full speed in South America.
                          Rushbuild the library in God Haven and speed up research towards Navigation.
                          (+ one wrong decision: go on sailing a trireme northwards along what we call in french 'la cordillière des Andes'; this is useless since there is no one onboard; I shall stop that needless voyage after a few turns and sail the trireme back to God Haven)

                          240: hut gives Construction + foundation of SMALL BANANA (close to Big Apple, on the river)
                          260: Literacy discovered
                          300: eastern coast of Australia in sight
                          360: hut gives 8 barbarian horsemen, our diplomat buys one horseman before being killed and we sell the temple in Devil Island in order to rushbuid a phalanx in Small Banana
                          400: foundation of OLD GUERNESEY (4 squares south of New Jersey)
                          420: Philosophy discovered, also provides Navigation (I was right trying ) + hut gives 25 gold

                          Our main problem now IMO: we have 3 wonders available, all of them very interesting, namely Marco, Copernicus and Magellan.
                          I think we should discuss that (though Magellan looks great on that huge map).

                          smash: enjoy!
                          Attached Files
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • #28
                            I forgot to mention that I chose Republic as next tech to research.
                            The world looks very quiet at the moment. Hence my choice to try peaceful growth through Republic (hope you don't mind, smash, , I know you don't ).
                            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                            • #29
                              My thoughts on the next wonder.

                              Cope's-always good but we don't need a science city with the trade bonus we can expect.Although we have some pretty good sites for that wonder.....

                              Marco's-very good for a big map like would make the game much easier and maybe we should explore the old fashioned way!?

                              That leaves Magellan' this point.
                              Very good plan for this map.It is logical to pursue our naval capabilities as we will use the seas as our own territory.

                              Wonder building is not quite as easy with islands.Need boats to shuttle back and forth.Our priority should be rapid colonization of Australia.From there we can extend into Asia Pacific and perhaps into India,China,Russia...etc....perhaps that is a little ambitious at this point.

                              Eventually we will want/need something for happiness.Either Mich's,JSB or SoL.Or maybe all of em
                              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by La Fayette
                                Big Apple in South America (1 square away from the sweet spot ).
                                *slaps self with brick*

                                i dont know how i missed the sweet spot.

                                oh well. I will play another turn at approx 15:00 EST tomorrow. (gotta get sleep now)

