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Most annoying civs to play against...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Qilue
    England, industrial age portrait, though bubble above her "I'm sitting on a dildo"
    I'm not going to question a woman's take on another woman... Interesting picture.

    But just what exactly is Alexander sitting on?

    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #47
      i find the zulus annoying in the beginning like everyone else because of their UU....but so long as you dont' pick a fight until you can thrash them your alright....

      bismark obviously uses roids...... but once my world map is out i will give it to him to shut him up ever few turns....

      the greeks will attack me for no will the english and russians......

      its the persians i fear the most..especially when i see those immortals coming....

      however , one thing i have learned playing this game, and it can be applied across the board against any civ...

      world map for world map and 18 of your gold (fill small amount here) will keep your enemy from attacking for about three to four turns min....

      the other rule of to get as many civs as possible to declare on the civ that attacked you, which usually isn't that hard to do......

      of course what makes me scream, is when i get civs to join the war in my cause..then two turns later they backstab me and join my arch enemy

      that just steals my goats
      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


      • #48
        If a civ with a dangerous early UU is next door, I like to snuff them out with a rush. Usually warriors.


        • #49
          The Germans have never been any good in any games I've played except when I was them.

          But the Babylonians.... yes Babylonians, are the most annoying for me. I had a game as the zulu i gave up on.... every time I would be near crushing and ending Babylon, one of their cities would flip on me, and my army would have precious swordsmen diverted from it to go retake the city. Eventually I did finish them off, but by then the war had exhausted me beyond hope.

          Shaka can be very aggressive and demanding, but he is usually quite weak in the games I play.

          And the Iroquois, it's kinna like bottom rail on top with that Hiawatha guy.... he always is breaking his treaties w/ me!!!
          Pentagenesis for Civ III
          Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
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          • #50
            The Babs can definitely be a major pain in the ass in the early going. Hammurabi is actually pretty aggressive, and bowmen, while not really fearsome, are hardy little fellows.

            I just finished a game wherein I was attacked by the Babs (after refusing to part with my map and 20 gold), who pulled in the Zulu and Indians via alliances. I had a two front war (India never really showed up) going, with bowmen coming from the south and impi from the west. It was dicey for a little while, but I won, with a little unsolicited help from Persia.

            The reason I hate the Zulu isn't because I fear them. Not at all. They are almost always weak. I hate them because they specialize in killing mounted units, particularly horsemen. Impi butcher horsemen. I love horsemen, and use them as my primary force. The Zulu force me to either:

            Use shields to build a non-upgradeable slow unit (swordsman) instead; or
            Wait until I have knights to kill them.

            That irritates me. In the game I mentioned, the Zulu were the last AI standing on my continent. They outlived the Babs, Indians, Chinese and Persians, despite the fact that I was at war with them the longest. My samurai finally rid me of them around 1100AD.

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • #51
              Babylonians, no contest.


              • #52
                Re: Most annoying civs to play against...

                Originally posted by Windwalker
                For me, it's those bloody Zulus... I'm playing a regent/continents/standard game, with 6 civs on my continent. English were at the top, I was below, Greece was below me, and Zulus and Romans at the bottom (Iriquois were to the left, at about the level of Greece, on a peninsula). Well, I took some early offensive action against England and took/razed about 4 cities, then sued for peace. I met the others, they were all fine for a while, until out of nowhere, Iriquois attack, and then the Zulus declare war. The iriquois sent about a dozen units to their deaths, and then sued for peace (though they were 2 HP away from taking one of my cities). 

                I hate the Zulus... Interesting game, though...

                - Windwalker
                I like paying other nations to fight my enemies - it seems my first enemies attack soon after Map Making, since the AI trades all their techs for Maps, the tech costs are deflated, I hang onto my maps until someone declares war on me, and itheir still valuable enough to trade to the aggressors 2-4 neighbors for their aggreement to go to war. Later its important for the AI to have maps so they can trade with you.


                • #53
                  Wow, I am shocked that throughout this entire thread, the Japanese have not been mentioned once. They are the worst! And have been since Civ I! (Actually, the Zulus have been pretty bad since Civ I as well.)

                  No matter the game, it's only a matter of time before they come a-knockin'. Their entry into my territory is usually marked with three minutes of samurai movement.

                  Regarding the English, Elizabeth is the world's worst at being 'Gracious' while declaring war.
                  "One riot; one ranger."
                  --A motto of the Texas Rangers


                  • #54
                    my theory is...

                    smash them before they smash you and there's nothing to be annoyed about...especially that demon Bismarck! I also very much dislike...can u believe...India! That scrawny, smiling, peace-loving bastard Gandhi has betrayed me on several memorable occasions!

                    On the other hand, China and the Iroquois...friends for life!


