Originally posted by Googlie
It's pretty moot now anyway, as we won't have Doc Loyalty in 2147
It's pretty moot now anyway, as we won't have Doc Loyalty in 2147
For example we give them Social Psych and Ecological Engineering. They then research Doctrine: Loyalty and Intellectual Integrity and they give it to us.
Additionally we promise not to build the Ascetic Virtues, while they promise not to build the Command Nexus (at least if they can research DocLoy before Yang builds the CN). The current restrictions on building the CDF (for Morgan) and PEG (for us) remain. Since we want IntInt, and the Morganites are AFAIK interested in AdapEcon and after that a b-line to Planetary Economics (with prerequisite IntInt) our research lines are alike, so cooperation would only be natural.