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The Department of Public Relations & Propaganda

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  • It's always good to get new enthusiastic members, so welcome, gerikes. I agree the bottleneck is someone to assemble the various things people write.

    I think our faction started with lots of ideas about formal positions, titles, and roles, but when we got into the real game, it became less structured. Everybody puts in where they can, when they can.
    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


    • Ok, I have edited the Third Issue of MorganLink Magazine.

      Now we can concentrate on the next one, maybe it´s possible to get it published within less than 34 years this time

      I want articles about the HumanGenomeProject and the PlanetaryTransitSystem. For the latter I have already collected terabytes of pictures (well, ok, a dozen jpegs), all I need is some good story.
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • gerikes, please quit the Spartan's immediately. Please also confirm if you have been accepted into the Spartan's forum already and if so please refrain from reading their forum.
        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

        Grapefruit Garden


        • Dibs!

          Originally posted by Micha
          Ok, I have edited the Third Issue of MorganLink Magazine.

          Now we can concentrate on the next one, maybe it´s possible to get it published within less than 34 years this time

          I want articles about the HumanGenomeProject and the PlanetaryTransitSystem. For the latter I have already collected terabytes of pictures (well, ok, a dozen jpegs), all I need is some good story.

          I'm hoping to write the article related to the various current secret projects, showing cost-benefit of the Morgan's choice for the Human Genome Project, and why it will help Morgan Industries while the Gaians will only hurt themselvs with the Weather Paradigm.

          { Unfortunatly, I don't have the expansion pack, so I can't open the game (yet...). I was wondering, are these projects completed, or are they still in the making in the current stage of the game? Thanks. }


          • Re: Dibs!

            Originally posted by gerikes
            { Unfortunatly, I don't have the expansion pack, so I can't open the game (yet...). I was wondering, are these projects completed, or are they still in the making in the current stage of the game? Thanks. }
            I can happily point you to the Morgan Industries History Thread

            It will tell you anything you need to know..
            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
            Let me eat your yummy brain!
            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


            • Re: Dibs!

              Originally posted by gerikes

              { Unfortunatly, I don't have the expansion pack, so I can't open the game (yet...). I was wondering, are these projects completed, or are they still in the making in the current stage of the game? Thanks. }

              I note from your flag that you are in the US.

              Try to find 'The Laptop Collection.' It is a grayish looking box that contains five games (1 is Alpha Centuri, another is the Planetary Pack [AC expansion]).

              Late last year and earlier this year it could be found in Walmart plus many other stores that sold computer games. If you can't find it there try Circuit City, and other stores.

              It costs less than 20 dollars.

              Welcome to the Team.



              • Projects Spur Economic Expansion

                { Note: Obviously, a little formatting is needed, but this is just a draft of my article on our secret projects, along with some shots at the Gaians. Please leave comments so I know if I need to change it or that it is fine the way it is. BTW, how are we gonna' post links to the new MorganLinks in the Planetary Archive with Vander not around? }

                Projects Spur Economic Expansion

                Morgan Industries earlier today held a press conference to give more details into the secret projects that analyst have been rumoring over for the past few years. The press secretary of Morgan Industries announced that the company, along with their partners at Implaler Polymers, has recently finished not one, but two grand-scale projects that will be used to boost economic expansion within the sector.

                “Those who had enough ambition to realize their full potentialities as a wealthy member of this society took their chance years ago, aboard the Unity. They took their chance by joining under Former-CEO Morgan. After the years of living under the identity of what on Earth would be known as a “startup”, and the discovery of Former-CEO Morgan’s crimes, they have had little to show for it. However, the completion of these projects have brought these people into a new era”, claimed the beaming Steve Bullmer.

                Finished within five years of each other, the projects are meant to build on the economy in two ways. First, The Human Genome Project, as was completed at Impaler Polymers in 2139, allows for greater medicines and boosts to other quality-of-life materials. Alone, this is a great achievement, but analysts say that a side effect will be a boost in consumer confidence, a premise already shedding truth with the recent increase in consumer investments since the project had gone into place. Second, the Planetary Transit System will be used to allow for more jobs as the territory on Planet we inhabit become wider. Along with the increase in jobs, analysts expect to see more increases in the quality-of-life, as more families will be able to leave the cramped conditions of the cities close to the initial landing site, and stretch out to the less-cramped areas. “In effect, this will also reduce many overpopulation-issues in our larger cities,” explained Bullmer.