                    • #55

                      Please advise:
                      I am playing monarch level, large map, lots of islands or long thin continents. Zulu starts a war with me just when I was going to own my own continentn by polishing off 5 aztec cities in the south. Zulus are 4th in power, I am in the top 3 I figure. I have 2 cities with a toe hold (by accident, long story) on the Zulu mainland. Take my 14 cavalry away from Aztec land and ship them over to defend these 2 cities against Zulu hordes. I am a Republic. Zulu gets democracy and switches. Still wages war. Wave after wave of cavalry attack my 2 cities wiping out my 14 but cities still stand with 3 muskateers in each. Then with a fresh 10 cav I go to attack is nearest city which...suprise now has a rifleman defending it. (Somehow he got nationalism while at war 5 turns ahead of me...) So I paused the game and now need some advise. Do I restart? Go back 20 turns? Fight the Aztec instead. Any suggestion will be tried. One of the tactical elements is that when you follow his cavalry with yours it is hard to make it back to the City. Parked out in the open he butchers you (cav on the defense ain't so good in cav v cav). Also Zulu have brought in Germany against me and Rome! I enlisted Babs but how do you "see" if the babs are making any progress or even attacking the Zulu at all??


                      • #56
                        Post a SAV, fellow New Yorker.
                        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                        • #57
                          i HATE persia!!!!

                          god, i hate those green bastards. they're always surpassing me in technology, even when i'm doing REALLY good. they always seem to end up next to or near me, even when i have culturally linked locations turned off. they always end up declaring war on me, and demanding gold, resources and technologies. and somehow they're ALWAYS strong.

                          last night he declared war on me when i wasn't ready. i didn't build a good enough army early, AGAIN. i know it was my fault for not being strong enough, but it still blows. so he took 2 useless desert towns. he then proceeded to advance into my GOOD territory and almost wipe out one of my important cities. i finally convinced him to BACK OFF, and paid him a ridiculous amount of money for peace. during the war i had been mass-producing units, and i continued to do so until "compared to these guys, we have a strong military." i finally felt confident and started building banks and universities. i was ahead by two techs at that point - physics and theory of gravity. it was years later, and i was just waiting for him to discover something so i could trade physics to him and boost my income and get a new tech, when he called up and demanded it. of course i told him where to stick it and now i'm at WAR again! *whines* i don't WANNA be at war right now! he does this kind of crap to me all the time, and i'm sick and tired of it!!! (don't worry about the Second Persian War, i'll be fine.)

                          seriously, i don't know why, but it's ALWAYS persia that's the problem. i'm at the point where as soon as i see lime green on the map, i'm just going to bulldoze it from now on.
                          drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang


                          • #58
                            I hate the english, even if they dont have the most cities or the most powerful militray, they always seem to be the biggest bully in the 16 player game.

                            The worst is when Egypt becomes a world power in my games.... at emperor, egypt once owned approx half of the world map, industrial age, units infantry and tank while most of us were using riflemen /calvary ( I was using calvary / infantry)


                            • #59
                              I edit out France as a playable civ in my games. Screw that stupid French whore!

                              I used to think the Germans were a royal pain in the butt until I realized that they were very useful. They seem more than willing to concentrate on building a military while you tech like crazy as long as you are constantly pointing them towards another enemy or allowing them to pass through your empire to attack someone else. My last game consisted of me teching like crazy, and defending, while I sent my constant German allies (well, after I defended against their early attack and we were partners ever after) to attack my enemies.

                              I've noticed the Iroquois seem to be trustworthy, the Chinese are alright, and the Celts seem ok, but a lot behind the tech curve most of the time so I dunno what they are like when they are powerful.

                              My vote for most annoying is Lincoln. War-mongering cuss. We could have ruled the world together, but nooo, he thought a sneak cavalry invasion while razing my cities would be a good idea. Next thing you know 14 civs are aligned against him, all newly teched to a level above his own, and several travelling through my road/partial rail system to own him. I took the Hoover Dam (Boston) and then razed his last city (Washington).

                              Cleopatra is a close second though.


                              • #60
                                From my experience, I despise the Russians, they are always so aggressive in the early game, and there is no game I start with them that they don't end up attacking me.

                                Same is said about Germany but I hardly get them as neigbours. They weren't so nasty in my last game until I wiped them out with a knight-rush... look ma' 20 new cities!

                                Greece is pretty obnoxious too, they are usually pretty weak and not much a threat but those Hoplites are a pain to take out, same I guess for Carthage although I have never had them as my neigbours.

                                And now, the BEST civ to play against is France. They have always been faithfull allies and never backstabbed me. Anyone who has edited them out must probably hate them for RL issues, not Civ issues.
                                A true ally stabs you in the front.

                                Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)

