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Turns 2141-2160

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  • #61
    Right I restarted from the original save
    But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
    PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


    • #62
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • #63
        As each faction opens the current turn cycle you are showing that you have done 2 relaods of the game.

        You might want to explain why in the general turn reporting thread along the lines of:

        "saved mid turn and as no-one was around to assist in AI negotiations did them myself in the interests of getting the turn moving. Resulted in a couple of restarts from that save position. No contrary unit movements or podpops in the restarted turn, only AI stuff"

        (or words to that effect). I can then confirm that this is indeed the case



        • #64
          PMS King Lear cruises between Atlantisville and 'X marks the spot' Isle headed to the southern deeps; the Santiago continues its run around the west side of Bones Isle; the Farragut is adjacent to a pod near Altantis, Revenge is still in reach of 2 pods near Calico - pop or not? Our land rover on Yardarm reports back finding an actual -desert- with high mineral concentrations (the Great Dunes)

          Casablanca was in riots at the first of the turn b/c the Buoy Scout had moved out to check he pod (monolith in case I didn't note that before) but is now back in order - but! they grow in 3 and Rec Com will take 9 - so rush a bit now or right before it grows?

          Should the Bird Isle 'former head out of 'Rita's radius and plant more forest, or hop onto the rainy river square @ 59,63 and make a farm? And speaking of Farms, I don't think that former by LA was supposed to be making one, was it? (That place is cursed, I tell you!) Calico 'former was offloaded on to the nut square to farm (or should that be forest?)

          Comments and views please
          But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
          PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


          • #65
            Rush before growth.

            Forests where possible, IMHO because later we'll have tree farms and hybrid forests that we can build in the bases to add even more to the food/energy output plus we get minerals.
            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


            • #66
              Sorry had difficulty getting on Poly. All that pop under stuff and browser stalling.

              Comments emailed.
              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


              • #67
                Just some ideas for 2146, while they are fresh in my mind.

                First thing, after you open the turn, cancel the pre set automatic movements for the schooners, as you may want to vary things. So, for example, the ship heading for Atlantis you might actually want to pop the pod first. Also the ship set to move to Calico for repairs you might want to park beside the nearby pod for next turn popping before heading to Calico.

                Put some expensive things in the queue for Atlantis and Calico, in case the pods produce rushes. Something like Research Hospital. If nothing of tha tnature revert to main choice.

                On HMB, you have formers heading to a tile and I thought you might like to look at building a road and forest at 37, 69 en route to L'il Accident first.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • #68
                  2 ships docked for repairs, in position ot pop another pod near Roze next turn.

                  Build orders needed for Tripoli & LA; 'former orders needed for the two by Alex.
                  But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                  PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                  • #69
                    Grrr, the turn seems to come to us only on holidays and/or weekends lately and I've been unable get free to give enough attention to the turn to offer any constructive assiistance; my apologies.

                    Just a quick response if it isn't already too late:

                    Suggestions (without a lot of thought behind them, so if think that you have better ideas they are probably better):

                    Tripoli - Perhaps a Party boat or a Laser-Synth Warship (Barque?)

                    Little Sccident - I'd build another Crawler (and speaking of which, I'd move the one at (36,68) to (35,69) for the Nuts - to help pop growth - the new one could do more mins). As to the Former at (35,69), I'd forest (35,71), and maybe a mine-road at (37,71), before worrying about the road to the Monolith, if that is where it is headed; you can always use the other former for that road after it finishes with whatever it is going to do at (39,69) (will need 1 less mp to get there too).

                    Alex's area Formers - One overland to (59,71) for Forest; one by sea to (59,75) for Forest. also, why not produce the 5-1-2 from one of the nut specials with kelp & tidal harnesses than producing 1-1-2 from the undeveloped energy special as is currently happening?

                    Pamplona & Sealurk - rushing crawler suggested.

                    Calico - I'd rush 1 more min there, so that it will have accumulated the requsite 10 mins next turn and can be rushed more economically; I would also forest that nut special instead of farming it - we've got mucho sea tiles to get nuts, forests are quicker and it is only elevation 1, so there is not much energy to be had from solarizing that tile, but that's just my opinion.

