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Most annoying civs to play against...

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  • Most annoying civs to play against...

    For me, it's those bloody Zulus... I'm playing a regent/continents/standard game, with 6 civs on my continent. English were at the top, I was below, Greece was below me, and Zulus and Romans at the bottom (Iriquois were to the left, at about the level of Greece, on a peninsula). Well, I took some early offensive action against England and took/razed about 4 cities, then sued for peace. I met the others, they were all fine for a while, until out of nowhere, Iriquois attack, and then the Zulus declare war. The iriquois sent about a dozen units to their deaths, and then sued for peace (though they were 2 HP away from taking one of my cities). The Zulus, on the other hand, showed up later, after having trekked thru the entire length of the Greek nation (stupid rite of passage...), and sent wave after endless wave of units (probably 30 total), razing 1 city before I finally got them to the bargaining table. It cost me 20 gold, but oh well, it was getting old. Then, exactly 22 turns later, I notice a stack of 10 zulu units as well as some stragglers making their way into my territory. "Please get out." Of course they declare war AGAIN! This time, they have swordsmen and archers and impi, and I wasn't prepared (I was building up, thinking I was safe). Wave after wave and I ended up losing three cities, 2 of which I took back when I got chivalry--> samurai about 10 turns into the invasion. Even after I took back the cities, wave after wave of zulus kept coming, and then my iron ran out --> no more samurai. ARGH. Right now, I am managing to hold down the fort with the 5-6 samurai I have right now, but those dang zulus won't give up! And they have to pass through an entire nation to reach me! What is their problem? Don't they have closer nations to make war with?...

    This really wouldn't be bothering me if I was their neighbor, as I would have a chance to strike back. But as it stands now, if I trespass onto Greece property, I'd end up with 2 blood enemies instead of 1... And a rite of passage with the greeks would cost me chivalry, and I have no doubt I would soon be seeing knights in my territory should I agree...

    I hate the Zulus... Interesting game, though...

    - Windwalker
    - Windwalker

  • #2
    Bah, if you're having that much trouble with the Zulu, give the Greeks whatever they want in order to declare war on the Zulu. They'll probably refrain from attacking you, their ally, for the duration of the agreement. During which time, you should be to get yourself back on your feet and cut off the Zulu from attacking you directly.


    • #3
      Yep, the approach i would take too. So many games I've had someone miles away declare war on me, so I simply get an empire in between to declare war on them and let them fight the war.

      In my last game, the Superpower (how did I let another nation get this status anyway!) Japan declared war on me, I was quite worried, and really thought this might bring my game to an end, but when they had the Germans and English to fight too it suddenly became a lot rosy for them

      This is one of the things I like about Civ III, if you're not the leading nation you can make it back by ganging up on the leader.
      Up The Millers


      • #4
        Oh, and to answer your questions, I hate the bloody americans, because Lincoln has to be the most annoying leader on the game, and despite going on about peace all the time, he still seems to declare war on me in my games!!
        Up The Millers


        • #5
          it seems to me when you select random it almost always throws in the zulu as one of the civs.... perhaps they need to update the random number generator routines.........


          • #6
            I find russia and england to the most annoying, since they always delcare war on me as soon as I contact either on of them.
            I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


            • #7
              The chinese are my nemesis, their bloody riders drive me nuts with their great mobility. And that stupid computer always knows if there's a worker in range too. . . . .
              By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


              • #8
                The Zulu get my vote as the most persistently suicidal bunch. In my current game, I decided to bat them about a bit because their empire was getting a bit too big – and I wanted to secure an additional source of iron. I took a well-situated coastal city from them, and then packed it full of musketguys, cavalry and cannon (I always get cavalry before I take on the Zulus…).

                The Zulu hurled stack after stack after stack of units at that city for ten straight turns. I stopped counting after I killed 60 units. Impi, archers, swordsmen, horsemen, warriors – whatever they had laying around just ganged up and charged in. Meanwhile, I loaded more cavalry and cannons on galleons and proceeded to raze a half-dozen Zulu cities on the other side of the continent, taking about 20 workers in the process while wrecking the Zulu road network and plunging them into civil unrest chaos everywhere.

                And the Zulu just kept coming until, I think, they were down to nothing more than a 2-unit per city garrison.

