An interesting game full of contradictions! We have Mike's but are not using it effectively. We own the Lighthouse but are researching Magnetism. We possess Shake's but cannot exploit it properly unless in Republic. We have just built Sun Tzu's Academy which suggests a warlike Monarchy!
I agree with La Fayette that the warmer, greener Viking territory is a prize worth seizing. But it will take time to mount a killing attack. Sure - we can stuff a few boats with Crusaders and hope they get lucky, but this is more the tactic of piracy than considered and lethal strategy. With only a few turns in Republic we can transform our Empire.
Set Tax at 70% Gold 30% Lux. Sell Barracks at Mt 4 Special as we have Sun Tzu, and sell Library at Whale Woe. Swap Physics for The Wheel with Russians and also give them Republic to get an update of their maps. There are three Russian units on the Viking continent.
Ships are being rehomed at 2 Whales to be made happy by the Theatre. Hut - Nomad
Whale Woe builds Aqueduct. Hut Engineering
Peace with the Vikings, give them Construction.
Revolution to Republic Almost everywhere celebrating.
Salt to Viborg 192g; The Russians are showing more interest in the Viking homeland. One of their caravels sighted heading west. To keep them friendly give them Feudalism and obtain new maps.
Population 1.67m
Wool/Beads to Trondheim 336/150g Port Trondheim founded on rivered mountain. I've never placed a city on such fine defensive terrain
This little town can act as a safe harbour for trading with the Viking capital and the bridgehead for its ultimate change in ownership. 
Viking Canal founded When asked to withdraw their troops the Russians opt for war!
Population 2.29m
Magnetism Farewell lovely Lighthouse
Invention next;
Salt/Wool to Jorvik 80/80g
Population 2.98m
Russians sink one of our Caravels, fortunately empty. The guilty ship is destroyed along with its cargo of three units. LittleTrondheim founded near two whales; Whale Woe size 12
Population 3.74m
End celebrations, as most places would need substantial investments to gain further benefit. More caravans set sail.
Population 4.21m
Start of turn...the Empire is stable with luxuries @ 30%, Tax @ 60% brings in over 200g less 24g for overheads, with a token 10% for science.
Bring on the Rodents
I agree with La Fayette that the warmer, greener Viking territory is a prize worth seizing. But it will take time to mount a killing attack. Sure - we can stuff a few boats with Crusaders and hope they get lucky, but this is more the tactic of piracy than considered and lethal strategy. With only a few turns in Republic we can transform our Empire.
Set Tax at 70% Gold 30% Lux. Sell Barracks at Mt 4 Special as we have Sun Tzu, and sell Library at Whale Woe. Swap Physics for The Wheel with Russians and also give them Republic to get an update of their maps. There are three Russian units on the Viking continent.
Ships are being rehomed at 2 Whales to be made happy by the Theatre. Hut - Nomad
Whale Woe builds Aqueduct. Hut Engineering
Peace with the Vikings, give them Construction.
Revolution to Republic Almost everywhere celebrating.
Salt to Viborg 192g; The Russians are showing more interest in the Viking homeland. One of their caravels sighted heading west. To keep them friendly give them Feudalism and obtain new maps.
Population 1.67m
Wool/Beads to Trondheim 336/150g Port Trondheim founded on rivered mountain. I've never placed a city on such fine defensive terrain

Viking Canal founded When asked to withdraw their troops the Russians opt for war!
Population 2.29m
Magnetism Farewell lovely Lighthouse

Salt/Wool to Jorvik 80/80g
Population 2.98m
Russians sink one of our Caravels, fortunately empty. The guilty ship is destroyed along with its cargo of three units. LittleTrondheim founded near two whales; Whale Woe size 12
Population 3.74m
End celebrations, as most places would need substantial investments to gain further benefit. More caravans set sail.
Population 4.21m
Start of turn...the Empire is stable with luxuries @ 30%, Tax @ 60% brings in over 200g less 24g for overheads, with a token 10% for science.
Bring on the Rodents
