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Game Discussion, Turn 2101 - 2120

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  • right, right.
    what difficulty we are playing? pop 2 causes drone riots, thats completely new to me.
    is there a thread were I can see all the other settings of the game?
    My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


    • Transcend.

      Game rules:

      Game setup:

      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • Kassi

        Perhaps it would be useful for future reference if one of the game mods created a topped thread in the general forum with all the rules and game setup information.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • all this talk about high morale units for confronting yang. Do we plan on going to war with them?

          maybe I should read the game setup thread , but I see yang up high on the power graph. I'm assuming they were setup with some bonuses in the game creation so they aren't a roll-over ai civ. They are likely to have some armoued units I would think.

          edit: I read the game setup thread. It seems they started with an extra colongy pod and a couple of formers. It's unlikely they have armoued units then.

          So what's the plan? Do we knock out the hive?


          • Originally posted by ChairmanSlick
            One thing i would change is your energy allocation

            it said that you were on 10% psych?? whats the point in that, there is no way you are going to get enough psych to change a drone this early and the inefficiency caused by having the percentages all changed around like you have far out ways the benefits in my opinion.
            The 10% psych allocation isn't to do with the drones - it 'cos the research rate is better with a 30/10/60 than with any other combination.

            Sure, we would lose a lot to inefficiency if we had 20 or 30 bases and over 100 lab points per turn, but right now, when our lab points are just 6 or 7 a turn, it's not even counted in the formula (which rounds to the higher integer)



            • i c, i c...

              i didn't realise that it would get us more tech... if so then go for it!

              I guess this was discussed earlier and i missed it.

              --- All this talk of hive to the south or whatever, is this assumed? or are there any facts indicating that this is in fact the case?


              • -- keep in mind that random events which is ON will favour builders who build facilities... =(


                • Originally posted by ChairmanSlick
                  --- All this talk of hive to the south or whatever, is this assumed? or are there any facts indicating that this is in fact the case?
                  The Data Angel team used an exploit accidentally and discovered a Hiverian base at given co-ordinates. All teams were given the info to balance things out. More details here.
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • thanks Kauha.

                    but I didn't see map size, cloud cover, etc. discussed anywhere.
                    My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                    • great... i think i'm just about up to date now


                      • Originally posted by Andemagne
                        thanks Kauha.

                        but I didn't see map size, cloud cover, etc. discussed anywhere.
                        We had a poll on that before the game started, it's probably in the ACDG-Archives now. I couldn't find the poll right now, but I could find the results:

                        Large map
                        Medium water
                        Average rainfall
                        Rolling erosion
                        Moderate native life
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • rolling erosion?
                          My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                          • ie - the average (not mountains everywhere nor flatlands)


                            • Battle Report MY 2113

                              • Sparta Command completes a colony pod. I'm not sure what we decided to build next - I temporarily set it to formers. Btw, in the future what do I need to change production to in SC1 before popping a pod and thus possibly getting a materials pod?
                              • Colony pod sent forwards to (57.21).
                              • Chiron Knights popped the unity pod and got another fungal bloom. And it also failed to use its second MP to move out of the fungus. We've temporarily run out of luck it seems. How about we call that large mass of fungus now existing on our south The Great Fungal Wall?
                              • R-112 CRV now garrisons Santiago Citadel.
                              • Rolling Thunder moved to (56.20), to continue further to SC2. Oh yeah, square (58.24) also unrevealed while moving through (56.22).

                              Sparta MY 2113 presend


                              In a few turns we should be able to found Gythium Harbour. The questions pops up what to build there as our first item. Since we made a special effort to build a coastal base, I assume we're planning to build a naval unit. (?) That still leaves two choices though: a gun foil or a transport foil. Each has some advantages and drawbacks. So what to do?

                              Gun foil:
                              - It's the cheapest of the two: two mineral rows.
                              - It has one more movement point, for a total of four.
                              - It can attack Isles of the Deep. (Whether that is recommended, is questionable though: On sea we'd have only a 50% chance to win a psi attack.)

                              Transport foil:
                              - It's more expensive: three mineral rows.
                              - It is slower: three movement points.
                              - When popping pods, it has a relatively high chance of getting an alien artifact.
                              - A few years down the road it could be used to transport probe teams or an invasion force to another faction.
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • Re: the turn thread question (former, facility or rover in production at SC1 when podpopping), I don't see the need right now for a second Command Center (at 1 ec per turn it's an extravagance)

                                I'd go for the former, then switch to a rover if the podpop is unsuccessful

                                Bad luck on the fungus, though. Twice in a row isn't very nice (at least it shows we aren't cheating with reloads!!)

                                Re: gunfoil vs trannie - I'd go for the foil. We get the morale boost as Sparta which increases our psi battle odds, can explore faster and further, and podpops are likely to be sonar maps, ec's or IoD's (translates to ec's if we kill them).