                After making peace, researching, building, blah, blah, blah, years later in the same game they’re at it again, hurling wave after wave of knights at my tanks and mechanized infantry.

                Definitely a single-minded civ.


                • #9
                  The Germans. They are untrustworthy as allies in the midgame, and instant death in the early game, if you don't prepare to defend the instant you find them. Twice now, I have started adjacent to them, in such a position that it was nearly impossible to cut them off from expansion, ended up overextending myself in the early expansion game, and had them sneak attack me well before early expansion was over. They are the *only* ones I have seen declare war before the early expansion phase was over.
                  To those who understand,
                  I extend my hand.
                  To the doubtful I demand,
                  Take me as I am.


                  • #10
                    Annoying Civilizations

                    [SIZE=1]They are the *only* ones I have seen declare war before the early expansion phase was over.
                    Then you haven't seen me play. I have declared war when I had three warriors and one city.

                    The civilization that annoys me the most has to be those stinking English. I HATE talking to Elizabeth!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ironwood
                      The Germans. They are untrustworthy as allies in the midgame, and instant death in the early game, if you don't prepare to defend the instant you find them. Twice now, I have started adjacent to them, in such a position that it was nearly impossible to cut them off from expansion, ended up overextending myself in the early expansion game, and had them sneak attack me well before early expansion was over. They are the *only* ones I have seen declare war before the early expansion phase was over.
                      I thought like you, but I relieze, if you can't beat 'em join them. The germans are the only civ that I suck up to. I give 'em free tech every so often and stuff. All that sucking pays off in the industrial age, with their panzers! I sign a MPP with them and goto war with someone I hate. In the end, their panzers help level a rival civ to nothing. I course being nice, after the war that I dragged them in, I give them a 1000 gold or so in the end. If I do this, they are usualy graicious towards me all the time.
                      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                      • #12
                        I have no problems with Germans in 50% of my game (guess why?), but... take a look at our French succession game in the Stories thread. The Germans are our only long-termed and trustworthy allies. All other civs pissed us, the Germans are very helpful.


                        • #13
                          It's a tough call for me. Annoying in terms of aggression goes to the Zulu no question. I find them to be quite useless most of the time, and in almost every game, I will go to war with the Zulu at least once. Twice I wiped them from the face of the earth.

                          I hear a lot of guff about Germany, but they have personally never bugged me to much simple because I never started anywhere near them. That is until this last game in which I was in the midst of a very strenuous conquest of the Chinese empire, and they attacked me from the exact opposite end of my empire despite the fact that their attitude towards me was "Gracious". Now, I hate them... particularly since they were indirectly involved in the ruining of my laptop as a result of that invasion....

                          All in all, France annoys me the most. I have only gone to war with them twice and both times it was just an unnecessary end-game blow out just for the shear sake of going to war. But they bug me because no matter what, they're one of the best civs. I've never played a game where the French were weak and/or wiped out towards the beginning of the game. I just find them haughty and indignant (sort of like in real life! )

                          England also bothers me, but that's just because Elizabeth isn't as hot as she should be. If you're going to have a female ruler, she should at least be cute... Lizzie just looks like Skeletor. If no cute woman, put in a man... Henry VIII would have been good enough. Or maybe George III.

                          Well, thats about all of my major peeves in this game.
                          Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

                          I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...


                          • #14
                            Most annoying for me in general are China, Persia, England and Russia. The former two in my "ancient" games (me as Egypt or Babylon), the latter two in my "modern" games (me as Germany).

                            I simply can't laugh about Mao's "funny funny jokes", and I won't forget Xerxes' "gracious" face, when he once visited me with about 30 immortals.

                            Liz is coded to be an untrustworthy and backstabbing wench. Fortunately, England is in most games weak. I have yet to see England as mighty empire. Cathy is a bit more reliable, but can also not been trusted. With Joan I seldom have problems, she's mostly my ally till I get panzers. At this time she must go, because I don't wish to see her bald head in the modern age .


                            • #15
                              Germany and Russia are the most annoying. They are loud, obnoxious, and will demand tribute constantly and stab you in the back anyway if they smell fear. England is up there, but they usually won't make a move unless they're hopping on top of the pile when the AI is already chain-ganging up on you.

