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Turns 2141-2160

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  • #16
    That makes sense, if not exactly the "quit" reason, then something like it - I think I read somewhere in one of those threads about the bugs surrounding eliminating human players form the game is that one of the methods of giving up leads to the game restarting from the top of the turn order. So if it isn't 'Quit', perhaps there is a "Resign" (I can't see Maki picking either of them however), or something that sounds a bit more like the right thing to do than 'Quit' or 'Resign'.

    Worse comes to worse, we can play the turn over again - if that doesn't work either, then perhaps we can ponder whether the problem is somehow further back along the chain - One hopes that the recent rash of deletions has not extended to the prior turns' archives.


    • #17
      Just back. This is re assuring for me. I thought I was going bananas.

      Like Cuspidore says the SE combination Demo Planned Simple? produces that probe in Tripoli in three.

      And yes, the b drone was in Alex for me too, last turn
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • #18
        So is anyone taling responsibility for a turn replay? Makahlua? jdm? Herc?


        • #19
          I am here but going out for a few hours. My perference is Maki but when I get back if it hasn't progressed I 'll do so.
          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


          • #20
            If I had it, I'd do it as I have a spare moment, but I don't, so I can't.

            (that, and it'd be unwise for me to do it unless you have a copy of the mid-turn game.)
            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


            • #21
              I'll reopen the original save, I do want to note in advance we popped a pod this turn and may get a differnet result.

              Now if I can just remember all I did as close as possible
              But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
              PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


              • #22
                New save is here :

                But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                • #23

                  Turn plays OK - and I see that you replicated as far as possible the earlier moves



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Makahlua
                    but I didn't want to drain our reserve too much
                    In the interests of maintaining a credible AI, don't overlook them as a possible source of funds for redundant techs

                    (I'm posting this to all factions who have met the AI, so there's no "favouritism" involved - other than perhaps to the AI - they're keeping up pretty well pop-wise (or would if Miriam weren't amassing a colonypod army) but the little devices I've used to keep them at tech parity don't seem to have kicked in yet)



                    • #25
                      Checklist of Files & Reports

                      Cap'n Maki:

                      As you are no doubt discovering, there are a lot of potential files and reports involved in being the Fleet Operations Cap'n (ya don't git ta wear da Golden Hook fer nuthin' otta da goodnes o' are hearts, ya know). Personally, I got my University slave advisor to organize all that, so it went pretty well But even then, what with him having ta do all the readin' an' writin' and gettin' tha booze, it still got a little haphazard sometimes, so I got him ta carve the checklist inta the hatch o' the Rope Locker, where I'd be sure ta see it every day when I went in ta toke up afore watchin' the sunset. Here's a copy of it here:
                      • turn 21xx from Borg-to-Pirates.ZIP - probably can be downloaded by anyone who wants it;
                      • turn 21xx from Borg-to-Pirates.SAV - probably can be unzipped by anyone who wants it;
                      • turn 21xx Pirates MidTurn Report - of early (non-controversial) moves, proposing remainder of moves and requesting feedback; should be emailed to crew and posted in our turn thread
                      • turn 21xx Pirates MidTurn .ZIP - file representing above situation; emailed and posted (uploaded) in our turn thread with above report
                      • turn 21xx Pirates MidTurn .SAV - unzipped file of above mid-turn situation; emailed by request
                      • turn 21xx Pirates End Turn Report - Summary of remaining moves, etc; emailed and posted in our turn thread
                      • turn 21xx Pirates EndTurn .ZIP - file representing the ending situation (just before hitting turn complete); emailed and posted (uploaded) with above report
                      • turn 21xx Pirates EndTurn .SAV - Unzipped version of above end-turn position; emailed by request
                      • turn 21xx Pirates-to-Drones.ZIP - SaveGame file for the Drones; emailed to Buster, Mong and/or whomever at the Drones (and optionally included with end-turn report and file to crew), and posted (attached) to ACDG Demo Forum turn thread
                      • turn 21xx Pirates-to-Drones.SAV - SaveGame file for the Drones in unzipped form; presumably do not need to send/post

                      Cap'n Herc often distributed the initial copy of the turn as well - as a sort of announcement that the turn was in, but I listed it as self-service, thinking the extra email wasn't really necessary, but if there are some people who need/want this, it could become another 'emailed by request' item, so any such people should sound off.

                      As either or both of the email and the Poly boards are often uncooperative the duplication of posting and emailing is a good idea where appropriate, particularly for the mid-turn information and turn, which is IMhO the most critical of the communications.