                Bullmer dispelled the idea that the completion of the Gaian project, “The Weather Paradigm”, sparked the initiation of the second project at Morgan Industries, saying, “The Gaian project has had no effect on our planning process. We are actually quite pleased that the Gaian’s are willing to finally swallow their pride and realize the potentials of increasing terraforming in order to increase production. Obviously, the hardships of trying to live on this planet with such a environmentalist view on the advantages of ecological change has led them into the ground, and only the removal of such ideals can bring them out of their downfall. If the Gaian Faction is able to get out of the hole that they ironically never wanted to dig for themselves, then the greatest of congratulations to them. Otherwise, we would always be interested in talks to buying their natural-juice and other factories into subsidiary companies of Morgan Industries.”


                • I would remove the locations of the SPs (Morgan Industries and Impailer Polymers) and replace them with other "names". ex: Morgan Petrochemicals.
                  Otherwise, it's good and publishable.


                  • Originally posted by arginine
                    I would remove the locations of the SPs (Morgan Industries and Impailer Polymers) and replace them with other "names". ex: Morgan Petrochemicals.
                    Otherwise, it's good and publishable.
                    For reasons other than security? Isn't that information available to them anyway in the game?


                    • It is available in the F5 screen, so I don't see the harm in using the real base names.

                      Nice article, btw. Good-natured ribbing is fun, but let's not be too mean... you never know who we'll need to ask for help.
                      Last edited by jtsisyoda; November 4, 2004, 01:22.
                      "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                      • Hehe, I like that article...

                        As for your initial question:
                        The mods can edit other people´s posts, so it won´t be a problem to get one of them to add the newest links to Vander´s compilation.
                        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                        Let me eat your yummy brain!
                        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                        • I think it says the base name IF you have infiltrated that faction.


                          • Originally posted by arginine
                            I think it says the base name IF you have infiltrated that faction.
                            It shows us being able to see the location of the Gaian's project. I don't think we've infiltrated them. ::Checks the history::

                            And jtsisyoda, you're absolutly right. I read it a few more times and decided that I'll water the Gaian part down a little.

                            Thanks for the feedback.

                            - Gerikes
                            Last edited by gerikes; November 4, 2004, 15:16.


                            • This is the revised edition of my article. Biggest change was that I watered down the part on the Gaian's. My hope was to (at least on the role-playing side) spark some friendly competitive role-playing.

                              Projects Spur Economic Expansion

                              Morgan Industries earlier today held a press conference to give more details into the secret projects that analyst have been rumoring over for the past few years. The press secretary of Morgan Industries announced that the company, along with their partners at Implaler Polymers, has recently finished not one, but two grand-scale projects that will be used to boost economic expansion within the sector. This means that Morgan Industries has put its name on two of the three grand-scale projects completed since planetfall.

                              “Those who had enough ambition to realize their full potentialities as a wealthy member of this society took their chance years ago, aboard the Unity. They took their chance by joining under Former-CEO Morgan. After the years of living under the identity of what on Earth would be known as a “startup”, and the discovery of Former-CEO Morgan’s crimes, they have had little to show for it. However, the completion of these projects have brought these people into a new era”, claimed the beaming Steve Bullmer.

                              Finished within five years of each other, the projects are meant to build on the economy in two ways. First, The Human Genome Project, as was completed at Impaler Polymers in 2139, allows for greater medicines and boosts to other quality-of-life materials. Alone, this is a great achievement, but analysts say that a side effect will be a boost in consumer confidence, a premise already shedding truth with the recent increase in consumer investments since the project had gone into place. Second, the Planetary Transit System will be used to allow for more jobs as the territory on Planet we inhabit become wider. Along with the increase in jobs, analysts expect to see more increases in the quality-of-life, as more families will be able to leave the cramped conditions of the cities close to the initial landing site, and stretch out to the less-cramped areas. “In effect, this will also reduce many overpopulation-issues in our larger cities,” explained Bullmer.

                              Bullmer dispelled the idea that the completion of the Gaian project, “The Weather Paradigm”, sparked the initiation of the second project at Morgan Industries, saying, “The Gaian project has had no effect on our planning process. We are actually quite pleased that the Gaian’s are willing to realize the potentials of increasing terraforming in order to increase production. This small step away from their environmentalist views and towards the industrialization of their faction could prove to be the building blocks for a powerful corporation which we would have the pleasure to do business with in the future.”


                              • I like it

                                (Though I had rather published the more propagandistic one )

                                Good job, Gerikes

                                If you feel like writing the "storypart" of our history, don´t hesitate to propose ideas...
                                Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                                Let me eat your yummy brain!
                                "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron

