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Game Discussion, Turn 2101 - 2120

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  • Originally posted by Maniac
    Oh yeah, square (58.24) also unrevealed while moving through (56.22).
    That's good news - it means that the exploring rover (now will be Rolling Thunder) - after SC2 completes its CP and drops to popsize 1 - will uncover the westernmost crater tile at 48:14 if it does hold to your yellow route (your post and map of 18th)



    • I think we should be build _ONLY_ Rover formers. why?, well, they move and begin (terra)forming on the same turn. they cost a little more but so what, they'll pay it back. and that's even better, if we get them from pod.

      next, we should, I think, build more scout rovers, as they are needed.

      what to build in Gythium Harbour? I say transport foil, that's what I allways do. we can build gun foil next. does that Spartan factional bonus, +2 moral, affect also sea units?

      The Great Fungal Wall sounds great!

      and better luck next time with pods
      My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


      • Originally posted by Andemagne
        I think we should be build _ONLY_ Rover formers. why?, well, they move and begin (terra)forming on the same turn. they cost a little more but so what, they'll pay it back. and that's even better, if we get them from pod.
        Great idea - I support that!!

        next, we should, I think, build more scout rovers, as they are needed.
        I'd go along with that. In other words, until we complete that first row of minerals in either SC1 or SC2, put a rover former in production if popping a pod, otherwise change back to a scout rover. (at least until a network Node can be inserted)

        does that Spartan factional bonus, +2 morale, affect also sea units?
        yes - we get it for every unit - air, land, sea, probes, even native wildlife units

        The Great Fungal Wall sounds great!
        I like it too (obviously, as it was a major landmark in The Spartan Chronicles)



        • Oooh, a rover former would be awesome! How much are those anyways? Like 5 min rows or something? Compared to 2 min rows for regular formers. I think, if we aren't too pressed for getting formers off the production block immediately (which I don't think we are) then it would be the better long-term investment to build some rover formers. Especially since it's likely that we'll mainly be building roads (and forests) for a while until we get restrictions lifted.

          hmmm, it's possible that the fungal wall could be useful. If we ever want to fight a defensive war against Yang, it would be really easy to channel the Hive troops through that narrow patch of non-fungus land into a kill zone.

          I'd go for gun foil. Even if we get an AA with a transport, we still forfeit our chance to go exploring because we have to bring the AA back to base. And that might take a while. So, I say its better to pop EC's and gain contact than to have a slim chance of getting an AA.

          BTW, did we ever come to a consensus on the spot for the 4th base? I'm good with anything that puts the nutrient bonus in its radius.
          Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


          • Originally posted by Zeiter
            BTW, did we ever come to a consensus on the spot for the 4th base? I'm good with anything that puts the nutrient bonus in its radius.
            It was the yellow option, modified to put it further out on the crater river to get at the nut tile. Thus:
            Attached Files


            • how many bases we are going to build in the 'Crater? if we place it like that, we can't put there as many as planned. and we planned four(4) IIRC.

              EDIT: and, didn't we plan to build base#4 on the Rio Grande delta?
              My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


              • We can still do 4 (one at each corner). I know it's tight base spacing, but I think it will work, as its likely that this ACDG3 will be decided before we can work all of the squares in a base radius anyways.

                We could have base #6 be on the Rio Grande. You're right, there are some excellent spots up there.
                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                • Originally posted by Andemagne
                  how many bases we are going to build in the 'Crater? if we place it like that, we can't put there as many as planned. and we planned four(4) IIRC.
                  We did (and actually, I think we lose a turn by going that far up river for #4 just to get the nut special in the radius

                  and, didn't we plan to build base#4 on the Rio Grande delta?
                  well, that wasn't the yellow option, - IIRC it was the green one that was objected to 'cos it'd take 6 turns to get a pod there. Base #4 could produce a pod that'd go there

                  And we've also talked about a base at the source - where that northern monolith can be worked.

                  Another map is in order, maybe!!


                  • Like this - possible future base sites:

                    (Future Base #4 doesn't utilize that nut special we see in the crater, but I'll bet even odds that one of those 2 seedpods will yield a nut special (if not both)
                    Attached Files


                    • Re: gunfoil vs trannie - I'd go for the foil.
                      I say transport foil
                      I'd go for gun foil.
                      Roger that. 2-1 in favour of a gun foil at the moment.

                      next, we should, I think, build more scout rovers, as they are needed.
                      I'd go along with that. In other words, until we complete that first row of minerals in either SC1 or SC2, put a rover former in production if popping a pod, otherwise change back to a scout rover. (at least until a network Node can be inserted)
                      We could indeed use an/some extra scout rover(s) soon. But, unless we're in an emergency and need some extra units right away, how about we try to build our rovers and other military units as much as possible in SC2? After all there, because of the command center, we'd get veteran (+) rovers which could immediately be monolith-upgraded to commando (+). While if we build them in any other base, after monolith upgrading they'd still be only hardened (+).

