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MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

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  • #31
    -Fixed up Australia (man was that whacked out), although it was straight from memory and may be a little rough- though pretty much on the ball.

    - Added a *heap* more trees to North East Siberia (one of the most heavily tree-d areas in the world)

    - Added a *much* better river system to Australia- now properly reflects NSW/VIC catchment system, River to Lake Eyre now properly represented

    -Added Aluminium, Iron, 3 Oil, 2 fish, 1 Uranium to Australia. Fish added to promote growth of both Sydney and Melbourne

    Overall it is now a much more accurate representation of Australia, although I must apologise for the Oil placement- since there is no Oil rig option in Civ3 I had to make do.

    It is fairly conservative and hope it blends in well with the rest of the changes (although I must point out that in real life Australia is bigger than most of "oldworld" Europe, whereas in this map it is *tiny* by comparison)
    Attached Files


    • #32

      i have added some things to the Americas. Snow on the Andes, boreal forest in Canada and Alaska. snow on the Rockies. totally revamped the western USA, and is much more geographically accurate. should also balance game play with a reduction of grasslands. moved a few resources about, added some fur, gold to represent the Yukon gold rush and the fur trade of the northwest and north east. hope the boreal doesn't unbalance game play.

      also, i don't know how to add the new, and much improved version of Australia. this is the first time i have seriously edited a map before, so any tips on what software i should download or threads i should read would be good. hope you guys like it.
      Attached Files
      Never laugh at live dragons.
      B. Baggins


      • #33
        Ok, im gona combine these 2 versions now, nobody do anything until I post 2.05

        Solomyr, you sure about the oil in the Los Angeles area? Im asking cause nobody mentioned it yet, what about those 2 in Alaska? Are they that far north?

        Anyway, looks good what you did to America, though im not american so I dont know how accurate that is

        Alexandre Madeira
        I create worlds. :)


        • #34
          the oil in LA...your chose to remove it or not. they have off shore oil platforms near LA, so that;s why it's there. but it is not that big of a deal, in the real world or in the game :-)

          and yeah, the oil is that far north in alaska. the trans-alaskan oil pipeline runs north-south the entire way across the state.

          thanks for adding my stuff in. i am really looking forward to playing the map
          Never laugh at live dragons.
          B. Baggins


          • #35
            Here it is.

            Should australia have this many resources? Especially oil?

            Ok Solomyr, I guess we have to decide if we're gona represent the offshore oil in nearby land or not, if not, we remove the one near LA and I guess all in australia, right?
            If so, we'll probably have to add a bunch of others around the world.

            What do you think?

            I vote no offshore oil represented in nearby land

            This map is looking good!
            Also, satyajedi, please confirm the southern italy and sicily grassland or plains.
            Attached Files
            Alexandre Madeira
            I create worlds. :)


            • #36
              no representation of offshore oil. sounds good to me. and i very excited to play this map.

              has anyone figured out how to make a larger map? the oceans are a little on the small size. but that will just make the whole game more competitive. until then, i guess we are about done.
              Never laugh at live dragons.
              B. Baggins


              • #37
                A few remarks about the countries I know :

                - The British islands are way too big compared to the continent !

                - The wine tile in France located in Brittany (this peninsula, over the fish) cannot be. It would be better to put one in Champagne (just east of the source of the Seine river).

                - The Rhine river is pretty wrong (the source is in the Alps !)

                - The position of the Kyushu and Shikoku islands in Japan should be slightly corrected, and this river next to the starting location going to the Japan Sea doesn't exist.


                • #38
                  Just played my first full run-through on the first version. Very, very nice. With 12 other Civs, I started as the Russians in India. I colonized Australia very early on, and by the Industrial age I had plenty of surplus resources to trade for Iron and Horses, the two resources I didn't have access to.
                  I noticed that the Greeks and Romans, the two civs that started in North America, both pretty much ignored South America. I wound up planting a few colonies there in Chile and Argentina, but they didn't play that great a role.
                  Going to try again with the newest version now.
                  "Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Numbers."
                  "Dare to be Stupid is a song, not a Call to Arms."


                  • #39
                    Alexandre Madeira:

                    I guess no off shore oil is not so bad. Haven't played your combined effort yet, but I am sure it will be good.

                    Oh yeah, one more thing- could you look and see the type of tree I put south of Perth please? I think I may have actually put rainforest instead of normal forest. If that is so, could you please fix that up (seeing as though you know how to combine the versions) (on the West, to the South)


                    Nice work on the US!

                    hopefully I will have time for a game on the new/improved map.


                    • #40
                      Added tundra islands north of Scandinavia & Russia as listed in the prior world map link.

                      Added Barbarian tribes in Northern Russian Tundra so the AI does not try building there early on.

                      Added lake in Africa as shown in one of the world maps from the link I listed earlier.

                      Slightly adjusted Arizona (where I'm from) & gave Idaho their plains since Idaho is/was not a desert.

                      I fear if we try to remove the "Polar Glaciers" (since there is no Glacier at the NorthPole) that Purple Line error will come up. So we'll have to make due without a realistic Antartica for now & be content with our fake North Pole.

                      Just my opinion- but the elephants in the snow seem weird.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Pyrodrew; November 15, 2001, 01:45.


                      • #41
                        Ok, I took out those oil fields in question.
                        Changed the jungle to forest in sw australia.
                        Removed the wine in britanny.

                        Actually, i think the whole Europe is too big compared to the other continents Any smaller and it wouldnt be very good. Think we should leave Britain as it is.

                        Im going to check the Rhine thing tomorrow, think there are other rivers missing in europe. And see if I can improve the Japanese islands. If noone else does it until then
                        Alexandre Madeira
                        I create worlds. :)


                        • #42

                          i like what you did with AZ. i knew it didn't look right before, but i wasn't sure what to do, and i am glad a native fixed it. and did you mean 'idaho', not 'iowa'. and now that you point it out, i guess it is more of a plains than it is a desert.
                          Never laugh at live dragons.
                          B. Baggins


                          • #43

                            Opps you're right, I meant Idaho.


                            • #44
                              Australia's Oil & Great Barrier Reef

                              Should australia have this many resources? Especially oil?
                              Australia does have a wealth of resources, but you're right that they shouldn't have 3 oil. From my information (and I can provide websites if anyone is curious)...

                              "The only significant mineral resource in which Australia is not self-sufficient is petroleum. Nevertheless, Australia still produces about 75% of its crude oil requirements domestically."

                              Thus Australia shouldn't have 3 Oils... but 1.

                              What resources Australia excels in... "Australia was the world's leading producer of alumina, bauxite, diamond, ilmenite, lead, monazite, opal, rutile, sapphire, and zircon; the third largest producer of gold and zinc; the fourth largest producer of cobalt, iron ore, and uranium; It was the premier exporter of alumina, coal, ilmenite, iron ore, refined lead, monazite, rutile, and zircon."

                              Diamond, Sapphire, & Opal would fall under Gems.

                              Also a surplus of fish (4 all right next to each other) should be placed down to represent where the Great Barrier Reef exists near Australia. I'm not sure of it's proper location tho.


                              • #45
                                One bugger on this. Didn't notice it before, as I was in India, but this time I started in the American slot. There's a barbarian village a few squares south of the start point...They tend to pillage your capital once or twice before you get your first warrior up and running.
                                Already wondering how I'm gonna get Cossacks with horses...But that's another story alltogether.
                                "Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Numbers."
                                "Dare to be Stupid is a song, not a Call to Arms."

