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Tent of the Chief of Staff, HQ

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  • #61
    I am now head of State?

    *pats chauffer's head*

    To the Houses of Government! Lock and load!

    In any case, ok, I will see if those units in the Golan are machine guns instead, but the others will be artillery, we need to go on the offensive and open up that corrider asap. Hopefully, we'll still have some money left over for AA-Guns the next turn.

    Or do you think you need AA Guns in the Golan before machine guns?


    • #62
      Internal Memo to Chief of Staff:
      When you said the Judean Front, you meant the Home Front. The South-East Front is the Judean Front.
      Colonel Rabbi Aaron Berg, Haganah; Commander-in-Chief Judean Front
      Vote Democrat
      Support Democracy


      • #63
        Originally posted by El Awrence
        I am now head of State?

        *pats chauffer's head*

        To the Houses of Government! Lock and load!
        I knew I should have appointed a hippie. Hippie's don't attempt coup's. Perhaps to quench your thirst for power , I agree with the Conmcb25 that you are doing an excellent job.
        David Disraeli
        Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


        • #64

          Dispatches of the General Staff: EIN GEV has been assigned to the Judean Front. The Field Marshal will manage the defence this month, as from next month, the commander of the Judean Front shall dispatch his subordinates.

          Understood, sir.


          • #65
            Internal Memo to Chief of Staff:
            When you said the Judean Front, you meant the Home Front. The South-East Front is the Judean Front.
            Colonel Rabbi Aaron Berg, Haganah; Commander-in-Chief Judean Front
            Damn Alzheimer!

            I agree with the Conmcb25 that you are doing an excellent job.

            Thank you, thank you, where are my flowers now?


            • #66
              Originally posted by El Awrence


              Thank you, thank you, where are my flowers now?
              I thought only hippies liked flowers.
              David Disraeli
              Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


              • #67


                • #68

                  There's nothing wrong with being a hippie, El Awrence.

                  Hippie's don't attempt coups.
                  Indeed. Pacifists make the best ministers, since you never have to watch for a knife.

                  I'm happy with the orders so far.
                  Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                  "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                  • #69
                    That's Field Marshal Hipp... errr, Awrence.


                    • #70
                      Comments, but not commands, on the current save.

                      1. Please capture Akko.
                      2. Please capture Jaffa.
                      3. Jerusalem needs reinforcements.
                      4. Tantura needs to be eliminated at some time.

                      We have a lot of money left to accomplish these goals.

                      That is all.
                      David Disraeli
                      Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


                      • #71
                        I give my commanders liberty. If they can't use it, I give them death. Ehm demotions I mean!


                        • #72
                          MID DECEMBER 1947 REPORT

                          I have come up with a revolutionary organizational concept. Each front commander now has a code:

                          Northern Front: General Mikhoels (yaroslav)- M
                          Home Front: General Sadeh (Azazel)- S
                          South East Front: General Berg (POTUS)- B
                          Sinai Front: General Unknown (FiGu)- F

                          Cities under your command will be noted thus. When I add, remove cities from the fronts, they will be more easily kept track of.


                          REPORT FOR NORTHERN FRONT

                          Nahariyyah has been a great victory, my compliments. It would seem that you are short on artillery, I shall be putting all my pressure to have some artillery built in Akko, Yehi'am and Nahariyyah so that the offensive on Tiberias may be undertaken.

                          REPORT FOR THE HOME FRONT

                          I note that you are like a caged lion, and with good cause. As soon as the Tiberias corridor is opened I shall be providing ample artillery for your operations, as the homelands must be secured. Patience, my friend!

                          REPORT FOR JERUSALEM FRONT

                          A relief column with 1 Hagana, Irgun and Har El Brigades are being readied. They will arrive under the cover of Zion workers in January 1948. Hold fast, comrades in Jerusalem!

                          REPORT FOR SINAI FRONT

                          In any case, I have noticed that the units outside Jaffa had not recieved orders, so I drove down there personally from Tel Aviv with artillery and a Har El Brigade and launched an assault on Jaffa, which has fallen. Some old artillery pieces were quickly repaired when they arrived in Jaffa and were sent forward to Ashdod, from where they will be based. Additionally, a Hagana unit has been moved to occupy Jaffa from Tel Aviv, and its new HQ has been settled there. Commander, please show the enemy some teeth in the future. We must not be merciful with these infidels.

                          Jaffa has been put under the command of the Sinai front, Tel Aviv has been removed from the Sinai command. Tel Aviv placed under the command of the Chief of Staff.

                          FOR THE DEFENCE, ECONOMIC MINISTERS

                          I would like defensive units to be built, in places farther from the front, and I wouldn't mind fortifications in cities that will be under heavy attack when the British leave.

                          In any case, here are the orders:

                          In the GOLAN, Metullah, Kafer Szold and Mishimar Yarden should RUSHBUY anti aircraft artillery by the end of next turn. Imperative. After that, they will need fortifications before the British leave.

                          I would much appreciate the construction of artillery in Yehi'am and Nahiriyyah with speed, as the corridor to Tiberias must be opened very soon. AKKO MUST RUSHBUY SOME DEFENSIVE UNITS AT ONCE. Haifa could use another defensive unit, or artillery to enable the swift capture of Tantura.

                          On the JORDAN, EIN GEV MUST BUILD FORTIFICATIONS at once! Degania should too, as there are already some machine gun brigades there. Gesher and Beth Shean should complete their machine guns soon, and construct fortifications and AA artillery as well.

                          Haderah, Netanyah and Petach Tikva should complete their defensive units soon, so that artillery may be purchased. The capture of Tantura must be completed soon. Personally, I would like Tel Aviv should rushbuy some defensive unit this turn, as I plan to remove most of the defence units to relieve West Jerusalem next month.

                          West Jerusalem SHOULD RUSHBUY THIS TURN much needed fortifications. It is my belief that the units present there should hold out another turn or two, and the relief column should arrive quickly. Sedom could use a defensive unit fast. Kfar Etzion looks ok. Ashdod should build us some artillery, as I want to take the offensive into Gaza soon. Eilat needs AA artillery. Soon. And fortifications. Soon. And an airport, in case we need to relieve the inhabitants by air.


                          • #73
                            Dude! I have no troops! We have 6k in the treasury! put some pressure on the ministers!


                            • #74
                              As you have seen, comrades, the Ministry of Defence wants to alienate me, and when he alienates me, the defence of the motherland is put at risk. I need you to toss some shells over the ministry, and pretend it was the Palestinians, to get the point across.


                              • #75
                                I see an artilery unit in West jerusalem is in sleep-mode, is there any use in this besides bordering ships?

                                edit: And what front is G? Only Tel Aviv?
                                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                                It can only be achieved by understanding"

