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Most annoying civs to play against...

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  • #91
    Yes Zulu, German, and Persians are annoying as HECK.

    My suggestion is give the Greeks Chivalry to fight the Zulu. Remember not to break your 20 turn alliance though. I've accidentally done that a few times and I have had a hard time making Diplomatic agreements after that. Give the Greeks Chivalry first, then the other civs in an order that allows you to get the most bang from your buck. Make as many of them as possible declare war on the Zulu. If you see one on a far island or something, you know they wont go fighting the Zulu even if they would declare war, take their money. Try to cut each civ's headway (money, territory) whenever you make trades.
    While they fight, make sure that you build up your army. If you don't you may find that the Greeks have a bigger army and the Zulu are gone so the Greeks will come after you.

    Aside from that,

    In my last game as China (emperor), I had Babs, Zulu, Germs extorting me right from the start. Of course I gave in with the money. But, having gone for math right after alphabet, refused Babs' threat and I traded it to Zulu and Germany for war against Babs and other techs. Needless to say both Babs and Zulu got their Golden Age but it was good to know that they were wasting it off on each other. I often try to pit early Golden Age civs and/or constructionist civs against each other.

    About Germany going for mass swordmen - very true. OMG you should've seen those stacks of swordsmen going to Babylon. The zulus didnt settle any more while fighting the babs. So after I researched currency right after math I got Germany's swordmen to fight the productive Russian empire. That kept both busy for a while. I set Zulu n German ROPs to increase their attitude towards me even though (and because) they both didnt have to cross my territory. The whole time I was still building spearmen because I had had no time to settle and road the iron and horse nearby. lol. Of course Zulu and German attitudes returned to being negative very quickly, but by that time I had a comparable army - so they were not threatening me.

    Considering how the AI extorts the human player, I think the AIs also try to extort each other often too. When Babs was extorting me, I'm sure it was trying to extort the Zulu and Germany too, that's probably why it wasn't so hard to get the alliance going.


    • #92
      Yes Zulu, German, and Persians are annoying as HECK.

      My suggestion is give the Greeks Chivalry to fight the Zulu. Remember not to break your 20 turn alliance though. I've accidentally done that a few times and I have had a hard time making Diplomatic agreements after that. Give the Greeks Chivalry first, then the other civs in an order that allows you to get the most bang from your buck. Make as many of them as possible declare war on the Zulu. If you see one on a far island or something, you know they wont go fighting the Zulu even if they would declare war, take their money. Try to cut each civ's headway (money, territory) whenever you make trades.
      While they fight, make sure that you build up your army. If you don't you may find that the Greeks have a bigger army and the Zulu are gone so the Greeks will come after you.

      Aside from that,

      In my last game as China (emperor), I had Babs, Zulu, Germs extorting me right from the start. Of course I gave in with the money. But, having gone for math right after alphabet, refused Babs' threat and I traded it to Zulu and Germany for war against Babs and other techs. Needless to say both Babs and Zulu got their Golden Age but it was good to know that they were wasting it off on each other. I often try to pit early Golden Age civs and/or constructionist civs against each other.

      About Germany going for mass swordmen - very true. OMG you should've seen those stacks of swordsmen going to Babylon. The zulus didnt settle any more while fighting the babs. So after I researched currency right after math I got Germany's swordmen to fight the productive Russian empire. That kept both busy for a while. I set Zulu n German ROPs to increase their attitude towards me even though (and because) they both didnt have to cross my territory. The whole time I was still building spearmen because I had had no time to settle and road the iron and horse nearby. lol. Of course Zulu and German attitudes returned to being negative very quickly, but by that time I had a comparable army - so they were not threatening me.

      Considering how the AI extorts the human player, I think the AIs also try to extort each other often too. When Babs was extorting me, I'm sure it was trying to extort the Zulu and Germany too, that's probably why it wasn't so hard to get the alliance going.


      • #93
        True they are dead annoying, 'cos when i'm REXing they always (try to) attack, and slaughter about 4 new towns
        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Bautou
          Bah, if you're having that much trouble with the Zulu, give the Greeks whatever they want in order to declare war on the Zulu. They'll probably refrain from attacking you, their ally, for the duration of the agreement. During which time, you should be to get yourself back on your feet and cut off the Zulu from attacking you directly.
          Zulus. Buying off the Greeks is a fun strategy.
          "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
          "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
          2004 Presidential Candidate
          2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)

