Some one mentioned my Save Game Editor, cool.
The current version that's in the FILES section has one slight problem that when you change unit positions from a saved file, you don't get the visible map when you move, the area that you were previously started in is visible. I've now found the values that decide if tiles are visile or not, so this will be fixed in the next version.
I can also change what type the units are, so maybe if you think you should start with two settlers instead of one, then that may also be possible, as for adding units or removing I'm not sure about as yet.
You never know one day this might turn into a scenario editor!!!
Don't forget to go and add any sugestions that you may have.
The current version that's in the FILES section has one slight problem that when you change unit positions from a saved file, you don't get the visible map when you move, the area that you were previously started in is visible. I've now found the values that decide if tiles are visile or not, so this will be fixed in the next version.
I can also change what type the units are, so maybe if you think you should start with two settlers instead of one, then that may also be possible, as for adding units or removing I'm not sure about as yet.
You never know one day this might turn into a scenario editor!!!
Don't forget to go and add any sugestions that you may have.