                      I think we should be build _ONLY_ Rover formers. why?, well, they move and begin (terra)forming on the same turn. they cost a little more but so what, they'll pay it back. and that's even better, if we get them from pod.
                      Great idea - I support that!!
                      Oooh, a rover former would be awesome! How much are those anyways? Like 5 min rows or something? Compared to 2 min rows for regular formers. I think, if we aren't too pressed for getting formers off the production block immediately (which I don't think we are) then it would be the better long-term investment to build some rover formers. Especially since it's likely that we'll mainly be building roads (and forests) for a while until we get restrictions lifted.
                      Heh, I hate to argue against such a unanimous agreement.
                      But consider the following:

                      Switching production to a rover former when we have a chance of getting a materials pod is a great idea.
                      But I doubt whether they are a good investment when we have to build them completely ourselves.

                      After all, a rover former costs 5 min rows or something, while a standard infantry former costs only 2 rows. So for every rover former we'd build we could build two standard formers instead.

                      The advantage of a rover former is as said above that they can move and begin terraforming in the same turn. For example move to a unroaded tile and begin building a road already. The rover former could get the job done one turn earlier than a infantry former who would waste one turn simply moving to the unroaded tile.

                      However when you compare one rover former against two infantry formers, the turn advantage lies significantly in the camp of the infantry formers. After all they have double former power and can also divide jobs. For example while infantry former 1 is building a forest somewhere, infantry former 2 could already be building a road in the tile next to that. And when infantry former 2 finishes the road, infantry former 1 could simply move on the roaded tile and start terraforming that one too immediately, with the help of infantry former 1 (meaning they'll get it done double as quick as a rover former), and without wasting a turn in between.

                      So AFAIK both on short-term and long-term two infantry formers will outmatch one rover former.
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • Battle Report MY 2114

                        • Santiago Citadel has grown to size 2. I changed the second worker from a 2-1-1 square to the 1-2-1 crater tile, as we don't have enough credits to hurry an additional mineral.
                        • Colony pod production in SC2 hurried with 19 energy credits. Remaining credit reserves: 1 credit. Minister of Finances fired.
                        • Rolling Thunder moved on the monolith. It has been upgraded to hardened (+) morale.
                        • Domai's Colony Pod continues its journey.
                        • R-112 CRV en route to the south.
                        • The Chiron Knights succesfully moved SE. Next year they should leave the fungus.

                        Sparta MY 2114 presend save file

                        Originally posted by ChairmanSlick
                        i didn't realise that it would get us more tech... if so then go for it!
                        Previous turns we could have run 30-0-70 as well as 30-10-60 without any difference, but this turn you'll notice in Santiago Citadel that, if we'd change the energy allocations to 30-0-70, we would lose one labs to inefficiency.

                        Edit: Darn, I forgot to change landmarks this turn.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • I vote for gun foil. They are quick to get off the ground- or water as the case may be.

                          Which means more sea pod pops for us. I usually build these first, then a transport later.


                          • I'm with Maniac on the former issue - I'd prefer raw terraforming power over mobility. Our formers need not be that mobile, as terraforming operations will take place relatively close to our own bases. It's a relative waste of production power. A rover former of 5 rows can move to a square and build a road in two turns (IIRC), two infantry formers can move to an adjacent block and build a road in two turns as well but for 4 rows. And once we have a road network up and running, the mobility will be even more useless, unless we plan to take them along with an attack force to build a road for replenishment forces.
                            Last edited by Kassiopeia; July 21, 2004, 20:27.
                            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                            • Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                              I'm with Maniac on the former issue - I'd prefer raw terraforming power over mobility. Our formers need not be that mobile, as terraforming operations will take place relatively close to our own bases. It's a relative waste of production power. A rover former of 5 rows can move to a square and build a road in two turns (IIRC), two infantry formers can move to an adjacent block and build a road in two turns as well but for 4 rows. And once we have a road network up and running, the mobility will be even more useless, unless we plan to take them along with an attack force to build a road for replenishment forces.
                              I third that. rover formers have limited use.


                              • Okay, so as it stands now, getting a rover former from a pod completion is great, but we aren't going to actively build them, right?

                                Where's Ogie been lately? He needs to be here to argue for his patented land transport+former strategy. I've read his posts on that, but I'm still pretty skeptical about it.
                                Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.