                      Distributing the end-turn save file is useful to anyone who wants to help with the planning and strategy, as otherwise they are dealing with out-of-date information.

                      I think everyone appreciates receiving the game files in ZIPped form, as it alleviates clooged or full mailboxes and transmission delays. I think also that some ISP's prioritize email (inversely) using size as one of their factors, so the larger files have less chance of timelly delivery.

                      I know that Cap'n Hercules takes great (perverse) pleasure, and is amazingly proficient in finding unique file names for the files every turn, some of us would prefer a standardized approach to the names, so that they differed only by the year part each turn and would sort themselves nicely into the directory. Hopefully you will leave Cap'n Hercules incredible achievements in this area unchallenged when you send out files to the crew. Of course, if you wished to creatively rename the files you send to Cap'n Herc, feell free to bring it on and give him a taste of his own grog.

                      It is a bit of a daunting list, which is why the Cuspidore had it carved on the hatch where he could leave a dirk to mark the current stage of the turn and as a reminder of all the bottles that needed to be drank/tossed. There are always willing hands to help with the drinking part if it seems that there are too many messages to go out.


                      • #26
                        Yay, Lair's went into riot (my bad, I was supposed to fix that last turn, but you know what happened...) Doctor just this turn as the RCom will be done (now that I finished rushing it...) PP dropped off @ 'Rita

                        PMS Santiago alongside pod near the Sargasso - was supposed to pop that, yes?

                        PMS Revenge alongside the pod near Calico with 3 moves left - but I'm thinking to rush Calico's former for drop off by the BootyBoat next turn, and loop around the pod.

                        PMS Farragut made a quick loop to expose Roze's coast
                        PMS King Lear headed S to chart the dark area W of Roze

                        Needing orders: 'formers @ Sealurk(sea and land), Casablanca (2 land 1 sea), Pamplona (land) Atlantis(land); BootBoats @ Alex & 'Rita; and of course the Revenge & Santiago

                        And yes, I 'saved' instead of 'quit' this time ^_^

                        And a long-term comment - when are our next colony pods scheduled? We still have some sites available, were we waiting for Demo/Planned?
                        But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                        PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                        • #27
                          No clue on when they are scheduled, though I'd suggest getting them out soon.
                          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                          • #28
                            First it would seem that because of the mix up last turn some bits were left not completed, like completing the scout at Casablanca and changing the formers build (see below).

                            Anyhow now the easy bits I suppose

                            Sea former at Sealurk can go to 55,53 to complet Kelp or to near Bull Island to build Kelp

                            Formers on land near Casablanca should change the build to forest rather than farm (enough nuts in that area at present). The seaformer might head towards the special near Tripoli to help defungus and build after.

                            Cuspidore has posted suggestions earlier in this thread re former on Dead scout isle and also re former on Bull island, near Pamplona.

                            I would change Rec Com to Supply crawler at L'il Accident in order to build up some crawlers for cashing. While doing so the two formers should be ready to double up on a forest build or something.

                            part 1 I seem to have my posting limitations back
                            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                            • #29
                              Part 2

                              Yes the PMS Santiago is to pop that pod. Therefore I suggest you change Calico build to temporary Cruiser probe or something very valuable. If it delivers that goodie great, if another good great, except not a solar or IOD.

                              So if goodie but not build completion I be tempted to pop the other one near Calico. ( Yes the Farragat still had a move or two left last turn I think.)

                              Now some intelligence

                              The Cycon have truce with the PUT
                              The Drones have everyones comm links except the University
                              The Hive have built Command Nexus
                              Miriam has Doc: Ini. Now she either got this from Roze or more alarmingly from the Borg. If the latter its a fair bet they may have got Non linear back.

                              The PUT have not got the Believers, Roze or the Drones Comm links but not for long.
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                              • #30
                                part 3
                                Our strategy of trading Doc: Flex for vast sums of ecs and selling Comm links also for vast somes of ecs isn't working.

                                However there are still a few opportunities available. Both the Hive, Drones and PUT are missing some techs that we have. ( we are 4 turns from Adap Econ btw) and PUT are 2 from Ecol Eng.

                                We need to get talking.

                                Lastly, what do we do about Planned.

                                During the earlier turn 2142 mix up. The AI had switched our SE settings to Planned, There was a loss of income but a small boost to Industry. Unfortunately Tripoli then developed a Drone. that means we would need a Doctor or change the SE balance to include Psych (probably 30%) in order to keep the worker working to produce that probe.

                                Iwould like to hear the outcome of that PMS Santago pod pop before I decided.

                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

