As there's no time to post a poll, I felt that in the interests of open government and democracy, that I would post the Science Ministry's private and extremely secret recommendations to the President here.
I'm expecting the secret police to be at my door at any moment... quick, read this and discuss, before the inevitable government crackdown!
El Presidente,
Your Science Minister and his cabal of mad scientists present this, their recommendation to the new government:
Our goal is global conquest, not city growth or the conquest of space. We cannot build wonders or caravans. So only some of the techs are useful. Techs useful in themselves are:
Advanced Flight
Combined Arms
Labour Union
Machine Tools
Mobile Warfare
The remaining techs allow us to build improvements (Superhighways, Supermarket), Wonders (Cure for Cancer), spacecraft parts, or other non-relevant items (Freight, any ships).
Out of all these techs, only Communism stands out as a non-military tech. It would allow us to have a government option other than Fundy. It would allow us a better science rate than Fundy. It allows vet spies. It allows some free unit support (3) but no cheap Fundamentalist units. Mike's Chapel would keep most of our cities happy, and martial law would do the rest.
Out of the military techs, Combined Arms, Advanced Flight, Labour Union, Rocketry, Robotics and Stealth are too far out of reach to worry about now.
So our real choices are:
Communism (1 tech away)
Espionage (2 techs away)
Flight (4 techs away)
Machine Tools (3 techs away)
Mobile Warfare (7 techs away
Luckily, all of these have Industrialization as a prerequisite... which we are now researching.
Communism is a direct prerequisite to Espionage.
Flight requires Corporation (useless tech) Refining (pretty useless) and Combustion (useless tech).
Machine Tools requires Electricity and Steel, both useless unless we want to build a battle fleet out of Vetkovia
Mobile Warfare requires Corporation, Refining, and Combustion (like Flight) as well as Electricity, Steel and Automobile (much like Machine Tools). It will also take, obviously, a long time to research, and we could easily be forced to deviate from the tech path (techs not being offered to research) or distracted by other options (Machine Tools and/or Flight). MW therefore to me, seems a poor goal, as some other equally useful techs are available sooner.
Therefore, I recommend Communism be our next choice, followed by Espionage. Communism gives us options, and Espionage will be useful soonest (since we have Diplos which will auto-upgrade).
If we really want to get Machine Tools (or Flight, which I would consider useful only for scouting hidden AI cities - and we'd have to build Fighters from scratch), it would probably be faster to get Communism and then switch governments, which would speed our science rate, than to try and research the 3 (or 4) extra techs in Fundy.
If Communism is unavailable for research, either Steel or Electricity would be recommended, on the path to Machine Tools (our SMC has indicated a desire for big machines that go 'boom').
As to whether we do research:
Currently, our science rate is 0%, meaning we will learn Industrialization approximately never.
Well, the Science Ministry recommends a science rate of 40% science (40% luxuries, 20% tax). Yes, that cuts our income per turn from about 1500 to about 900. But what do we do with the income? We bribe cities. Spies bribe cities cheaper than Diplomats do (at 5/6 the cost). Vet spies do it even cheaper (2/3 the cost). Thus, the lessened income is almost completely offset by the savings in bribery. I shouldn't even mention the other advantages Spies have, but I will: they get a free 'Investigate City' (helps when planning an attack), they can sabotage specific improvements (go after those walls!), can survive after attempting an action (we won't run out of them as fast), they look great in a cocktail dress ...
So boost the Science rate, already!
And we may yet get Spies and Artillery.
I'm expecting the secret police to be at my door at any moment... quick, read this and discuss, before the inevitable government crackdown!
El Presidente,
Your Science Minister and his cabal of mad scientists present this, their recommendation to the new government:
Our goal is global conquest, not city growth or the conquest of space. We cannot build wonders or caravans. So only some of the techs are useful. Techs useful in themselves are:
Advanced Flight
Combined Arms
Labour Union
Machine Tools
Mobile Warfare
The remaining techs allow us to build improvements (Superhighways, Supermarket), Wonders (Cure for Cancer), spacecraft parts, or other non-relevant items (Freight, any ships).

Out of all these techs, only Communism stands out as a non-military tech. It would allow us to have a government option other than Fundy. It would allow us a better science rate than Fundy. It allows vet spies. It allows some free unit support (3) but no cheap Fundamentalist units. Mike's Chapel would keep most of our cities happy, and martial law would do the rest.
Out of the military techs, Combined Arms, Advanced Flight, Labour Union, Rocketry, Robotics and Stealth are too far out of reach to worry about now.
So our real choices are:
Communism (1 tech away)
Espionage (2 techs away)
Flight (4 techs away)
Machine Tools (3 techs away)
Mobile Warfare (7 techs away

Luckily, all of these have Industrialization as a prerequisite... which we are now researching.

Communism is a direct prerequisite to Espionage.
Flight requires Corporation (useless tech) Refining (pretty useless) and Combustion (useless tech).
Machine Tools requires Electricity and Steel, both useless unless we want to build a battle fleet out of Vetkovia

Mobile Warfare requires Corporation, Refining, and Combustion (like Flight) as well as Electricity, Steel and Automobile (much like Machine Tools). It will also take, obviously, a long time to research, and we could easily be forced to deviate from the tech path (techs not being offered to research) or distracted by other options (Machine Tools and/or Flight). MW therefore to me, seems a poor goal, as some other equally useful techs are available sooner.
Therefore, I recommend Communism be our next choice, followed by Espionage. Communism gives us options, and Espionage will be useful soonest (since we have Diplos which will auto-upgrade).
If we really want to get Machine Tools (or Flight, which I would consider useful only for scouting hidden AI cities - and we'd have to build Fighters from scratch), it would probably be faster to get Communism and then switch governments, which would speed our science rate, than to try and research the 3 (or 4) extra techs in Fundy.
If Communism is unavailable for research, either Steel or Electricity would be recommended, on the path to Machine Tools (our SMC has indicated a desire for big machines that go 'boom').
As to whether we do research:
Currently, our science rate is 0%, meaning we will learn Industrialization approximately never.
Well, the Science Ministry recommends a science rate of 40% science (40% luxuries, 20% tax). Yes, that cuts our income per turn from about 1500 to about 900. But what do we do with the income? We bribe cities. Spies bribe cities cheaper than Diplomats do (at 5/6 the cost). Vet spies do it even cheaper (2/3 the cost). Thus, the lessened income is almost completely offset by the savings in bribery. I shouldn't even mention the other advantages Spies have, but I will: they get a free 'Investigate City' (helps when planning an attack), they can sabotage specific improvements (go after those walls!), can survive after attempting an action (we won't run out of them as fast), they look great in a cocktail dress ...

So boost the Science rate, already!
