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Most annoying civs to play against...

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  • #31
    The Zulus continue to impress me with their straightforward insanity. Here’s the deal:

    In the mid-1800s, my Aztec civ was moving right along pretty peacefully in the Industrial age. I had developed Replaceable Parts – which meant infantry and artillery – so I figured the AI civs would be leery of taking a poke at me.

    For some reason, the Romans figured they could bully me, and demanded the three or four techs I had on them in an "or else!" deal. I gave them the finger and they declared war. I immediately struck alliances with the Germans and Zulu, and we proceded to smash the vast Roman empire back to four cities. My forces led the way for most of the battle, and before the war ended, I had developed tanks and aircraft as well, although the tanks were just starting to roll off the assembly line.

    I was mulling the idea of striking a peace deal with the Romans, when the Zulus popped up and demanded a tech "or else!". I wasn’t quite ready to take them on, so I gave them the tech – but they had tipped their hand. I quickly treatied out of the Roman war and began redeploying and building up to take on my recent allies, the Zulus.

    The AI was pretty transparent on this one. About 10 turns later the Zulu declared war out of the blue. Big stacks of cavalry came crashing around, only to be immediately gunned down by my tanks and artillery. I think in the first turn of the Zulu attack, I lost maybe two tanks to the Zulus’ 30 cavalry.

    I allied with my pals the Germans again, and proceeded to reduce the Zulus to rubble in about 10 turns. All of their cities have been captured or razed, save one that is situated on a remote, 4-tile island way in the north. It’s funny. I just asked them for 20 gold (half what they have left) and a peace treaty, and they replied "Take your threats elsewhere. The Zulu do not fear your puny nation!".

    Got to admire that. Transports now loading. Departure set for about 10 p.m. tonight. Doh!


    • #32
      Originally posted by belchingjester

      You've got to love when you accede to his demands for 17 gold (just b/c you don't feel like dealing with him attacking), and THEN he declares war. When I've played the Babylonians, however, he was attacking Bowmen with Archers. He lost. Triggered an early GA, but he was soon no more
      Alas poor Bismark. Sneak attacked me and when his masses of warriors and archers died against my spearman, horseman and swordman units he decided to ask for peace. Took two tries since I was trying to use my new elite units to get a leader, but I gave up after awhile and finally made peace.

      Next time I might keep fighting until I get a da-er, darned leader unit.
      |"Anything I can do to help?" "Um. Short of dying? No, can't think of a |
      | thing." -Morden, Vir. 'Interludes and Examinations' -Babylon 5 |


      • #33
        The Russians all the way! I simpy hate their condescending attitude. They also extort me, bully me and invade me at every opportunity. In my most recent game they always showed up, demanding money, luxuries or contact with other civs. I usually gave them what they wanted, but I made the solemn promise that one day I would skewer Catherine like the fat pig that she is. Now, hundreds of years later, my Panzers are on the move towards Moscow. Time to face your destiny, Cathy!


        • #34
          I wonder if historical rivalries play a part in the formula. Someone mentioned that the Chinese are relatively peaceful and yet they attack the Japanese. I notice a lot of Russia-bashing from people who respond to their aggression with Panzers. Do you have trouble with France or England as well?

          Maybe some kind of "Traditional Enemy" feature was coded in.

          The Zulus have always been insanely aggressive, ever since Civ I. Maybe it's because Shaka Zulu was, well, quite insane himself in real life.


          • #35
            Dunk - There might be some truth to that.

            In my games, I usually try to pick those civs that are culturally and historically close. In one game where I was Egypt (others - Rome, Greece, Persia, Babylon, India, Zululand and Aztecs). Most of them were quite civil except for Greece and Babylon who were a complete pain throughout the whole game. Another one as England (others - France, Germany, Russia, Japan, India, China and America) with Japan and Russia being the usual enemy.

            But to stay on topic, I loath Gandhi. He's a swindler and a ripoff merchant that expects half your empire in trade for any resource and is usually at the top or near the top in tech even when he's the smallest Civ on the map.

            I've since swapped the Indian and French colours to make his UU look stupid.
            There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


            • #36
              I do hate Zulu!!!
              I can't play any game with Zulu!!!
              As a builder, in my early age, I usually have no army in my city at all until the city has producted worker, temple and some settlers. Most civs are nice, though they walk into my city area but they won't try to take over my city even there is no army there at all. Only the Zulu, whenever they see there is a city without army, they will start war with me and take over my city!!!


