We should have empath copters here for this kind of missions now.
No announcement yet.
Turns 2171- 2180
I have sent you all the end save 2176.
I will be away the rest of today.
Sorry to ask this again but if there are no more changes or only small amendments could someone then send the turn to Andid or post the turn in the Tracking thread.
Thanks.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
I can send the turn.
Any proposals re final adjustments?
I created two air-scout prototypes:
Copter 4-1-10
Jet 4-1-10
Both are the same cost:
regular 2 rows
proto 3 rows.
Gun, laser costed the same.
I tend to prefer now jet scout. It can stay longer in the air - one more turn, which makes more tiles scouted every turn, I think.
Yes, scout noodles are better. With less craft we cover the same 'territory'.
Suggestion: I think we can let EM grow one more pop without riots, but can't check it for sure for I have saved after the chance.
A worker in KP can be switched from the farm to a forest. No loss of energy income and the crawler finishes next turn without hurrying and 10 minerals over.
The crawler in Fungal Heights could be hurried for 34 ec.
Originally posted by GeoModder
Yes, scout noodles are better. With less craft we cover the same 'territory'.
Model 4-1-10 needlejet then.
I am temporarily out of good names...
Advanced military algorithms have deep radar. We should have it on those scouts. I hope we get it asap.
Crawler in Fungal Heights for 34 EC would be a lot of overpay. It lacks only 13 minerals.
I am not sure re EM growth too. Now it is 2 talents to 1 drone, but I had cases when new citizen did change to both of them we might end up with drone riots.Last edited by Mart; June 19, 2005, 22:01.
I did a doctor in EM for popboom and no drone riots.
You might be interested in vote numbers:
Code:Hive 112 Sparta 70 Angels 59 PK 58 Morgan 45 Gaians 37 Univ 7
Last edited by Mart; June 20, 2005, 01:57.
They're spreading out. We should do the same.
And for noodle names. One of the members proposed 'bit' and 'byte' .
I cannot find that post. It is Falcon for now.Attached Files
Morgans have about 20 bases as well. Once they start popbooming... (and with the AV to augment it)
Their popboom may be limitted due to nutrients shortages. Notice, that their bases are quite dense. We cannot pop boom in some of our bases more since we lack nutrients. Morgans will have problems too. Their territory is not better than ours. They need still a lot of infrastructure to pop boom better than us. Their energy is a big bonus. We need to address the issue of our energy. Echelon mirrors?
With more formers, we could create a farm park just next to Snowflake Haven. (and crawl it of course)
But that means delaying the military buildup.
I think the Spartans (the most agressive faction in all meanings) are still in the proces of building up instead of preparing an instant conquest.