Alright, I'm starting now to build Issue #3, if you want to stop the presses the time is now.
Replace "French" with "Swedish", and that part'd fit me too. Of course, in Belgium AFAIK it's like half French and half Flemish, here it's 95% Finnish and 5% Swedish. But I digress.
I wasn't sure which part of Belgium Ghent is in, so I just guessed you spoke French, mainly because I'd forgotten what the other language was caled.
We're supposed to learn French as our second language, but of course, as English is the international lingua franca, I speak French worse than English. Heck, I have hardly spoken or read French the last two years.
I wasn't sure which part of Belgium Ghent is in, so I just guessed you spoke French, mainly because I'd forgotten what the other language was caled.