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Game Discussion, Turn 2101 - 2120

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  • I think the idea has merit. They'd be like reusable rover chassises (chasses?) for the formers. When a former is plopped down and starts to build that 16-turn borehole, the transport can take another former and take it to its own designated square, instead of those three mineral rows worth of mobility sitting there doing nothing.

    You get the mobility without as big a production tradeoff as with fitting rover chassises to all of your formers. And the same transports could be used to rapidly deploy crawlers as well, not to mention military units.
    Last edited by Kassiopeia; July 22, 2004, 00:26.
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • Battle Report MY 2115

      • Santiago Citadel produces colony pod. Base size back to one. Scout rover set as new production item.
      • Chiron Knights moved S and W. Next year it can pop a unity pod.
      • Gythium Harbour founded. Production set to a gun skimship. It should be ready in six years.
      • R-112 CRV moves further south.
      • SC2 CP moving west, to (51.17) I assume.
      • I had an idea to explore the NW Crater faster. Instead of first popping the crater unity pods after base nr. 4 was founded, and only then moving NW (which would require Rolling Thunder to wait a turn doing nothing), I let Rolling Thunder drive down Río Grande towards the NW Crater. It should have explored the NW and be ready for pod popping the minute base #4 is founded.
      • Information Networks will be researched in three turns. We now produce 8 labs and 2 credits per year.
      • I added a whole bunch of landmark names. The map does look rather 'busy' now.

      Sparta MY 2115 presend
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • Originally posted by Maniac
        SC2 CP moving west, to (51.17) I assume.
        If it uses its all its movement point to enter 55:17, then I suggest that we found base #4 (what are we going to name this one?) the turn after on 53:17.

        But if when it enter the river at 55:17 it still has 2/3rds left, and moves that same turn to 53:17, then I agree next turn move it on 2/3rds to 51:17 and found there

        I had an idea to explore the NW Crater faster. Instead of first popping the crater unity pods after base nr. 4 was founded, and only then moving NW (which would require Rolling Thunder to wait a turn doing nothing), I let Rolling Thunder drive down Río Grande towards the NW Crater. It should have explored the NW and be ready for pod popping the minute base #4 is founded.
        How do we feel about the following:
        • move CP to 55:17 next turn (2116)
        • same turn, move Rolling Thunder to 53:13 then 53:15
        • in 2117, pop the pod on the river tile at 54:18 with the Colony Pod
        • if a mindworm or spore launcher, attack with rover, if possible, otherwise move rover to 54:18 to protect CP

        This sequence can't hurt us (unless we get transported somewhere else on our continent), and we may get that rare CP dimensional rift cloning

        I added a whole bunch of landmark names. The map does look rather 'busy' now
        If Drogue and/or method don't respond to our proddings re fair allocation, then I say we should abrogate as many as we can to ourselves - fill the map with "holder' placetags that we can use at a subsequent time (or sell for ec's to the other factions)

        e.g. What are we going to call the river pattern within Buster Crater? What is the name of that little bay that Rio Grande flows into? There is a whole bunch of undiscovered features East of Langhda Pass, etc etc


        • is there a limit on naming landmarks?


          • 64, including those assigned by the game (eg Borehole Cluster, Ruins, etc)


            • Originally posted by Googlie
              If it uses its all its movement point to enter 55:17, then I suggest that we found base #4 (what are we going to name this one?) the turn after on 53:17.
              This has the advantage another pod would be included in the base radius. But on the other side, founding a base in the middle of the crater would mean we couldn't find any other base anymore on one of the 9 crater tiles. This means our next base in the neighbourhood would probably produce one less mineral and energy (due to not being on a crater river tile). Would getting an extra mineral and energy not be worth a mere one turn with waiting to found the base?

              How do we feel about the following:
              • move CP to 55:17 next turn (2116)
              • same turn, move Rolling Thunder to 53:13 then 53:15
              • in 2117, pop the pod on the river tile at 54:18 with the Colony Pod
              • if a mindworm or spore launcher, attack with rover, if possible, otherwise move rover to 54:18 to protect CP

              This sequence can't hurt us (unless we get transported somewhere else on our continent), and we may get that rare CP dimensional rift cloning
              So do you mean pop the pod before establishing a base? Do we not then run the risk of bad pod poppings like another fungal bloom or an eartquake? I figured we wanted to avoid those, and thus as much as possible pop pods when they're in a base radius.
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • We are building the scout rover in Santiago Citidel for drone control and exploring to the NE, right? That's a good idea. We need to start making that CC useful.

                Base #4 will be making 5 nuts, 3 min, and 3 energy right from the start. I'd say that's pretty good for a base in the very early game. It will be our best base so far, until the others grow to size 2 again.
                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                • WOW! turns mooving fast today. witch is nice. noita on mukava.

                  since I can't give up, I have something to add to the former issue. what about upkeep costs? what about fast road construction to new/conquered areas?

                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  If Drogue and/or method don't respond to our proddings re fair allocation, then I say we should abrogate as many as we can to ourselves - fill the map with "holder' placetags that we can use at a subsequent time (or sell for ec's to the other factions)
                  I agree.
                  My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                  • Hey, I'm authorized again!! (dunno what happened, but I didn't need to slip into Rynn's character to visit)

                    Originally posted by Maniac
                    But on the other side, founding a base in the middle of the crater would mean we couldn't find any other base anymore on one of the 9 crater tiles.
                    Right - I'd forgotten that. cf your post on July 14, with the 3-base crater and 4-base crater options. I'd go with the 4-base variant (as someone said elsewhere, PBEMs rarely last long enough for tight base spacing to become a population-limiting problem)

                    So do you mean pop the pod before establishing a base? Do we not then run the risk of bad pod poppings like another fungal bloom or an eartquake? I figured we wanted to avoid those, and thus as much as possible pop pods when they're in a base radius.
                    Well - we've had 2 bad pops in succession (fungal blooms), so I reckon we're due a humungous one (like a cloned CP or a tech, or an AA)

                    But you're right, there is a downside too, and a cloned rover wouldn't be all that bad either (and if we found a base then there's always the chance that we'll get a unit completion goodie too, such as a rover former - or a Network Node - if we found it in 2118 at 51:17 as Crater West and then pop the pods after we discover Infotechs in 2118

                    So I agree - ignore my previous stream-of-consciousness ramblings



                    • What do you want to do with Rolling Thunder in that case? Move it two west to map the black tiles?

                      I hope I'll have the opportunity to play the turn in a few hours.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • Originally posted by Googlie
                        If Drogue and/or method don't respond to our proddings re fair allocation, then I say we should abrogate as many as we can to ourselves - fill the map with "holder' placetags that we can use at a subsequent time (or sell for ec's to the other factions)
                        Proddings? I haven't seen any yet As a general thing, if you want to find things out, PM me.

                        I thought I'd ruled on this, but perhaps only when asked by others. You can name whatever you want until they run out, but when they run out, every faction will get an equal amount [(total number-set ones)/4]. I'd suggest just naming the amount that is your share (~15-20?).
                        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                        But he would think of something

                        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                        • Battle Report MY 2116

                          • The Chiron Knights popped a pod and discovered nutrient resources. They then proceeded SE and discovered another pod which can be popped next year.
                          • R-112 CRV further follows the coastline due south.
                          • SC2 CP to (55.17).
                          • Rolling Thunder moves W & SW. Not two west as the new revealed tile contains fungus.

                          Sparta MY 2116 presend
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • Originally posted by Drogue

                            Proddings? I haven't seen any yet As a general thing, if you want to find things out, PM me.
                            I did - and backed it up with an e-mail as well (both on the 20th) e-mail was sent to your akizeta persona - is that still valid?



                            • No, that one got so overloaded with spam, mailwasher couldn't cope. Everything 'Poly and DG related has been switched to drogue AT gmail DOT com. I thought I'd posted this, but I may have forgotten, or just put it in private forums Will make a post about it on the main forum.
                              For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                              But he would think of something

                              "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                              • Originally posted by Maniac
                                SC2 CP to (55.17).
                                So we found Fort Westcrater next turn on 55:17? (to retain the ability to build 4 crater bases) Set production to a rover scout (see below)

                                Rolling Thunder moves W & SW. Not two west as the new revealed tile contains fungus
                                Next turn move SW to 50:14 (opens up that last black tile) then south on to the river/nut tile, ready turn after to move downriver and pop the pod in the fungus in the new base radius at 54:18 (having changed Westcrater's production to a rover former just before - if not a completion, we can change back without the minerals penalty)

                                Do the same thing at Sparta Command (change to a rover former) and pop that pod with Chiron Knights and flip back to a regiular former if unsuccessful

                                (btw - why no Colony pod at SC1. We pop 2 there in 6 and a pod would complete in 7 turns (with the extra pop working) versus a former first then a pod (prolly 12 turns in total, once the second pop worker is factored in) Sure we can rush, but it's almost better wasting that 1 mineral next turn to change (assuming no good podpop) than spending the hard earned ec's to rush more than a couple of turnsworth)

