Turn to Gregurabi.
Personal log, Col. Northswordsman:
Along with contact with the other 6 factions that exist on this horrible world, comes some headaches.
(swallowing 2 headache pills with a sip of water.)
Some of these leaders are pleasant to deal with, offering peace treaties along with some needed technology we have not been able to develop on our own. Even the University had some nice information to trade, which I found immediate use for. Even researchers have their uses.
But some of these leaders are intractable, especially Dierdre, Roze and Aki-Zeta. They will provide some sport for my crack troops.
I cannot allow a bunch of wimpy peace-lovers dictate what I can and cannot do with my troops. We shall see.
Along comes with this comes the news that my son has died. He did not survive 2 days past his birth due to some medical problems. Our lack of medical technology is regrettable in the extreme. Sigh.. I must force myself to be the emotionless leader that my troops demand. We are at war. There will be time to grieve later. If only.... no, no time to think those thoughts. I will grieve when it is time.
Personal log, Col. Northswordsman:
Along with contact with the other 6 factions that exist on this horrible world, comes some headaches.
(swallowing 2 headache pills with a sip of water.)
Some of these leaders are pleasant to deal with, offering peace treaties along with some needed technology we have not been able to develop on our own. Even the University had some nice information to trade, which I found immediate use for. Even researchers have their uses.

But some of these leaders are intractable, especially Dierdre, Roze and Aki-Zeta. They will provide some sport for my crack troops.

Along comes with this comes the news that my son has died. He did not survive 2 days past his birth due to some medical problems. Our lack of medical technology is regrettable in the extreme. Sigh.. I must force myself to be the emotionless leader that my troops demand. We are at war. There will be time to grieve later. If only.... no, no time to think those thoughts. I will grieve when it is time.