Science is the key break free from Despotism. Building caravans will offer poor returns with the limited trade arrows generated by our backward form of government. Overseas trade looks difficult because we only know the geography of the Romans and there is no obvious "Trireme friendly" route to reach their shores. The solution may lie in Xinning to boost the science rate. As there is no size 5 city one must be created. It would be wasteful to Xin in Magic Kingdom where Monarchy resources are being enjoyed. The solution is to build up Steamboat Willy ! At the moment we learn a new advance every 10 turns.
Arrange workers to improve the science rate to every 9 turns.
Settler from Steamboat Willy joins city. Research rate down to 8 turns.
Aztecs complete Pyramids. Chinese have changed to Great Library.
Population over 300,000; Middleton builds Trireme.
The Wheel Now for Construction. Free Willy builds Settlers. Magic Kingdom now size 4 and still celebrating. Make peace with the Romans and give them Republic ... we are in no shape to fight a war!
Research rate still 8.
Population 400,000; Two more settlers now join Steamboat Willy which is now Xinning. Research rate drops to 5.
Two Roman Horseman have just appeared outside Never Never Land. Romans demand The Wheel, we tell them to Whistle Dixie! WAR our horse kills both intruders.
Aztecs start Great Library.
Diplomat and Trireme set off exploring.
Palace completed at Magic Kingdom
Construction -> Engineering
Donald Duck founded using the whale east of Steamboat Willy. This extra city, the 9th, has caused problems. A red face in the capital - now an an Elvis - to maintain celebrations. Without Ceremonial Burial we can't build Temples but we can have Colosseums
To complicate matters further Steamboat Willy, the Xinning city, has acquired an extra unhappy and has an empty food box. Desperate times call for desperate measures ... a settler is being rushed in Free Willy to make Magic Kingdom size 5 so it can now start Xinning! Without the extra science our research rate is 8 turns.
Fantasia builds settler, Free Willy builds settler which joins the Capital which is now Xinning the research rate is 6 turns!
Now two cities Xinning advances come down to 4!
Hut 50 gold
Steamboat Willy again out of food but even with one city pumping out science the tech rate only drops to 5 - Engineering is over half way there
Not the prettiest few turns I've ever played but Democracy is now only 3.5 techs away.
Science is the key break free from Despotism. Building caravans will offer poor returns with the limited trade arrows generated by our backward form of government. Overseas trade looks difficult because we only know the geography of the Romans and there is no obvious "Trireme friendly" route to reach their shores. The solution may lie in Xinning to boost the science rate. As there is no size 5 city one must be created. It would be wasteful to Xin in Magic Kingdom where Monarchy resources are being enjoyed. The solution is to build up Steamboat Willy ! At the moment we learn a new advance every 10 turns.
Arrange workers to improve the science rate to every 9 turns.
Settler from Steamboat Willy joins city. Research rate down to 8 turns.
Aztecs complete Pyramids. Chinese have changed to Great Library.
Population over 300,000; Middleton builds Trireme.
The Wheel Now for Construction. Free Willy builds Settlers. Magic Kingdom now size 4 and still celebrating. Make peace with the Romans and give them Republic ... we are in no shape to fight a war!
Research rate still 8.
Population 400,000; Two more settlers now join Steamboat Willy which is now Xinning. Research rate drops to 5.

Two Roman Horseman have just appeared outside Never Never Land. Romans demand The Wheel, we tell them to Whistle Dixie! WAR our horse kills both intruders.
Aztecs start Great Library.
Diplomat and Trireme set off exploring.
Palace completed at Magic Kingdom
Construction -> Engineering
Donald Duck founded using the whale east of Steamboat Willy. This extra city, the 9th, has caused problems. A red face in the capital - now an an Elvis - to maintain celebrations. Without Ceremonial Burial we can't build Temples but we can have Colosseums

Fantasia builds settler, Free Willy builds settler which joins the Capital which is now Xinning the research rate is 6 turns!
Now two cities Xinning advances come down to 4!
Hut 50 gold
Steamboat Willy again out of food but even with one city pumping out science the tech rate only drops to 5 - Engineering is over half way there

Not the prettiest few turns I've ever played but Democracy is now only 3.5 techs away.