I don't see what good communism will do.
It's not as though we need new technology to achieve naything. We don't need either spies or vet spies. Fundy will allow us to build/buy enough dips to cover all of the bases should we try to take down some city walls.
We don't need any more engineers as the railroad project is progressing quite nicely with those we already have. And we don't need to go round founding more cities! The President will have enough on his plate with all the units we're going to steamroller the enemy with, without having to trouble himself with production in new cities.
I have been communing with our God (may His name be eternally blessed) and He has declared Himself to be delighted with the progress of His chosen few. Let us give praise for His works of wonder and offer up a sacrifice of all those who suggest that we spurn His guiding hand on our civilisation.
It's not as though we need new technology to achieve naything. We don't need either spies or vet spies. Fundy will allow us to build/buy enough dips to cover all of the bases should we try to take down some city walls.
We don't need any more engineers as the railroad project is progressing quite nicely with those we already have. And we don't need to go round founding more cities! The President will have enough on his plate with all the units we're going to steamroller the enemy with, without having to trouble himself with production in new cities.

I have been communing with our God (may His name be eternally blessed) and He has declared Himself to be delighted with the progress of His chosen few. Let us give praise for His works of wonder and offer up a sacrifice of all those who suggest that we spurn His guiding hand on our civilisation.