                    I would recommend against all these advance movement orders - suggest saving your plans in a file or on paper and making the moves each turn - that way, if you change your mind, you don't get blind-sided by the game slavishly executing your now obsolete orders before you get around to cancellling or changing them.

                    No doubt the next turn will somehow make a quick trip arouond the next time so it can be back to us for Thanksgiving weekend. Maybe the one after that will come around before Christmas and New Years, but the way it has been going . . .

                    BTW, I'm not sure I have kept it straight enough as to which ship is where - if you post where you think they are, I'll combine that with what I remember and can figure out and update the registry of ships thread - thanks.


                    • #70
                      Concur with a lot of Cuspidore's thoughts and add this

                      move crawler at 47, 63 ( on Treasure islet to 47,67) in case we need to get it to L'Accident to complete SP/
                      At Tripoli go for PartyBoat

                      At Atlantis change to Research Hosp for pod pop and then to Rec Com.
                      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                      • #71
                        Maki I just wondered was end 2146 turn we received concluded, or did you finish the turn with some final build queue placements. I noticed L'il Accident was in Stockpile as was Tripoli, though we had suggested a crawler for L A and a party boat for Triploi. You had asked for build orders. Also a worker on Liar's Lair was still a doctor although Rec Com had been built there.
                        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                        • #72
                          Gah. I knew I forgot something...
                          But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                          PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                          • #73
                            Tar is one thing, but use your own *(*&%^$in' Feathers Awwkkk!!


                            • #74
                              Big news: CyCon have a Laser Cruiser ((2)-1-6) parked right off Yardarm Isle by our Rover - how much longer will we be able to delay the council being called?

                              Regular news: Popped pod by Roze and have an IoD in sight; run and let it attack Atlantisville(DJ) or attack?

                              Revenge continuing exploration of Bones Isle, nothing big to report there.

                              I've got 2 Booty Boats with crawlers loaded; one with 3 moves in 'Rita and one who's finshed moving in SeaLurk. I was thinking of either running the 2nd crawler ip to SeaLurk and then sending that BootyBoat toward LA to be held over for building the PEG...or! The SeaLurk boat could pick up the just finished crawler @ Pamplona and the Rita BB could grab the crawler from lair's both ont he way thru *trying to turn an oversight into an advantage*

                              Formers needing orders: sea and land formers near Pamplona; land former near SeaLurk; land former on Seven Isle

                              Build orders needed: LA, HMB, Tripoli, Pamplona, SeaLurk, 'Rita
                              But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                              PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                              • #75
                                First things first. We are 1 turn from Adaptive Economics discovery. But Cycon may have a party boat out there ready to steal. So we will need to build PEG as soon as we can without jeapardising the rest of faction.
                                Roze has non linear and is building party boats and miriam is building an Impact cruiser.
                                I would take the transport from Rita with the crawler to pick up the other new crawler ( maybe rush to get new build going next turn) at Lair's Lair and on to Li' Accident or HMB.

                                Start building new crawler at L'il Accident and it can be rushed for the PEG.
                                I would suggest building another crawler at HMB to replace one of those cashed in. (or maybe we'll need it).

                                Build Party boat at Tripoli, then maybe research Hosp or Holo.

                                Former on Dead Scout isle : Either build sensor or move to 51,57 for forest. If the transport is in Sealurk then try moving crawler to Dead Scout isle forest.

                                SF at Rita maybe move to 52, 66 for solar or stay where you are and build mine.

                                Former in Alex land at 59,57 to forest and road, former at 59,71 road and forest

                                SF at 56,78 to solar
                                SF 49,57 to solar

                                Also as we are about to discover Adapt econ in one turn, you can change the SE settings to 60% Econ: 40% Labs just to boost the kitty.

                                Note the Hive have all Comm links, so we might as well offer to sell PUT the other comms especially if they are willing to trade us Ecol Eng. Over to Flubber.

                                Note also for next turn Hive message ( see Combined Dip Thread).
                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