              • #37
                Originally posted by easy
                I do hate Zulu!!!
                I can't play any game with Zulu!!!
                As a builder, in my early age, I usually have no army in my city at all until the city has producted worker, temple and some settlers. Most civs are nice, though they walk into my city area but they won't try to take over my city even there is no army there at all. Only the Zulu, whenever they see there is a city without army, they will start war with me and take over my city!!!
                I tend to play peaceful builder style as well, but I gotta tell ya, the one time I discovered an AI capitol undefended in 3000bc, I whacked it, without a second thought! It worked out great too. At least throw a warrior in there. What's really annoying is when the AI sends a lone warrior to attack you, and it wins... game over. The Germans did that to me once, and since then I'm always concerned when they are trampling all over my land early on.

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #38
                  For me:

                  Zulu- Aggressive and annoying Ancient Age enemies. If I find them I make sure they don't make it past the Middle Ages.

                  English- Extremely annoying, always embargoing me when at peace and dragging her allies into wars against me.

                  India- I don't think Gandhi has any concept of a fair trade. It's pretty much useless to try communicating with him.


                  • #39
                    I can't stand French and Aztecs!

                    Aztecs when they are in one of my games they usally end up in war against me, maybe because i refused to give them my techs (and my Empire is maybe twice as big as theirs). They are incredible.... they hates me!

                    French because in any game I play they are always one of the top civs, when i' m at war with them they often manage to bring in the war against me lots of other civs, they gave unfair trades and I hate their pinky color !

                    I don't understand all your problemes with Zululand, they usualy are not in my games but when they are they are a little tiny puny civilization.... they are so cute
                    A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority. -Samuel Johnson- (1709-84), English author
                    I love the language, that soft bastard Latin,/Which melts like kisses from a female mouth,/And sounds as if it should be writ on satin/With syllables which breathe of the sweet South.-Lord Byron- (1788-1824), English poet.
                    Lump the whole thing! Say that the Creator made Italy from designs by Michael Angelo! -Mark Twain- (1835-1910), U.S. author.


                    • #40
                      Looking at the editor, I do see that there is "Favorite Government" and "Shunned Government". I wonder if civs who's "Favorite Government" is someone else's "Shunned Government" incurs a penalty when dealing with that civ. For example, the Germans shun Communism, while the Russians favor Communism. Maybe that's why the two fight.


                      • #41
                        England, I hate Elizabeth
                        Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                        religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by dunk999
                          I wonder if historical rivalries play a part in the formula.
                          I would definitely believe it if there was some truth in this. I recently played a continent map as America. The Russians (my neighbours) refused to sign a peace deal for the 1500 game years we were at war until my tidal-wave of knights (and the Aztecs from their north) had crushed them to one city.

                          However, the next game I played as China, and the Russians were a lot more friendly towards me, though situations were similar to the previous game.

                          So, I'd definitely believe it.

                          As for annoying civs:

                          Russia - Just because they won't SHUT UP!

                          England - They are back stabbing. They used me to distract the Germans and Greeks while they snuck an attack on the Germans, then Elizabeth came crying to me when the Germans and Greeks attacked her.

                          Iroquois - Trying to live next door to both the Russians (see above) and the Iroquois with their mounter warrior was a pain-in-the-backside. I couldn't send workers out for nearly sixty turns!

                          Germans - "We want 10 gold" "Bugger off!" "Then it is war!" "Do we really have to? I had golf this afternoon."
                          Oooh! Pretty flashing red button! * PUSH *


                          • #43
                            I'd have to say the Romans. That guy is always winning by some hook or some other crook. I mean, they pretend to be honourable and all, but then BANG they hit you when you're not expecting it, all just to take some resource or other for themselves. One turn they're all peace and niceness, the next they have the Legions at your throat... Wait a minute... I usually play Rome...

                            Oh, did you mean most annoying for a HUMAN to play against... If only we could hear the AI talk to itself. Then again, we'd be nuts, right?

                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #44


                              • #45
                                Off topic a bit, but do the various portraits give anyone else these impressions.

                                Rome, modern age portrait, he looks like a used car salesman who had a liquid lunch.

                                India, industrial age portrait, he seems to be saying "Want some candy little girl?"

                                England, industrial age portrait, though bubble above her "I'm sitting on a dildo"

                                Germany, any age portrait, Bismark looks constipated when he's smiling.

                                China, any age portrait, Mao looks stoned when he's smiling.
                                There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger

